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Request for sprites/portraits for OCs. Anyone interested?


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If this is not allowed or if this is in the wrong section, I humbly apologize in advance.

I am currently wondering if there are any spriters/portrait makers out there that would be interested in taking a few special requests for me? Nothing super fancy or anything, like I'm not going to ask for a full-blown animation sheet or a full portrait sheet or anything like that. Just a single battle sprite and/or a single portrait. These would be for my own OCs that come from my RPG Maker game, Touhou Fantasy, as well as my lovely FE OC Shyam and a couple other OCs of mine. Here are some reference images in regards to them all:

From Touhou Fantasy (my RPG Maker game):









Hope & Fate:











All of the Fragments of Pandora. From left to right: Hope, Fate, Chaos, Order, Gloom, Death, Pestilence, and Pandora:


From my Fire Emblem hack that's been in limbo:



From my 20+ year old story/game:

Karen Dye:


I do have others from my story/game too, but that depends if anyone wants to see them (this also includes *gasp* MALES!), but some of them need redesigned badly. So yeah! Anyone interested in tackling them? Heck, if you even wanna give a regular art a shot for them, that'd be cool too! ^^

Edited by Xenomic
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.....Do you have, like, an electrocution fetish or something? Just throwing that out there...

Uh, I think I've seen other request threads before but I can't recall what section they were in. You're probably fine though.

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Unfortunately some of us are getting to stages in our lives where we are finding more and more that time is very valuable :(:

Edited by Agro
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Unfortunately some of us are getting to stages in our lives where we are finding more and more that time is very valuable :(:

Nobody in the world has time anymore... It's like a universal thing and I don't like it at all. >:

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Possibile causes on that:

a) Most people have already done the free goods into a void thing and aren't willing to do it again

b) there's not enough input of fresh youngins (or people not burned on ^) with time to spare to meet the random request market

c) Nowadays people are more willing to ask for compensation than just ignore it and wait for someone to come by and do it for free / for the heck of it.

I'm going with ©

Edited by Lenh
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I love how only in the past couple of years I've seen a lot more people asking for monetary compensation for their works here.

I miss the old days where we did this shit 'cause it was fucking fun and we loved it, jesus christ.

yeah i miss being 16 too

now i'm 22 and university is expensive

homework is more important than making pretty pixels for my free time

so if someone wants that free time, it's not free anymore

Possibile causes on that:

a) Most people have already done the free goods into a void thing and aren't willing to do it again

b) there's not enough input of fresh youngins (or people burned on ^) with time to spare to meet the random request market

c) Nowadays people are more willing to ask for compensation than just ignore it and wait for someone to come by and do it for free / for the heck of it.

I'm going with ©

I'm gonna jump onto A and second C.

it doesn't matter if it's small art, "simple" art, or personal art, pixel art is still art, and unless someone's generous art doesn't happen for free.

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I love how only in the past couple of years I've seen a lot more people asking for monetary compensation for their works here.

I miss the old days where we did this shit 'cause it was fucking fun and we loved it, jesus christ.

I, The Merc, formally acknowledge that NickT is the most generous and selfless person in the spriting section.

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I'm not doing a FE game. This was merely for a challenge/for fun. That's all.

Then be doubly prepared to pay up, chumpy. Dont mean to sound rude, but if its for the shiggles, only those still cutting their teeth with splices and customs will be willing to do these. If you want good shit or pro-grade, commission that shit. It is rule of life. Dont be one of those people who demand art work from high quality artists/spriters for nothing and then go on about how "selfish" artists are.

I love how only in the past couple of years I've seen a lot more people asking for monetary compensation for their works here.

I miss the old days where we did this shit 'cause it was fucking fun and we loved it, jesus christ.

I love how that in the last couple of years, the kids on this forum actually grew up to become accomplished at their work, and some even do that shit for a living. So yeah, if i wanted a work done from them, id give them the cash they freaking earned for taking the time out to do something for me. (and all those years of learning how to do this to begin with.) Sweet Gerd.

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If nobody accepts, then I just move on with my business as usual. That's all there is to it. I don't go around accusing people of being selfish or whatnot just because I didn't get anything, savvy? Again, I DID say "challenge/fun", so if there are those that are still learning how to splice/sprite or whatever want to try it, they could. If someone who's really bored or whatever wants to try it, up to them. I ain't gonna go round bugging people for things like this, ain't how I roll heh.

(I also can't afford anything because well...no job for past 7 years and all that. Kinda hard to buy anything when ya ain't got the money ha. Too many things I would've commissioned if I had money probably. ^^; )

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If nobody accepts, then I just move on with my business as usual. That's all there is to it. I don't go around accusing people of being selfish or whatnot just because I didn't get anything, savvy? Again, I DID say "challenge/fun", so if there are those that are still learning how to splice/sprite or whatever want to try it, they could. If someone who's really bored or whatever wants to try it, up to them. I ain't gonna go round bugging people for things like this, ain't how I roll heh.

(I also can't afford anything because well...no job for past 7 years and all that. Kinda hard to buy anything when ya ain't got the money ha. Too many things I would've commissioned if I had money probably. ^^; )

Wiggy. Its just we've seen people get pushy about their free requests in the past. Glad you wouldnt be one of them. Theres a whole culture of shaming artists for not doing free work. I do like your Pandora concept, and if i actually have time, ill see if i can whip something up. Im not on the caliber as the others who posted in here. (i fall in the realm of "people who sprite if and when they feel the urge, and not exactly professionally")

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Understandable. It's a shame that people are that pushy really, I've actually had some in MUGEN when I've explictly told them that I don't sprite anymore (I only sprited for the first year of the project, and then 5-6 years after that haven't sprited for it since. But much like this request, I left the project open for anyone that'd be interested in trying their hands at the various things in it. One such spriter in there actually got real good at his specialty just from spriting for the project, which I'm proud of him getting that good).

I don't like being pushy because A) That's just plain rude, B) People aren't obligated to do things for free, as already stated here but I've already known that for years, and C) It just turns off people from wanting to do things in the first place. I don't like to offend people on purpose either so there's that. If a person tells me no on a request, as stated I just move on. If they tell me to check back later, I generally do so (time frame depends. Usually 1 week to 1 month, if I remember at all). Simple as that really.

I know that feeling ha. I tried spriting myself long, long ago, but I usually end up losing motivation for it outright or just can't seem to bring myself to sprite. Last sprite I did was about exactly 1 year ago, and I don't even remember when the previous sprite before that was (which I think is my best, but it's still not super great IMO. I'm OCD about my own art heh).

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If nobody accepts, then I just move on with my business as usual. That's all there is to it. I don't go around accusing people of being selfish or whatnot just because I didn't get anything, savvy? Again, I DID say "challenge/fun", so if there are those that are still learning how to splice/sprite or whatever want to try it, they could. If someone who's really bored or whatever wants to try it, up to them. I ain't gonna go round bugging people for things like this, ain't how I roll heh.

(I also can't afford anything because well...no job for past 7 years and all that. Kinda hard to buy anything when ya ain't got the money ha. Too many things I would've commissioned if I had money probably. ^^; )

Why not challenge yourself to make the mugs? Surely you wouldn't ask yourself for money.

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This is a great opportunity for you to get out of your current shell/slump. Stop listening to the voice in your head that says you can't!

Makes sense to me having read your thread as well. Especially as the game and art/topic are something you like right? It's something you can get passionate about, right?

So dig in, challenge yourself, Xenomic! You can make a god damned amazing effin awesome game and sprites if you put your mind to it. ;)


Luv u XD ;)

Yeah... It is a valid debate. I like Nickt wanting more public domain/free use stuff... And him ACTUALLY doing it. :)

I would like to do more of that myself, as even though life is crazy hectic and busy, I still love this game series and this community.(Just call me MushyShepherd? Must be getting old and soft with this baby daughter thing. :p)

But yeah, people should also not feel:

A) like they HAVE to do a request

B) like they HAVE to either charge or make it free, depending on their own feelings/circumstances


C) like telling someone else they are either bad, wrong or stupid for making either choice in (B)

...but yeah, that's my two cents. Be awesome, be artistic, be considerate, have fun. :)

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