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our favorite games and the bad things about them?


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so lets talk about the good and bad things in our fave games

i love sanic adventure, i love how free the movement feels, the variety, the way we have different versions of the same stages....like, there are so few games that let me move fast and free in an open space and i don't know why. the game never feels like its dragging on exept at the boring bosses. sonic is the fastest person so they made everyone else have less levels too.

for the bad things, obviously the game is ugly and the bosses suck. the game added these mini games and and boarding sections and stuff like that, but they didnt really have time to make them exciting enough to play by themself. an example is the chao garden, sa2's is better because they had time to make the same thing but better. um also, they should really make it more obvious if you miss a upgrade equipment on a character, because some are really easy to miss.

i know what you're thinking "um BIG THE CAT??". he didnt bother me, but thats because i read the instructions and learned how to play his levels so they were all really short. i know it could be a bad thing that i have to read the tutorial before starting his game but at least it's there. i thought his levels are relaxing.

its not nostalgiaaaa i just love this game btw. it just feels good.

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The only thing that I have a minor gripe with in Super Mario 64 is that the camera can be a bit finicky and obtrusive at times, obscuring Mario and the path ahead. Other than that, I've no complaints with it at all.

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Final Fantasy X is awesome.It s one of the few FFs I can say I 100% completed without rage quitting more then once.However, I really dislike the Sphere Grid and how hard it is to max out when you are prepping for Penance.While I don't mind Blitz Ball much, it is really boring.

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Pokemon Black/White. Besides a pretty lackluster post game imo and jarring last minute plot twist, I still think its the best Pokemon game to date.

And the fact it was released on the DS instead of the 3DS which was alr available lol.

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Earthbound and the early-game grindiness, but more-so the fact that the Sword of Kings, etc. are such rare drops its insane. Couldn't an optional boss have guarded them?

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I don't like how abruptly Metroid Prime ends and I wish it had a little bit more story or some interaction with the Chozo.

I wish Fire Emblem 10 didn't get so easy later on.

I wish MGS3 didn't have the medical mechanic. I prefer not having to stop the game mid boss fight to pull a leech off my skin or heal the burns I got from an explosion. Isn't having to lose health bad enough?

I wish Pokemon Omega Ruby kept the ending scene intact, instead of a medley of various themes over a journey montage. I much prefer the trainer just biking to the music. A minor gripe.

I wish Majora's Mask had more dungeons.

I wish Shadow of the Colossus had more colossi.

Arkham City doesn't have Scarecrow.

Xenoblade could have been shorter, have could have dropped a subplot, and the later areas of the game aren't as fun to explore as the earlier ones. Also I'm not a fan of the final boss's character.

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Sin and Punishment: Star Successor.

It has no flaws.

I win!

Pretty sure that's not how it works, as I've never seen a 'perfect' game before and I never will. Sarcasm, I know, but yeah.

Diablo 2. It has extreme balance issues.

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I don't like how abruptly Metroid Prime ends and I wish it had a little bit more story or some interaction with the Chozo.

But the Chozo are dead! I mean, you do get to kill their ghosts... is that enough interaction for you?

I wish Majora's Mask had more dungeons.

How about 12? You now have to buy Pandora's Tower. http://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/ZQr46UHRBtBkrTPIAoWr2QEhhyLg59J6

I wish Shadow of the Colossus had more colossi.

Originally Fumito Ueda wanted 48 colossi. He soon realized that this was an impossible feat and brought it down to 24. For various technical and design reasons, the final game ended up with 16. My only problem with SOTC is the poor framerate (fixed in PS3 version) and the fact that riding your horse between battles was basically padding.


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i love sanic adventure, i love how free the movement feels, the variety, the way we have different versions of the same stages....like, there are so few games that let me move fast and free in an open space and i don't know why. the game never feels like its dragging on exept at the boring bosses. sonic is the fastest person so they made everyone else have less levels too.

for the bad things, obviously the game is ugly and the bosses suck. the game added these mini games and and boarding sections and stuff like that, but they didnt really have time to make them exciting enough to play by themself. an example is the chao garden, sa2's is better because they had time to make the same thing but better. um also, they should really make it more obvious if you miss a upgrade equipment on a character, because some are really easy to miss.

i know what you're thinking "um BIG THE CAT??". he didnt bother me, but thats because i read the instructions and learned how to play his levels so they were all really short. i know it could be a bad thing that i have to read the tutorial before starting his game but at least it's there. i thought his levels are relaxing.

its not nostalgiaaaa i just love this game btw. it just feels good.

Looks like you've done my work for me.

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Elite Beat Agents/Ouenda - 15 to 19 songs per title. It's a very small song list for a rhythm game.

F-Zero GX - GP in general can be very inaccessible especially in the Diamond Cup where the amount of precision you need to do well just gets out of hand.

F-Zero X - Rival AI cheats. Forcing you to have to be top 6 majority of the time. In GX, there are rival AIs but they aren't always constantly top 6.

No More Heroes - pretty bad framerate here and there and some of the level designs are just plain boring or unnecessary. In NMH2 that mall parking lot. Why does it have no music/song?

Fire Emblem Awakening - map designs in general could have been a lot better. The early levels were decent. The late games not so much.

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles - you had to have own 2 copies of games to get the proper full experience. At the time, you would have paid 140 bucks. Even then there are still issues of getting both expansions together into one.

Metroid Zero Mission - it's very short but that's expected of Metroid games and a lot of those backtracking for upgrades at the endgame felt really unnecessary to get 100%

Zelda Skyward Sword - the amount of warnings and handholding was still too much. I really did not need to know about the sidequest item for the 100th time I picked it up after a reboot and Fi thinks I do not notice the battery indicator.

Splatoon - the 2 map rotation sucks. Now with all the newer maps finally released, there should be more map rotations at this point. Not to mention I always play when Bluefin Depot is on which is my least favourite map.

Grand Theft Auto IV - postgame had very little content to do and the multiplayer has a lot of lag issues.

Team Fortress 2 - the community cannot comprehend that more than 4 snipers and 4 spies on the team is bad.

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My main issues was the chozo artifacts. Everything else was fine.

I never had an issue with this, mainly because I enjoyed backtracking to go look for them (considering I would just play the game to listen to the soundtrack, and backtracking meant more soundtrack).

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But the Chozo are dead! I mean, you do get to kill their ghosts... is that enough interaction for you?

How about 12? You now have to buy Pandora's Tower. http://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/ZQr46UHRBtBkrTPIAoWr2QEhhyLg59J6

Originally Fumito Ueda wanted 48 colossi. He soon realized that this was an impossible feat and brought it down to 24. For various technical and design reasons, the final game ended up with 16. My only problem with SOTC is the poor framerate (fixed in PS3 version) and the fact that riding your horse between battles was basically padding.


Well, I dunno. Reading the log entries and the stuff that happens to the Chozos, it would've been nice to see, maybe at the end of the game, the Chozo ghosts going to peace or waving goodbye to Samus or something like that. It's really only a minor complaint in an otherwise flawless game.

I don't really know anything about the game, and your link doesn't really tell me much either.

I know all the facts and stuff, and really, I think the game's length is pretty long enough, it's just that I enjoy the Colossi battles so much that I just want to fight more of them, and see how cool the new challenges can be. I'd argue to my grave though that the horse riding in Shadow of the Colossus is almost as important to the experience as the Colossi themselves, but this post is already gonna be long so I won't do so right now.

My main issues was the chozo artifacts. Everything else was fine.

I actually enjoyed looking for the Chozo artifacts, I felt it was handled well considering how smoothly it was to just hop from area to area, and finding power ups I didn't get before. Not counting the annoying encounters with Chozo ghosts. Prime 2 was much worse in its backtracking quest.

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FE10: I love most of it but personally, I find 3-8, 3-10 and 3-11 to just be downright boring. It doesn't help that they all come pretty much after each other. Like, when I came back to FE10 after a couple months of not playing it due to school, all 6 files I had were stuck at 3-8 because I gave up there out of boredom.

FE13: I wish skills in Lunatic+ were fixed. My first complete playthrough of Lunatic+ was probably the most fun I've had in FE in a long time, but earlygame resetting for skills was just tedious.

Portal 2: I wish my laptop could play it. :(

LoZ Ocarina of Time: Kaepora Gaebora. That's all.

Animal Crossing: I wish there was more of an incentive to play once you finish all the main goals. Like, on the 3DS version, I have all fish, bugs, community projects, etc and now I don't really have a reason to play it. .-.

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Okami: it's... pretty easy. Like, really easy. Even for someone as horrible at video games like me.

Xenoblade Chronicles: all of the sidequests can become pretty overwhelming. Also, tracking down a specific NPC can become annoying thanks to their changing locations and times they're even available in the first place.

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Xenoblade is way too long and could've used a lot of fat trimming.

Persona 4 as well as every other RPG could benefit from a cutscene skip function. I'm a game dev, I know it's not hard to program it in. So they're probably just forcing us to watch it because they put a lot of effort into it. But if I've seen it once, I don't need to see it again.

Metroid Prime 2's Sky Temple key hunt.

Fire Emblem: Awakening's Lunatic mode is impossible at the beginning without Frederick. (Almost)

Bravely Default's second half is terrible and everyone who played it knows why.

I'm pretty sure there's more, this is recent memory.

Sin and Punishment: Star Successor.

It has no flaws.

I win!

It's blood is on FIRE!

I wish Majora's Mask had more dungeons.

I thought it had enough in it. The thing is the game focuses more on side quests anyway so I'm not surprised that it has 4 dungeons only. (If you don't count the moon trials a dungeon) It's really just quality over quantity, they focused on doing less and doing them better which is why it's still unrivaled as my favorite Zelda game.

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zera no zering in here pls

F-Zero X - Rival AI cheats. Forcing you to have to be top 6 majority of the time. In GX, there are rival AIs but they aren't always constantly top 6.

you...know you can kill racers, right? then they get 0 points...and theyre not smart enough to do that to you. you can kill 5 racers for an extra life too, and killing racers gives free energy. i think its fair lol.

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Crash Bandicoot 1 has the worst save system of any game that actually has a save system.

The Spyro the Dragon games have some camera issues especially with the camera being too close.

Repeating earlier minigames to unlock later minigames in Crash Bash is almost not worth it.

Jak and Daxter The Precursor Legacy and Jak 3 are both way too easy. Jak II is harder but for all the wrong reasons.

Later Lego games are extremely buggy.

Fate/EXTRA has way too much of an emphasis on grinding, and a rather boring battle system.

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