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You may call me Namarid


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So here goes. Hi fellow emblem fans, as you can guess from the title I'm Namarid(which is a rearranging of my real name in case your wondering). The first time I was exposed to this amazing franchise was a few years ago when I watched a path of radiance let's play on a whim and I instantly fell in love with gameplay that I've never seen nohr experienced before...excuse the pun.

Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to play a FE game until last summer, this being awakening which hooked me from the get go and turned me into the FE fan that you now know of today!

I also have a keen interest in anime, some noteworthy ones I'm watching at the moment being: Overlord, Charlotte, and Rokka no Yuusha.

Suffice to say I'm extremely happy to be apart of this wonderful and helpful community that you've built here and wish to get along with my fellow Mercenaries, Shepherds, Hoshidons and Nohrians alike :)

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Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

You may call me Yari! I'm an Hoshidan Valkyrie whose first game was also Awakening! Even if I knew the franchise for four years before getting it! I hope you enjoy being here!

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Nice to meet you Yari and thanks for the warm welcome. Looks like there are others with a similar experience to me :)

I'm guessing you already have fates, I ENVY YOU. Waiting till next year is gonna kill me.

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I don't have Fates yet. But I fight for Hoshido! And Valkyrie is my favorite class besides Griffon Rider. I'm dying for Fates too. I need it! Badly! Might become my favorite FE game once I get it!
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Bad inference on my part then I guess. Hmm if I was gonna have a favorite class it would have to be the White Blood class. Swords AND dragonstones YES PLZ, also the animations and design look really cool. A close second would have to be the Paladin class because riding a horse gives you bonus points on the awesome scale

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Hello and thank you Melissa for the welcome. I've seen you in the Fates forums quite a bit when I wasn't a member and got the impression from your posts that your'e a nice person if I do say so myself. Hopefully when I get my english copy of Fates, I'll be able to contribute in the forums as much as you have :)

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Haha, Carter's name isn't Melissa, Namarid. She can be a bit of a tease sometimes :P: Source: I'm a poor, poor victim

Welcome to the forest. I would recommend playing some of the older FE games, just to broaden your experience with the franchise a bit. My personal recommendation would be The Sacred Stones (the 8th installment), as it shares branching promotions and the world map features with Awakening, and it isn't that difficult

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*facepalm* Well at least I learnt something from this: always refer to people by username on the forums. I guess I should of realized that it would be weird to give out your actual name on a forum that can be viewed by anyone. Either way thank you both for teaching me that.

I have actually played FE7 and a bit of FE8. I'll think I'll go back to finishing it due to your suggestion.

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*facepalm* Well at least I learnt something from this: always refer to people by username on the forums. I guess I should of realized that it would be weird to give out your actual name on a forum that can be viewed by anyone. Either way thank you both for teaching me that.

Aww, I still would have replied if you had called me Melissa! You'll enjoy Fates very much once it's released in English. Since you've played Awakening, I'd recommend you start with Birthright (Hoshido). It's definitely easier, but if you want a challenge, Conquest (Nohr) would be better. And thank you for the compliments, I'm flattered :)

But in the meantime, I'd recommend playing FE8! It's most like Awakening, and overall just a fun game.

Haha, Carter's name isn't Melissa, Namarid. She can be a bit of a tease sometimes :P: Source: I'm a poor, poor victim

secret destroyer!

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Aww, I still would have replied if you had called me Melissa! You'll enjoy Fates very much once it's released in English. Since you've played Awakening, I'd recommend you start with Birthright (Hoshido). It's definitely easier, but if you want a challenge, Conquest (Nohr) would be better. And thank you for the compliments, I'm flattered :)

But in the meantime, I'd recommend playing FE8! It's most like Awakening, and overall just a fun game.

I will take that into account Melissa. I was originally gone choose Nohr first cause that's who I sided with when it came to the moral decision, but then it makes sense to play the stories in order of difficulty. I actually did start playing FE8 today and I'm finding it to be quite fun.

Hey Namarid! Name's Alex. (Yes, that is my real name). I'd put more here, but I don't know what to say. Haha.

Greetings, Salutations, Hola, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here!

Haha, no worries bro just taking the time to say hello is more than enough :)

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Greetings Namarid and welcome to the forest! Are you planning to play any of the other older Fire Emblem games after FE8?

It depends if I'm able to get my hands on them. The next game I'll probably go for is FE6

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