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Finally decided to bump in...


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I've been lurking on this website/forum for... ages, and finally decided to register now. Main reason (why I did not register until now) is that I know I'll have a very random presence on this forum, so don't blame me for it. What pushed me to bump in, though, is that I've been working on a hack - at a comparable random pace - and am currently... stuck with some issues. A friend of mine suggested me that I should come and ask for experts' help, so... I followed his advice and here I am.

Funny thing is that my sister registered not so long ago (Catalena). Maybe that unconsciously led me to register as well. Dunno. But well ! Let's fill in this formula.

Online name: Homasa (Yeah, like that random boss in PoR, because random is fun).
DoB: 17th September 1994
Favourite FE Game: Seisen No Keifu
Favourite Game (other than FE): Hard question. I'd say Final Fantasy X.
Favourite FE Character: I hate these questions. There are tons of characters that could match. I dunno. Seriously. Hmm. Let's say Lucina.
Least Favourite game: Final Fantasy X-2. This game should never have existed.
Sports: Tennis.
Online friends: Catalena is my sister. And... if memory serves, I used to be acquaintance with someone called Solum. If he's still here.
Favourite music: Metal (yeah, that's vast, but I don't have a favourite subgenre. Only favourite groups).
Favourite artist/band: Dream Theater
Favourite song: Home - Dream Theater
Country: France (yeah I'm an annoying Frenchie, and proud of it).
Hobbies: Video games - Roleplaying.
Good Point: I won't ask silly questions on Fire Emblem. I've been playing to the series for... like... 10 years or so.
Bad Point: I will certainly ask silly questions on hacking.
Anything else -> For the mods. I saw that sharing same network with someone registered could be problematic. Well for now I'm sharing Catalena's, since we're siblings and she's not here for one or two weeks (I don't know if you planned to PM her). But I'll be moving afterwards, so we won't be sharing the same network for long.

And... that's it I guess ! Except that I must find an avatar I guess. *sigh*

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Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

I lurked here for around five years before joining. I'm glad I decided to join it's a great place to be!

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Welcome to the forums, Homasa.

I hope your hack picks up again, and there's nothing wrong with being French. Is there a stereotype that French people are annoying or something?

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Welcome to the forums, Homasa.

I hope your hack picks up again, and there's nothing wrong with being French. Is there a stereotype that French people are annoying or something?

Not saying there's anything wrong with French people, but my friends who have been to France say they aren't particularly fond of tourists. Just a generalization. On that note, Welcome! Agree with you on FF X-2 and FE4 FTW!

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Bienvenue dans la ForĂȘt de Serenes, Homasa!

Check out/ask for help in the Hack thread and I'm pretty sure you will find answers.

I hope your hack picks up again, and there's nothing wrong with being French. Is there a stereotype that French people are annoying or something?

Unfortunately... the french community in online games has a pretty bad image... so some of the French players (the younger ones and some trolls) turn out to be as annoying as they can be.

Anyway, enjoy your stay and have a nice day!

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Thanks everyone !

Welcome to the forums, Homasa.

I hope your hack picks up again, and there's nothing wrong with being French. Is there a stereotype that French people are annoying or something?

Most stereotypes that stick to French people revolve around being annoying or complaining of everything (which are more or less legitimate). For the first one, Lantairu gave the example of tourism, and indeed, some studies point out that French people are not the nicest welcoming persons, especially in most attractive places which gather a lot of tourists anyway (e.g. Paris). It is less true in remote places that depend a lot on tourism, but that are not overfilled with tourists all year, though. And for the second one, we are branded as champions of strikes (which are sometimes legitimate, but also sometimes just absurd).

But it's not like we have more stereotypes than other people. :) I guess.
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