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Is There a Fanbase of a Game(s) You Love That You Dislike?


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I post at Smashboards but only in threads of characters I support among the casual fans. Those are cool.

But there's certain people in the Smash fanbase that are hideously toxic. These people are basically a bunch of ingrates who say Sakurai is an incompetent director who hasn't done anything right since Melee. They even go as far as claiming they can make a better game than him and send the man death threats. I honestly don't know how they can they call themselves fans of the series when they hate everything Sakurai makes.

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I know it's not primarily a video game series but the Yugioh fanbase. Jesus fucking christ Yugioh. At least games like LoL or smash are primarily skill based so it's understandable that people would take them so seriously. As a card game (and to be honest one that isn't particularly well balanced because Konami clearly doesn't care) Yugioh will always be heavily influenced by luck but people take it so god damn seriously and are so quick to jump on someone and attack them for being bad. Don't even get me started on how competitive players look down on casuals. I was browsing through youtube when I found a yugituber that had started a series that was pretty much just finding casual players on dueling network and making fun of how bad they are. I already hated this particular youtuber because of his shitty attitude but I made sure I never watched one of his videos again after that.

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League of Legend fanbase is one I have to hate thanks to my toxic friend. He made me avoid LoL.

Pokémon fanbase isn't really annoying. I hate the ones who can't accept Generation II or later because nostalgia (i.e. genwunners).

What is annoying is that they don't accept that Generation I (or any other generation) had 'bad' designed Pokémon.

This is really minor, but I dislike the ones who can't accept Pokémon spinoffs and prefer a sequel or third alternate version. Like seriously? You want to play the almost exact same game again?

The Fire Emblem fanbase (on Reddit and some members on Serene's Forest) are pretty toxic to newcomers. If you want your fanbase to grow, you should try to accept them. This attitude lowers the chance for new fans to join, even though I can empathise with the frustration of reading about someone's favorite waifu a hundred times each day.

As someone who is a frequent contributor to the Fire Emblem subreddit, that is sadly true. However, the majority of people there I know are very welcoming to newcomers, it's just that the ones who are hostile to newcomers are also the loud minority.

That being said, there is no "fandom" that I really hate. Some I get annoyed by, but can't really hate a particular fandom.

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Oh, and Fire Emblem, particularly Awakening fans... They seem to think that FE is only about Awakening now and that the old games don't matter at all anymore. Don't some of them even refuse to play older FE games? What stupidity.

Admittedly I've found it difficult to go back to older fire emblem games now that I've played awakening, but that's because Awakening fixed one of my biggest annoyances with the series, the ever-hanging possibility that any of your units could get screwed in a vital stat irreversibly. I'll probably go back to the older games eventually, but after several attempts at playing FE4 resulted in Sigurd getting horribly speed screwed, strength screwed, or both, that massive string of bad luck turned me off the older games, particularly the pre-advance ones, for a while.

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KH is just complex for almost no reason.

And that, ladies and germs, is why i loathe that series.

FE fandom has some very obstinate putzes in it. And unfortunately, these guys are the loudest mofos on the planet. Calm thy tits. Theres some hypocrisy involved considering the same people who whinged about how FE was never popular enough, are now whinging because newcomers are flooding in. (and the series is getting more exposure) Its like, yo...Sure, not the worst fandom there is, but holy crap the issues within are rather...pronounced.

Sonic fandom scares me. Im just glad im not a part of that one.

Smash fandom...the stuff that goes on in there just does not make a lick of sense. Does it really matter who makes it in in the long run? Does it really matter what constitutes a clone? You know...i just...Smash fandom, why.

The worst fandom ive ever experienced was not a video game fandom, so i guess i can consider gaming fandoms a bit higher quality compared to the ASOIAF fandom. <.<

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I try not to outright hate fandoms or people, but there are a few fandoms that have gotten on my nerves and I didn't find out until recently by how...unpleasant the Fire Emblem community can get. Like, I'm just tired of seeing elitists constantly bash people for getting the later Fire Emblem games and even to go as far to say that they aren't real Fire Emblem fans. I haven't seen a whole lot of this myself, but from what I have seen, it really pisses me off. Get off of your dang high horse already and let people like and show appreciation to what they're fans of. What are you trying to get out of being at each other's throats???? I absolutely hate that mentality in general. I know you love the series enough but there's no need to be so overly defensive over it.

There are other fandoms that have REALLY set me off to the point where I didn't want to have anything to do with the series anymore. I'm looking at you Homestuck.

Edited by carefreejules
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To be honest, the only "communities" I've really followed on a loose basis are Zelda and Final Fantasy. Fire Emblem being a more recent thing for me.

There's not really that much to say about either of those fanbases. They're pretty much fine on the whole. Although the fact that they're both offline single player series is obviously a factor.

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For reference, whenever they mention "skill", they mean Halo 2 MP. So "This game requires no skill" means "This game isn't a clone of Halo 2".

That's pretty funny, considering Halo 2 had strong auto-aim and bullet magnetism. Pretty much any other Halo game requires more skill than that one.

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