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They RUINED Ike in Brawl!!!

Blue Wind

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OMG in Brawl there is only English voice option. And Ike sounds like a complete idiot! "Ima fight for ma Friendz~" *punch Ike in the face.

I must send tons of complaint e-mails too Nintendo of America and also beat up the guy who did Ike's voice over.

And Meta Knight sounds like a fusion of Optimus Prime and Darth Vader... I now expect Meta Knight starts spitting "Im ya Father!" or "We must found da CUBE!" for his taunts...

And don't let me get started on Pit's voice...

Man this is so sad. If I had a chance to go to Japan, I'm gonna buy myself a Japanese Wii and play every future titles in Japanese.

Yet Marth still speak Japanese :D Glad I'm majoring him.


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i didn't think any of them were too annoying. Much better than the voices in RD, that's for sure

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i didn't think any of them were too annoying. Much better than the voices in RD, that's for sure

Radiant Dawn Ike > Brawl/Path of Radiance Ike.

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Everyone's entitled to their own opinion I suppose, I just thought Radiant Dawn's VA was better. Still, Pit's VA pales in comparison to someone like, say... Shinon, IMO.

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it's hard to beat shinon's VA in RD, I thought it was very accurate to his character

but I also think that Ike's VA in RD was the best of the three even though none of them weren't too bad

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  • 4 weeks later...

Topic revival time.

What really bugs me is people who abhor dubs alltogether, the ones who go "OMGWFt!!! U canz jUzt Wacht iT in japANees WiTh oRiginal voyZes and ENGliSh SubS, u nuBZor!!!1!!1!1!" I like knowing what they are saying without reading, thank you.

Not to say all dubs are good, of course. In this game, the narrartor's voice annoys me, and Pit's could be better. Other than that, I like 'em, like most dubs.

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The only Pit line that I semi-like is the one for his Final Smash. Though I'm not exactly sure what he says... "Something something, MOVE OUT!"

Other than that, his voice is barely bearable. (lol)

Everyone else is fine. Meta-Knight still sounds demonic. o_o;

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I think Pit's is fitting for him, that's better than him having a Darth Vader voice like Meta Knight. Anyways, the ONLY voice I hate is the Pokémon Trainer's. He sounds like Ash.

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The only Pit line that I semi-like is the one for his Final Smash. Though I'm not exactly sure what he says... "Something something, MOVE OUT!"

Other than that, his voice is barely bearable. (lol)

Everyone else is fine. Meta-Knight still sounds demonic. o_o;

he says, "All Troops! MOVE OUT!"

yeah it took me a little while to get it as well

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Anyways, the ONLY voice I hate is the Pokémon Trainer's. He sounds like Ash.

I love how he shouts 'Get back!' to his Pokemon like they did something wrong while beating the crap out of me.

he says, "All Troops! MOVE OUT!"

Ah cool, thanks. It's way better than some Final Smash lines. *coughlandmastercough.*

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Hey, I like it when Fox says landmaster. He sounds like he's summoning his ultamite weapon to kick major ass against his opponents. *coughwolf'sisbetterthoughcough*

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I just think the line's funny. And I've never been one for the Landmaster either... It's pretty easy to self-destruct if you aren't careful.

And if Falco prefers the air, WHY DIDN'T HE JUST SUMMON A DAMN ARWING!?

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I like Falco's accent. What's it called again? A brooklyn accent or something? I don't know. Wolf's a redneck.

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