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FE4 (O-sawa Mitsuki) Manga Translation Continued (Chapter 70 up)

Jugdral Defender

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Sigh... *translates*

It would be a shame if I kept your precious Dozels hostage

LOOK, YOU. Okay, plan, we sacrifice Johan to TE so TE goes to bed at night hearing horribly flirty jokes and awkward speech and has nightmares about it and regrets his actions.

Also rest in peace characters that won't be showing up in this manga, you will be remembered, @Burian.

Oh shit I forgot. Because they're swordlocked I keep thinking that they're Aira 2.0


Tbh after volume ten you'll never forget they're Dozels again LOL. They're more knee deep in with the Dozel shit than they are with the Isaac shit.

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No, there are no other subs in this manga.

As far as Celice goes, he's a bit, er... not half as sweet in this manga. He's actually pretty aggressive and that's a much more dominant trait in him as time goes on.


The only other Oosawa work that exists is apparently a hentai manga and I'm not actually joking about that.

After enduring a protag that resolved conflicts and converted people with the power of (very) bad writing and cheesiness I must say that I'm pretty cool with this version of Celice.

Dominant huh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*kicked*

Wait, hentai? O___o

Fire Emblem tries to tone down the naughty stuff when they hired in their past a hentai mangaka to make a manga for Fire Emblem? Oh, the hilarious irony XD

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After enduring a protag that resolved conflicts and converted people with the power of (very) bad writing and cheesiness I must say that I'm pretty cool with this version of Celice.

Dominant huh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*kicked*[/size]

Wait, hentai? O___o

Fire Emblem tries to tone down the naughty stuff when they hired in their past a hentai mangaka to make a manga for Fire Emblem? Oh, the hilarious irony XD

IS is totally down with the naughty stuff. It's just that 'Murica isn't.

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Found more age chart errors so fixing those too.

Sigurd died at 25, y'all, not 24.

I also forgot to even fill in the space between Oifaye and Celice at that arrow.

Can you tell how hellish doing this chart was???

Update: Ishtar's age is incorrect too; it should say 16, not 15.

We're good at our job, I swear.

Edit: OKAY OKAY I THINK I FIXED EVERYTHING oh my god this chart.

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So unfortunately a LOT of pages from older chapters somehow went missing from the zip files and I'm going to be trying to fill those in. Anyone who has downloaded the files since the last major update (bulk recleaning and some fixed typesetting), I'll be letting you guys know when I've reuploaded everything. A good chunk of chapter 44 is missing and various pages from other chapters are missing, so I'm going to be editing those in.

I WILL be updating more pages after this because of the issue the former other typesetter had with the text looking off (whether she edits them and sends them to me or I redo the pages myself), and any of my own typesetting on those pages is subject to change through edits as I've been waiting for her end of the updates to update my parts. Once that's done and everything is fully edited from old chapters, hopefully they can be laid to rest.

Edit: So far only volume six is updated.

Edit: Volume seven (particularly chapter 44) should be fixed now.

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Thank you so much for your hard work and efforts, I appreciate them.


Dammit Oosawa, why did you make parallels of Yuria x Celice and Diadora x Sigurd? It's hurts so bad, that reminds me of the part when Diadora woke up from her nightmare and also Sigurd reassuring her that she would be "happily ever after", and now I made myself sad OTL.

Lana didn't give me much of a big impression in-game but Oosawa!Lana is such a fun character!So sassy! XD

I love that Oosawa!Celice appreciates Lana's help more than Game!Celice but then again Lachke would kill the enemies and their army if left to her devices XD XD XD

Awww, it's so sweet to see the children speaking of their parents. Delmund is a cinammon roll and I loved the small moment of Celice and Adean, it was quite touching and sweet.

I like the axes brothers, shame Lahcke's main pairing is with Shannan, not even considering the other old posts we got of the brothers in the old thread, but this chapter make me think that Lahcke could have a good chemistry with Johalva also Main Neir Blood kiddo

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Chapter 59 is up.

Joha Bro goodness.

I love how eerie that last line on that last page is.

Typesetting this was a hell of a time. <3
Also I have up trying to make up some random shit for Oosawa's insane non-existent SFX on two parts. Thanks, Johan.
Trying not to edit "Sup Bro" to "Jo, Bro" since the original dialogue uses, "Yo(o), Bro".

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Thank you for the new chapter! :D

Yep, double shame Lahcke ends with Shanan because I reaaaaaally like Johalva here, Johan is such a pompous extra dork haha XD

Pfff- The way these guys think is so backwards it borders on absurd and hilarious

"They were more understanding to us, but they're the sons of house dozel"

Say this while 2/3 of their royalty is half Dozel(Skasaher and Lachke).

Say this while Sigurd chose to not harm either Ira nor their prince Shanan when, according to what most Grandbell thought, Isaac was a hostile country.

Anyone that understands this context better than me, besides being recruitable enemies, why the Joha-Brothers didn't get the same treatment and Roddlevan? On that topic, why did Celice executed him when he was giving the speech about breaking the cycle of hatred? I didn't get it. 

Oooh boy, I know the flashback with Ira and Lex will be this volume, but in which chapter does we get it? Just out of curiosity because I need to prepare my poor heart for the pain ;_;

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Okay so I'm totally gonna have to redo page 49 because Dain didn't clean off the "baka" part of a sentence thinking it was an sfx/not part of the sentence and I being my dumbass self despite owning the books did not notice and was very confused as to why an sfx said "baka" (VERY confused), so that will happen someday and the whole "Who's stupid" will get fixed.
I was also too busying howling for my spirit animal son boi lil bro so there's that.

I love Johalva in this manga definitely aside my preexisting adoration and love, so I'm not only disappointed about another ship happening but how poorly Oosawa went about it. Her gen 1 ships were fantastically written then it's like rip.
Johan is so dork I can't stand the idea of him dying here! I'm so glad she keeps them both alive. It's like, you know, thanks Oosawa, for finally not doing something ridiculously painful to us.

Oh trust me, they hate them some Dozels. Cue next chapter.

The difference with the brothers and Roddlevan is that Roddlevan was a legitimate traitor who sold Celice out and caused the deaths of many of his own. The brothers ignored their father's rule and did what they felt was right, protecting the people in the process. They weren't the enemy - they were never the enemy - and Roddlevan was the enemy through what he did. The brothers were clearly good people and weren't involved in that nasty cycle -in fact, their presence helps break it, and you'll see that pull through even more toward the end of the volume. The brothers aren't resentful toward those who were involved in stopping their father (the Liberation Army in general), and they themselves had a hand in stopping him too. Ultimately, they are the end of that cycle in this scenario - stopping the wrong despite it being family and not pursuing revenge for it. Roddlevan, by bringing harm to Celice (and effectively causing the deaths of MANY people's family members), would have continued that cycle when everyone who stands with him wants revenge (and against the Empire for their grief for Roddlevan working with them, thus the Empire attacks back, etc.). Roddlevan was an initiator to continuing that cycle. The brothers ended it.

You'll start seeing Lex and Aira flashbacks in the next chapter and it's broken up between next chapter and the last chapter of volume ten.

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1 hour ago, Jugdral Defender said:

Okay so I'm totally gonna have to redo page 49 because Dain didn't clean off the "baka" part of a sentence thinking it was an sfx/not part of the sentence and I being my dumbass self despite owning the books did not notice and was very confused as to why an sfx said "baka" (VERY confused), so that will happen someday and the whole "Who's stupid" will get fixed.
I was also too busying howling for my spirit animal son boi lil bro so there's that.

I love Johalva in this manga definitely aside my preexisting adoration and love, so I'm not only disappointed about another ship happening but how poorly Oosawa went about it. Her gen 1 ships were fantastically written then it's like rip.
Johan is so dork I can't stand the idea of him dying here! I'm so glad she keeps them both alive. It's like, you know, thanks Oosawa, for finally not doing something ridiculously painful to us.

Oh trust me, they hate them some Dozels. Cue next chapter.

The difference with the brothers and Roddlevan is that Roddlevan was a legitimate traitor who sold Celice out and caused the deaths of many of his own. The brothers ignored their father's rule and did what they felt was right, protecting the people in the process. They weren't the enemy - they were never the enemy - and Roddlevan was the enemy through what he did. The brothers were clearly good people and weren't involved in that nasty cycle -in fact, their presence helps break it, and you'll see that pull through even more toward the end of the volume. The brothers aren't resentful toward those who were involved in stopping their father (the Liberation Army in general), and they themselves had a hand in stopping him too. Ultimately, they are the end of that cycle in this scenario - stopping the wrong despite it being family and not pursuing revenge for it. Roddlevan, by bringing harm to Celice (and effectively causing the deaths of MANY people's family members), would have continued that cycle when everyone who stands with him wants revenge (and against the Empire for their grief for Roddlevan working with them, thus the Empire attacks back, etc.). Roddlevan was an initiator to continuing that cycle. The brothers ended it.

You'll start seeing Lex and Aira flashbacks in the next chapter and it's broken up between next chapter and the last chapter of volume ten.

Thanks for explaining it! ^^

Also, FUUUUU- be still my poor heart.

Speaking of great couples Oosawa made me love Lex /Ira to death(no pun intended), they are my favorite Fire Emblem couple after Sigurd x Diadora, I really liked how these double tsunderes got together and their heart to heart moments.

I headcanon that Faval is Midir/Mydaile's son and Patty is Dew's after Midir/Midayle passed away but shhhh!

It's weird that Oosawa went lax for pairings in gen 2, but then again no rush for dramatic hook up and babies so maybe that's why? Is there any pair with "solid writing" that I can look forward to?

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If I'm reading this correctly, Larcei ends up with Shanan? Guess it's time to stop reading. But for real, Shannan x Larcei is one of my least favorite pairings in the series. Not only does is screw the Dozels over from having Major, AND sticks Johalva with someone that's not Larcei, but I've always thought Shannan was more of an older brother or father-y figure to her along with Oifey.And seeing them paired together is eh, especially when the game pushes her pairing with whatever Jobro you recruit harder, with double the love growth.

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Well, Burian was kicked from the story but the narration mentions the Joha bros in a way that implies they aren't the only two siblings. Since the manga stops before Burian even has a chance to be shown, the whole Dozel major blood matter remains unresolved. Johalva doesn't end up with anyone in this manga, nor does Johan.

The whole Shanan/Lakche matter starts out slow and one-sided, and Shanan was pretty opposed to it. I'm pretty unhappy that Oosawa decided he would turn around and just get with her. I also see Shanan as a father figure to her and the other kids, and it's a fact that he's been raising Lakche since she was born (helping for the what? First year at best? Not even a year and then him and Oifaye raised her and the others from there on). Like, I just really can't get behind the pairing with that concept being in place and it's a canon fact all around (game/manga) that he had a hand in raising her.

I also feel like Oosawa was a little cruel to Johalva regarding this matter, but eh. I'll go on shipping Oosawa JohaLak just because it was actually so nicely developed. Then in comparison you have Shanan in denial and suddenly, randomly, turns around and decides to be with her. It felt overdone and forced - especially since after volume ten, Lakche's importance dwindles and the high majority of her appearances are for nothing more than developing her pairing with Shanan.

I do love this manga to pieces, but tbh Shanan/Lakche is probably the biggest thing in it that I could've easily lived without. I didn't like the pair to begin with (especially with the whole fatherly concept being part of it), but Oosawa just kinda pushed it in ways that made me back away from it even more.

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Ok so I have a few thoughts

1) When did Oifay become so hot?

2) Oosawa better make Leen hot.

3) Lana is sassy, and I'm here for it

4) Larcei doesn't end up with a Jobro (specifically Johalva) and not Delmud either so I'm NOT here for it. Really Shanan? What about Patty?

5) Sad that Roddleban and Radney are the only subs we'll be seeing. The ones that deserve to be here are Hawk, Linda and Laylea, since they're pretty useful. And Laylea is hot

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I love Oosawa Larcei so much, but I'm a touch miffed to hear she'll wind up with Shannan. (Her little mini-confession back in Vol 9 did give it away, though).

I had fully expected it to be Johalva or at LEAST Johan, which I would have been fine with. Instead it's my least favourite ship, so eh...

Larcei's still the best though, so I'll enjoy her plentiful appearances while I can. I know she'll probably fade away towards the end once other characters start appearing (far more plot relevant chars).

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