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Criminal OC Mafia - Game Thread - N5 ends 14/09/2015


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In thread? but sure

[28/08/2015 22:39:30] Mitsuki: anyways, I must ask

[28/08/2015 22:39:32] Mitsuki: are you SCUM

[28/08/2015 22:39:36] Brad: n

[28/08/2015 22:39:40] Brad: why does everyone ask this it hurts my feelings

[28/08/2015 22:39:55] Mitsuki: I don't know

[28/08/2015 22:40:13] Brad: =(

[28/08/2015 22:40:16] Mitsuki: it's a good way to start a chat

[28/08/2015 22:40:37] Mitsuki: also I heard that you had a job?

[28/08/2015 22:40:47] Brad: starting one soon yes

[28/08/2015 22:40:49] Mitsuki: so I was heasitant to talk to you

[28/08/2015 22:40:50] Mitsuki: oh

[28/08/2015 22:40:54] Mitsuki: cool

[28/08/2015 22:41:03] Mitsuki: so, do you have any reads yet?

[28/08/2015 22:41:10] Brad: have barely talked to anyone

[28/08/2015 22:41:19] Brad: blitz is being blitz

[28/08/2015 22:41:44] Mitsuki: that is indeed a thing that is happening

[28/08/2015 22:42:34] Brad: do you know anything about these darrman votes

[28/08/2015 22:42:57] Mitsuki: yes, from a couple of them actually

[28/08/2015 22:43:01] Brad: oh

[28/08/2015 22:43:05] Mitsuki: but it's mostly reaction testing

[28/08/2015 22:43:07] Brad: ic

[28/08/2015 22:43:10] Brad: I figured

[28/08/2015 22:44:54] Mitsuki: I don't know, but the reply to Elie seemed townie to me?

[28/08/2015 22:45:04] Mitsuki: in a way that it was kind of confrontational

[28/08/2015 22:45:17] Brad: darrman is new right

[28/08/2015 22:45:21] Mitsuki: I'm townreading people a lot this game orz

[28/08/2015 22:45:22] Mitsuki: hmmmmmmmmm

[28/08/2015 22:45:24] Mitsuki: I think so

[28/08/2015 22:45:35] Brad: reading new people is hard

[28/08/2015 22:45:58] Brad: since maybe he's confrontational since that's what he thinks should be done

[28/08/2015 22:45:59] Brad: or w/e

[28/08/2015 22:47:22] Mitsuki: meh I need to give my computer to Kaoz to play FIRE EMBLEM

[28/08/2015 22:47:30] Mitsuki: well, apparently I offered the computer

[28/08/2015 22:47:30] Brad: lel

[28/08/2015 22:47:33] Brad: rekt

[28/08/2015 22:47:34] Mitsuki: yeah I did that

[30/08/2015 0:29:39] Mitsuki: hiiiiiiiiiiiiii

[30/08/2015 0:29:41] Mitsuki: I'm gay

[30/08/2015 0:29:51] Brad: kaoz pls

[30/08/2015 0:30:27] Mitsuki: lol

[30/08/2015 0:30:37] Brad: sup

[30/08/2015 0:30:41] Mitsuki: what do you think of EVERYTHING

[30/08/2015 0:31:02] Mitsuki: to be honest I want to talk with you about the game but I have no idea on what to talk about right now

[30/08/2015 0:31:31] Brad: uneasy feeling about elieson but idk

[30/08/2015 0:31:37] Mitsuki: oh, why?

[30/08/2015 0:31:43] Mitsuki: I have him as a townread myself

[30/08/2015 0:32:02] Brad: I just feel like he was picking on a newbie

[30/08/2015 0:32:18] Brad: which rubs me the wrong way since liek, it's easy to do that and make it look like you're trying

[30/08/2015 0:32:47] Mitsuki: hmmmmm

[30/08/2015 0:33:00] Mitsuki: I know what you mean, but he outright told me that he was doing that on purpose

[30/08/2015 0:33:03] Brad: ah

[30/08/2015 0:33:07] Mitsuki: which I don't think scum would do

[30/08/2015 0:33:10] Brad: did he give a reason

[30/08/2015 0:33:14] Mitsuki: so that it'd be easier to read him

[30/08/2015 0:33:17] Brad: mmmm

[30/08/2015 0:33:23] Mitsuki: let me find the exact words and woute them to you

[30/08/2015 0:34:29] Mitsuki: i'm giving Darrman a hardtime because i feel like since he's new

pressure will get a better read out of him

[30/08/2015 0:34:45] Brad: ah

[30/08/2015 0:35:02] Brad: that makes sense, I suppose

[30/08/2015 0:35:34] Brad: let's see, what else

[30/08/2015 0:35:37] Mitsuki: personally I don't see him saying stuff like that as scum, so I'm assuming he's town

[30/08/2015 0:35:47] Brad: yeah

[30/08/2015 0:35:47] Mitsuki: plus it feels like he's trying to achieve something

[30/08/2015 0:36:03] Brad: trying to think of possible scenarios for this SB nonsense

[30/08/2015 0:36:40] Brad: altho if he doesn't defend himself guess it doesn't matter

[30/08/2015 0:36:51] Mitsuki: I thought of plenty myself, but yeah

[30/08/2015 0:37:06] Mitsuki: I'm seeing the lack of defense as scummy myself

[30/08/2015 0:37:10] Brad: aye

[30/08/2015 0:37:20] Mitsuki: well, I posted about it in the thread

[30/08/2015 0:37:24] Brad: even if he does it seems quite unlikely something tampered with the result unless there was a global thing

[30/08/2015 0:37:32] Brad: or a passive effect on either the cop's role or SB's

[30/08/2015 0:37:55] Brad: since for a framer or tailor or something they'd have to know/guess SB was being cop'd

[30/08/2015 0:38:03] Brad: and for like

[30/08/2015 0:38:07] Mitsuki: well, I could imagine something like, cop telling someone else other than Refa that they were targeting SB, and scum getting the info and using their tailor

[30/08/2015 0:38:11] Brad: yeah

[30/08/2015 0:38:23] Brad: I think that would be really dumb of the cop tho

[30/08/2015 0:38:30] Brad: but it's something to keep in mind

[30/08/2015 0:41:04] Brad: who have I talked to...

[30/08/2015 0:41:17] Brad: Blitz is probably town for meta reasons

[30/08/2015 0:42:20] Mitsuki: I think Blitz is town too, but explain

[30/08/2015 0:42:27] Brad: when blitz is mafia/sk

[30/08/2015 0:42:33] Brad: he tries to spread suspicion on people

[30/08/2015 0:42:38] Brad: whereas he told me he already claimed to Refa

[30/08/2015 0:42:47] Brad: if he was scum he'd be trying to convince me not to trust Refa

[30/08/2015 0:42:49] Brad: imo

[30/08/2015 0:45:03] Mitsuki: well, pretty much anyone is suspicious of Refa, so there's not much scum can do about that

[30/08/2015 0:45:19] Brad: yeah but tha twouldn't stop him

[30/08/2015 0:45:24] Mitsuki: but as for my townread, I talked to him like two hours into the game and told him that I thought he was scum

[30/08/2015 0:45:33] Brad: in pig everyone trusted life but he was still like "I think he's scum <no reasons given>"

[30/08/2015 0:45:42] Mitsuki: and then he acted way too weird for scum to emulate

[30/08/2015 0:45:45] Mitsuki: I see

[30/08/2015 0:45:48] Mitsuki: noted

[30/08/2015 0:46:08] Brad: and he was one of the 2 SKs in that game

[30/08/2015 0:47:57] Brad: he does similar stuff in NOC games

[30/08/2015 0:48:13] Brad: perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he's not really helpful and just is suspicious of everyone

[30/08/2015 0:49:40] Mitsuki: I need to talk to Blitz again, since when I talked to him the last time it was still kind of early in the game

[30/08/2015 0:49:49] Mitsuki: I have no thoughts on what he's been doing

[30/08/2015 0:50:54] Brad: idk wha the's been doing

[30/08/2015 0:51:02] Mitsuki: by the way, did you get to talk to Strawman?

[30/08/2015 0:51:05] Brad: I did not

[30/08/2015 0:51:53] Brad: did anyone?

[30/08/2015 0:52:51] Mitsuki: I think Refa did? but maybe I don't recall correctly

[30/08/2015 0:52:56] Brad: ah

[30/08/2015 0:53:12] Mitsuki: ... no he didn't

[30/08/2015 0:53:16] Brad: rip

[30/08/2015 0:53:16] Mitsuki: I'm dumb

[30/08/2015 0:54:40] Brad: hmm

[30/08/2015 0:55:01] Brad: SB actually talked to me a bit yesterday but liek

[30/08/2015 0:55:02] Brad: it was about nothing

[30/08/2015 0:55:46] Mitsuki: before Refa voted him, I'm guessing

[30/08/2015 0:55:50] Brad: yeah

[30/08/2015 0:56:17] Mitsuki: I thought he was scum at the very beginning, then I thought he was town

[30/08/2015 0:56:37] Mitsuki: he seemed to actually be doing stuff

[30/08/2015 0:56:47] Brad: he literally asked me if I was mafia

[30/08/2015 0:56:48] Brad: and that was it

[30/08/2015 0:57:10] Mitsuki: to be honest I think I was leading the conversation all the time when we talked

[30/08/2015 0:57:12] Mitsuki: so

[30/08/2015 0:57:46] Mitsuki: I even lead the conversation when I talked to him about Refa voting him and the cop...

[30/08/2015 0:57:52] Brad: rip

[30/08/2015 1:00:49] Brad: I should probably try to talk to the people

[30/08/2015 1:00:54] Brad: that I don't have on skype or w/e

[30/08/2015 1:00:57] Brad: liek izuhark

[30/08/2015 1:02:20] Mitsuki: I have him added on Skype

[30/08/2015 1:02:33] Mitsuki: I can ask him if he's cool with you adding him, if you want

[30/08/2015 1:02:40] Brad: gopher it

[30/08/2015 1:03:38] Mitsuki: he's cool with it

[30/08/2015 1:03:45] Brad: what's his info

[30/08/2015 1:03:45] Mitsuki: his Skype is izhuark

[30/08/2015 1:04:17] Brad: from france?

[30/08/2015 1:04:28] Mitsuki: yeah

[30/08/2015 1:04:30] Brad: kk

[30/08/2015 1:10:13] Mitsuki: oh I'm going to sleep, it's late here

[30/08/2015 1:10:16] Mitsuki: òwo7

[30/08/2015 1:10:32] Brad: naito

[30/08/2015 1:10:36] Brad: talking to izhu and refa nao

[30/08/2015 1:10:48] Mitsuki: neat

[01/09/2015 21:33:44] Mitsuki: today Vhaltz asked to Kaoz how did his mouth taste like

[01/09/2015 21:33:48] Mitsuki: just thought you'd want to know

[03/09/2015 23:58:56] Mitsuki: hi?

[04/09/2015 1:45:50] Brad: yo

[04/09/2015 1:46:30] Mitsuki: what do you think of my Rein case?

[04/09/2015 1:47:16] Brad: need to read it

[04/09/2015 1:48:40] Mitsuki: I see

[04/09/2015 1:48:44] Mitsuki: tell me when you get to it!

[04/09/2015 1:48:46] Mitsuki: also

[04/09/2015 1:48:58] Mitsuki: thoughts on the rest of the game? which are your reads?

[04/09/2015 1:52:19] Brad: reading the rein post rn

[04/09/2015 1:52:26] Brad: [31/08/2015 20:27:57] Tinker Blitz: see, he says we should have lynched the ITP, but, in OC, that is not a must

[31/08/2015 20:28:05] Tinker Blitz: the lynch I mean and he should have known that

[31/08/2015 20:28:13] Tinker Blitz: yet he is arguing that NL was really bad

[04/09/2015 1:52:30] Brad: this is actually wrong

[04/09/2015 1:52:35] Brad: it backfires on town worse in OC

[04/09/2015 1:52:45] Brad: because the ITP gets outed

[04/09/2015 1:52:50] Brad: and then the mafia or other bad guys can contact them quietly

[04/09/2015 1:53:01] Brad: and the town won't even know about it

[04/09/2015 1:53:45] Brad: for me, at least, the whole "don't let the wolf live holy shti guys" started from a pair of OC games where town tried to do that and use them as a vig

[04/09/2015 1:53:53] Brad: and then the wolf betrayed them

[04/09/2015 1:53:54] Brad: and won

[04/09/2015 1:54:30] Brad: so I think Blitz is totally wrong for suspecting him on that reasoning

[04/09/2015 1:55:01] Brad: the lynch vs. NL thing is iffy because I've been busy so I don't know how much dirt FK really had (it looked to me like it was just his role)

[04/09/2015 1:55:13] Brad: but in OC it's more you don't lynch someone for no reason to just get info

[04/09/2015 1:55:18] Brad: if they're under reasonable suspicion you do

[04/09/2015 1:56:07] Mitsuki: I'm inclined to agree on that to be honest

[04/09/2015 1:56:38] Brad: question, do you think all the people who thought Refa could die are town

[04/09/2015 1:56:45] Mitsuki: I just thought the best thing I could do was to at least explain Blitz's thoughts on Rein as well

[04/09/2015 1:56:54] Brad: that's fair

[04/09/2015 1:57:00] Mitsuki: I don't think saying that makes them townie

[04/09/2015 1:57:03] Brad: mmk

[04/09/2015 1:57:10] Brad: that makes sense

[04/09/2015 1:57:14] Brad: since Rein's thing could be a scumslip

[04/09/2015 1:57:16] Mitsuki: but let me see because maybe I do think they're all town right now lol

[04/09/2015 1:57:24] Brad: but the other way around might not be a townslip

[04/09/2015 1:58:06] Brad: ignoring SB obviously

[04/09/2015 1:58:26] Mitsuki: scumslip? townslip?

[04/09/2015 1:58:31] Mitsuki: oh

[04/09/2015 1:58:34] Brad: well if Rein says

[04/09/2015 1:58:43] Brad: "Mafia won't kill Refa tonight because he's protected"

[04/09/2015 1:58:44] Mitsuki: I think I get it, but explain anyways

[04/09/2015 1:58:49] Brad: and mafia have no way to pierce protection

[04/09/2015 1:59:03] Brad: then that could be Rein scumslipping because he knows his team won't try for Refa

[04/09/2015 1:59:21] Brad: but saying "Refa could die if scum has a strongman" isn't a townslip because it's saying something based on unknown info

[04/09/2015 1:59:30] Brad: which scum can fake easier

[04/09/2015 1:59:47] Mitsuki: yeah, those are basically my thoughts

[04/09/2015 2:00:31] Mitsuki: yeah, I'm townreading all of them (except SB/Rein of course)

[04/09/2015 2:00:36] Mitsuki: for different reasons

[04/09/2015 2:00:47] Brad: I'm kind of interested into why Elieson thought a random SK shot would be at Rein or Marth

[04/09/2015 2:03:26] Mitsuki: no idea

[04/09/2015 2:03:36] Brad: I talked to Marth and then Refa about Gilgamesh a bit

[04/09/2015 2:03:40] Brad: and Marth told me his other scumreads

[04/09/2015 2:03:43] Mitsuki: but I think it's just weird and not scummy

[04/09/2015 2:03:58] Brad: I don't try to pretend how Elieson's mind works

[04/09/2015 2:04:37] Mitsuki: ... it's 2 am already, wow

[04/09/2015 2:04:40] Brad: rip

[04/09/2015 2:05:09] Mitsuki: I'm going to sleep orz

[04/09/2015 2:05:18] Brad: rip

[04/09/2015 2:05:21] Mitsuki: hopefully we'll be able to talk soon

[04/09/2015 2:05:25] Mitsuki: good luck with your work!

[04/09/2015 2:05:28] Brad: I'll talk to people and have more... Saturday probably

[04/09/2015 2:05:34] Brad: since I will be at work/sleeping when you're up

[04/09/2015 2:05:49] Mitsuki: I figured orz

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[30/08/2015 01:05:00] Izhuark: Hi !
[30/08/2015 01:05:09] Brad: yo
[30/08/2015 01:05:40] Izhuark: sorry if i can't stay long it's actually quite late in my country
[30/08/2015 01:05:50] Brad: damn you france
[30/08/2015 01:05:57] Brad: what are your thoughts on the game so far
[30/08/2015 01:06:25] Izhuark: Until know it seem to run smoothly maybe a bit too much...
[30/08/2015 01:06:46] Izhuark: but since it's my first oc i guess it's normal
[30/08/2015 01:07:08] Izhuark: i have no real scumread until know tho
[30/08/2015 01:07:11] Brad: ah
[30/08/2015 01:07:17] Brad: yeah it's hard unless you talk to a lot of people
[30/08/2015 01:08:07] Izhuark: i don't talk a lot but i'm talking normally i guess
[30/08/2015 01:08:18] Brad: ah
[30/08/2015 01:08:19] Izhuark: don't know how to phrase it sorry
[30/08/2015 01:08:58] Izhuark: to be truthful i never know what kind of question i should ask
[30/08/2015 01:09:09] Brad: it's hard to know without experience
[30/08/2015 01:09:46] Izhuark: and since near nobody come to me it's kinda hard to interact
[30/08/2015 01:09:52] Brad: rip
[30/08/2015 01:10:03] Izhuark: but there is one question i've ask to evryone !
[30/08/2015 01:10:09] Brad: yeah?
[30/08/2015 01:10:20] Izhuark: Do you want to trade flavor name ?
[30/08/2015 01:10:33] Brad: could
[30/08/2015 01:11:01] Izhuark: huhh...
[30/08/2015 01:11:16] Izhuark: does this mean "maybe, later" ?
[30/08/2015 01:11:20] Brad: oh
[30/08/2015 01:11:22] Brad: nah we can go now
[30/08/2015 01:11:27] Brad: I'm *censored*
[30/08/2015 01:11:36] Izhuark: I'm *censored*
[30/08/2015 01:11:44] Brad: ic
[30/08/2015 01:12:01] Izhuark: ic ?
[30/08/2015 01:12:06] Brad: "I see"
[30/08/2015 01:12:11] Izhuark: oh okay
[30/08/2015 01:12:18] Brad: I actually have no idea if this information will be useful but
[30/08/2015 01:12:19] Brad: maybe
[30/08/2015 01:13:10] Izhuark: it surely wont be but i guessed refa's role a bit thank solely to is flavor name XD
[30/08/2015 01:13:29] Izhuark: it was just a partial guess but i'm still proud of it
[30/08/2015 01:13:36] Brad: gg
[30/08/2015 01:14:25] Izhuark: anyway who did you talked to until now ?
[30/08/2015 01:14:33] Brad: uh
[30/08/2015 01:14:39] Brad: I've talked to Blitz, SB, Refa, Mitsuki, Rein sort of
[30/08/2015 01:14:54] Izhuark: yeah their are all the most actives
[30/08/2015 01:15:07] Izhuark: except rein

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[9/1/2015 8:28:00 PM] Rohan Kulkarni: yo
[9/1/2015 8:56:38 PM] Brad: yo
[9/1/2015 8:57:25 PM] Rohan Kulkarni: I've been so out of this game
[9/1/2015 8:57:35 PM] Brad: join the club
[9/1/2015 8:59:06 PM] Rohan Kulkarni: what are your thoughts about d1
[9/1/2015 8:59:13 PM] Brad: should have lynched sb
[9/1/2015 9:01:18 PM] Rohan Kulkarni: I see refa's reasons for not lynching sb I guess
[9/1/2015 9:02:18 PM] Rohan Kulkarni: but we should have lynched someone
[9/1/2015 9:10:44 PM] Brad: I mean, SB could be lying in a nmber of wyas
[9/1/2015 9:10:45 PM] Brad: idk
[9/1/2015 9:10:50 PM] Brad: I don't like trusting claimed neutrals
[9/1/2015 9:11:05 PM] Brad: since even best case and he's telling the truth
[9/1/2015 9:11:13 PM] Brad: he could still backstab us to help out mafia
[9/1/2015 9:13:42 PM] Rohan Kulkarni: presuming he cant kill
[9/1/2015 9:13:45 PM] Rohan Kulkarni: how
[9/1/2015 9:13:57 PM] Rohan Kulkarni: beyond voting with them in *ylo
[9/1/2015 9:13:58 PM] Brad: idk his role abilities
[9/1/2015 9:14:06 PM] Brad: so I can't say
[9/1/2015 9:14:14 PM] Rohan Kulkarni: I guess
[9/1/2015 9:14:57 PM] Brad: no lynch was bad tho
[9/1/2015 9:15:37 PM] Rohan Kulkarni: are you sus of refa like darman and Gilgamesh?
[9/1/2015 9:15:43 PM] Brad: no
[9/1/2015 9:15:44 PM] Brad: I claiemd to him
[9/1/2015 9:16:37 PM] Brad: sf mafioso are too wussy to make ballsy town leader fakeclaims imo

what did Paper claim?
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[02-09-2015 10:08:19] Abhi: Brado-kun
[02-09-2015 10:08:25] Abhi: do you have scumreads?
[02-09-2015 10:11:50] Brad: yo
[02-09-2015 10:12:16] Brad: I have been super busy the past 2 days
[02-09-2015 10:12:35] Abhi: oh? what's happening?
[02-09-2015 10:12:41] Brad: starting a job soon
[02-09-2015 10:12:43] Brad: most likely Friday
[02-09-2015 10:12:46] Brad: if not next week
[02-09-2015 10:12:47] Abhi: niiiiceeee
[02-09-2015 10:12:49] Abhi: what's it?
[02-09-2015 10:12:56] Brad: some tech trainee shit
[02-09-2015 10:13:03] Abhi: tech support?
[02-09-2015 10:13:04] Abhi: GOD NO
[02-09-2015 10:13:08] Brad: not tech support
[02-09-2015 10:13:16] Brad: I'm programming stuffs
[02-09-2015 10:13:21] Abhi: cool
[02-09-2015 10:14:02] Abhi: So have you talked to peeps
[02-09-2015 10:14:03] Abhi: ?
[02-09-2015 10:14:08] Brad: not since D1
[02-09-2015 10:14:16] Abhi: who have you talked to?
[02-09-2015 10:14:25] Brad: uh
[02-09-2015 10:14:26] Brad: refa
[02-09-2015 10:14:27] Brad: mitsuki
[02-09-2015 10:14:29] Brad: blitz
[02-09-2015 10:14:33] Brad: bbm
[02-09-2015 10:14:35] Brad: izhuark
[02-09-2015 10:14:41] Brad: rein
[02-09-2015 10:14:53] Brad: sb
[02-09-2015 10:15:34] Abhi: hmm
Of all of them, who needs the noose to be tied to their neck?
[02-09-2015 10:15:43] Brad: well
[02-09-2015 10:15:44] Brad: obviously SB
[02-09-2015 10:16:00] Brad: BBM claimed he hadn't talked to anyone
[02-09-2015 10:16:16] Brad: rein was kind of avoidant when I asked him stuff
[02-09-2015 10:16:44] Abhi: Is rein inactive even In OC?
[02-09-2015 10:16:57] Brad: apparently
[02-09-2015 10:24:06] Abhi: Guess you won't be active until Friday
[02-09-2015 10:24:11] Brad: idk
[02-09-2015 10:24:15] Brad: we'll see
[02-09-2015 10:24:24] Brad: kirsche actually asked me if I need to sub out
[02-09-2015 10:24:35] Abhi: oh
[02-09-2015 10:36:34] Brad: what are your thoughts
[02-09-2015 10:36:49] Abhi: Scum!Junko
[02-09-2015 10:36:54] Abhi: Scum!Gilg
[02-09-2015 10:36:59] Abhi: Scum!Gaius
[02-09-2015 10:37:06] Brad: porque
[02-09-2015 10:37:18] Abhi: Junko's posts in thread don't push for anything
[02-09-2015 10:37:26] Brad: it's OC tho
[02-09-2015 10:37:27] Abhi: and he objects for the sake of it
[02-09-2015 10:37:31] Abhi: yeah but
[02-09-2015 10:37:33] Abhi: WHY POST THEN
[02-09-2015 10:37:48] Abhi: these mooks should be like me and never post
[02-09-2015 10:37:53] Brad: idk what he actually said
[02-09-2015 10:37:54] Abhi: be the overlord from above
[02-09-2015 10:37:56] Abhi: well
[02-09-2015 10:38:05] Abhi: basically BBM found Elieson scummy
[02-09-2015 10:38:14] Abhi: so Junko disagreed with what BBM said and waffled
[02-09-2015 10:38:20] Brad: ic
[02-09-2015 10:38:21] Abhi: and objected to it
[02-09-2015 10:38:28] Abhi: but didn't push for anything
[02-09-2015 10:38:43] Brad: mmm
[02-09-2015 10:38:55] Abhi: which looks like scum sitting on the fence, trying to gauge the possibility of a wagon on either side
[02-09-2015 10:38:56] Brad: do you think scm junko would do that if it was 2 townies?
[02-09-2015 10:38:59] Brad: ic
[02-09-2015 10:39:37] Abhi: Gaius could possibly be scum because he's pushing FK as scum just because of his role
[02-09-2015 10:39:54] Abhi: he thinks that FK not answering questions= scum but half the playerlist is already doing that
[02-09-2015 10:40:11] Brad: (^:
[02-09-2015 10:40:15] Abhi: also Gaius has lazy reads otherwise and doesn't even have a lot of scumreads
[02-09-2015 10:40:23] Brad: mmm
[02-09-2015 10:40:28] Brad: what are his other reads
[02-09-2015 10:41:32] Abhi: Scum!Gilg for the 180 on Refa
[02-09-2015 10:41:39] Abhi: and Refa is town because uhh HE JUST IS TOWN
[02-09-2015 10:41:42] Brad: that's gaius's read or yours
[02-09-2015 10:41:48] Abhi: gaius'
[02-09-2015 10:42:02] Brad: ic
[02-09-2015 10:42:24] Abhi: Elie looks town, apparently
[02-09-2015 10:42:24] Abhi: also
[02-09-2015 10:42:41] Abhi: he wants SB dead ASAP
[02-09-2015 10:42:52] Brad: why does Elie look town
[02-09-2015 10:42:55] Brad: I've not talked to him lel
[02-09-2015 10:43:38] Abhi: lol
[02-09-2015 10:43:48] Abhi: I asked him that but he didn't answer that
[02-09-2015 10:43:53] Abhi: should've noticed that, whoops
[02-09-2015 10:44:17] Brad: him = Gilgy?
[02-09-2015 10:46:06] Abhi: Gaius
[02-09-2015 10:46:20] Brad: oh w8
[02-09-2015 10:46:21] Brad: ok
[02-09-2015 10:46:41] Abhi: Scum!Gilg's also possible, but not for having a 180 on Refa
[02-09-2015 10:46:52] Abhi: its what preceded that
[02-09-2015 10:46:59] Brad: so gaius thinks gilg is scum
[02-09-2015 10:47:07] Abhi: yeah, but I too think so'
[02-09-2015 10:47:21] Abhi: I'm gonna say why I think so now
[02-09-2015 10:47:22] Brad: righ
[02-09-2015 10:47:23] Abhi: the thing is
[02-09-2015 10:47:37] Abhi: Gilg was paranoid about Refa being scum so he didn't want to claim to him
[02-09-2015 10:47:48] Abhi: then Blitz convinces him to claim
[02-09-2015 10:48:05] Abhi: so he decides to post in thread saying that he has come to the conclusion that Refa is town
[02-09-2015 10:48:10] Abhi: then N1, Blitz dies
[02-09-2015 10:48:15] Abhi: and BAM, there's the 180
[02-09-2015 10:48:15] Brad: I see
[02-09-2015 10:48:27] Abhi: even though it should be obvious why Refa didn't want to lynch SB
[02-09-2015 10:48:30] Abhi: he suspects Refa
[02-09-2015 10:48:37] Brad: so he thought refa was scum
[02-09-2015 10:48:40] Brad: then thoguht refa was town
[02-09-2015 10:48:44] Brad: then thought he was scum again?
[02-09-2015 10:48:57] Abhi: well his latest post is vague about but it looks that way
[02-09-2015 10:49:07] Abhi: he's still voting SB though
[02-09-2015 10:49:08] Abhi: : S
[02-09-2015 10:49:36] Brad: mm
[02-09-2015 10:50:00] Brad: gilg has only played in that greatest hits game right
[02-09-2015 10:51:11] Abhi: doesn't he have prior maf exp though
[02-09-2015 10:51:17] Brad: does he?
[02-09-2015 10:51:18] Abhi: should probs check his ISO
[02-09-2015 10:51:27] Brad: that doesn't mean he's any good xd
[02-09-2015 10:51:38] Abhi: oh right
[02-09-2015 10:52:56] Abhi: that's true
[02-09-2015 10:53:06] Abhi: he def played Greatest Hits like he knew some mafia though
[02-09-2015 10:53:11] Brad: mmm
[02-09-2015 10:53:16] Brad: but he was lynched like d2 wasn't he
[02-09-2015 10:53:24] Abhi: vigged
[02-09-2015 10:53:26] Abhi: he uh
[02-09-2015 10:53:33] Abhi: made a bad hammer D1
[02-09-2015 10:53:37] Brad: yeah
[02-09-2015 10:53:46] Abhi: and tried to get towncred by claiming to backup the third party cop
[02-09-2015 10:54:16] Brad: l o l
[02-09-2015 10:55:14] Abhi: I don't mean 3rd party backup but

Backing up the guilty by claiming Voyeur

which was really Follower but his role PM called the Follower shot Voyeur
[02-09-2015 10:55:25] Brad: hahaha
[02-09-2015 10:55:25] Abhi: After all, Elieson does make awful fake claims, doesn't he? : 3
[02-09-2015 10:55:51] Brad: did elieson tell him to do that
[02-09-2015 10:56:05] Abhi: his character was Elieson
[02-09-2015 10:56:09] Brad: lmao
[02-09-2015 10:56:12] Abhi: Weak Watcher Survivor
[02-09-2015 10:56:36] Abhi: but was actually a JoaT
[02-09-2015 10:56:38] Abhi: hell
[02-09-2015 10:56:51] Abhi: 4-5 characters in the game were based off of Elieson's fuck ups
[02-09-2015 10:56:54] Abhi: and in the same game
[02-09-2015 10:57:06] Abhi: Elieson once again got lynched for fucking around with his role claim
[02-09-2015 10:57:13] Brad: xd
[02-09-2015 11:01:40] Abhi: what do you make of this info so far?
[02-09-2015 11:02:00] Brad: gilg might just be like
[02-09-2015 11:02:01] Brad: newish
[02-09-2015 11:02:09] Brad: but the situation seems weird
[02-09-2015 11:02:17] Abhi: whaddya mean?
[02-09-2015 11:02:36] Brad: I feel like new people tend to do "scummy" stuff because they don't know any better
[02-09-2015 11:03:15] Abhi: I see
[02-09-2015 11:03:27] Abhi: then who else do you think could be possibly scum?
[02-09-2015 11:03:51] Brad: possibly rein but I don't really know

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[spoiler=i cut out some hearthstone stuff][8/29/15, 6:54:27 PM] Paperblade: sup

[8/29/15, 6:54:33 PM] Reinfleche: hi

[8/29/15, 6:54:39 PM] Paperblade: are you still busy

[8/29/15, 6:54:52 PM] Reinfleche: i can talk for a bit

[8/29/15, 6:57:44 PM] Paperblade: what are your thoughts on thread

[8/29/15, 6:57:51 PM] Paperblade: or any other juicy info you've gotten out of thread

[8/29/15, 6:58:36 PM] Reinfleche: elieson sux for wallposting

[8/29/15, 6:58:48 PM] Paperblade: lel

[8/29/15, 6:58:58 PM] Reinfleche: other than that i've talked to 3 people and 2 were not much about the game

[8/29/15, 6:59:07 PM] Paperblade: gg

[8/29/15, 6:59:11 PM] Reinfleche: also i haven't fully read the thread

[8/29/15, 6:59:16 PM] Paperblade: ggggg


[9/3/15, 9:59:19 PM] Reinfleche: paper brad

[9/3/15, 10:00:35 PM] Paperblade: reintime

[9/3/15, 10:00:52 PM] Reinfleche: thoughts

[9/3/15, 10:00:57 PM] Reinfleche: on the mitsuki post

[9/3/15, 10:01:07 PM] Reinfleche: on who is scum

[9/3/15, 10:01:11 PM] Reinfleche: and other things

[9/3/15, 10:01:24 PM] Paperblade: I think a lot of her logic is faulty

[9/3/15, 10:01:41 PM] Reinfleche: same

[9/3/15, 10:01:45 PM] Reinfleche: (helpful comment)

[9/3/15, 10:02:22 PM] Reinfleche: i already like justified myself at refa

[9/3/15, 10:02:26 PM] Paperblade: one minute

[9/3/15, 10:02:27 PM] Reinfleche: and might just c/p that at people who ask me shit


[9/3/15, 10:11:34 PM] Paperblade: On 9/3/15, at 8:03 PM, Brad wrote:

> this is actually wrong

it backfires on town worse in OC

because the ITP gets outed

and then the mafia or other bad guys can contact them quietly

and the town won't even know about it

for me, at least, the whole "don't let the wolf live holy shti guys" started from a pair of OC games where town tried to do that and use them as a vig

and then the wolf betrayed them

and won

[9/3/15, 10:11:44 PM] Paperblade: wrt "keep the neutral around"

[9/3/15, 10:15:51 PM] Reinfleche: yeah

[9/3/15, 10:15:54 PM] Reinfleche: that was so dumb

[9/3/15, 10:16:23 PM] Reinfleche: i didn't do shit because i assumed SB was just dead on end of phase and had class during phase end

[9/3/15, 10:16:31 PM] Paperblade: yeah rip

[9/3/15, 10:23:12 PM] Paperblade: I haven't really talked to other people

[9/3/15, 10:23:22 PM] Paperblade: Marth's reads seem okay to me

[9/3/15, 10:24:22 PM] Reinfleche: i haven't talked to that many people either

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"He may have been an officer of the law, but goddamn he was one of us." Hook sighed, a grim silence hanging over all of them. "We can't hang them fast enough it seems."

A creak echoed through the shack as the rope swayed from side to side. Lord Gaius' corpse hung from it, bruised and broken. "They hung him fast enough though." Hook basically spat the words from his mouth.

"Cut him down and bury him. Looks like we're in for a rough day."

Lord Gaius has been killed, he was:

Dear Lord Gaius, you are Bigby Wolf, Reformed Corrupt Cop

Man, what are you doing caught up in this mess? You're not a bad guy, you exist to protect the citizens of Fabletown! Who cares if you took enjoyment from throwing the crooked man down the witching well? What does it matter if you ripped off Grendall's arm; and that tree had it coming. Truly you are a shining star of justice, I bet tweedledum didn't need his windpipe either! Hmmm... well whatever, you're here because the Crooked Man escaped and is now around these parts causing trouble. You figure you might as well deal with this "Unrepentant" while you're at it. 2 birds with 1 stone, right?

Once per night, you may respond to your role pm with "Night X: Interrogate <User>" where <User> is a living player. You will find out if <User> is truly reformed or not, through entirely justified means. Sadly your superiors aren't quite as understanding as you'd like, if you find a reformed then they'll revoke your right to vote in the next day phase! This occurs even in *ylo, but will not be publicly announced.

You are allied with the Reformed. You win when you eliminate all threats to your faction.

D4 has begun and ends in just over 72 hours, 1AM GMT 09/09/2015

Edited by Executive kirsche
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Actually, fuck it. I'm requesting to be the town leader, and for the current backup leader to remain hidden as backup town leader. Backup town leader can decide on going along this or not, but either way, please contact me before making a decision.

If someone doesn't trust me and would rather not let me be town leader, please go ahead and say so in the thread. I want to be town leader, but I hate how I have had no word on deciding who the backup town leaders were so I'm not going to be an ass and do the same.

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