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Individual Smash Bros Character Poll: Source Gaming Edition


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Greetings! BluePikmin11 here, making another appearance on Source Gaming. I have created another, more organized version of the individual ballot poll, previously posted in Smashboards. (See below for current polls)

Despite the number of characters, the poll was designed to be finished rather quickly. The first page shows pictures of the characters. The second page then has those characters (in a random order) with just the names. Select the bubble on how much you want the character, with 5 being the highest and 1 is the lowest. If you are truly indifferent about that character then please select “3” as that is the middle. There are multiple sets of pages within each poll.

With the 1-5 scale, we hope to calculate how “wanted” the characters are. When the results are finished, we will take an average of all the responses and rank the characters from most “wanted” to least “wanted”. There are a lot of characters on the poll — some you may be unfamiliar with! I hope that this poll will raise awareness of some lesser known Nintendo characters, and perhaps introduce you to a new favorite!

A sample of the poll.

You are free to vote at anytime before October 3rd ends. This poll require a login to vote as it is needed to prevent multi-voting. This is SG’s biggest poll, and we need your vote to get the best in-depth results! Please share this poll on Twitter, Facebook, reddit, Tumblr, with your grandma, etc. The more poll votes, the more likely this poll will actually represent the community’s feelings towards each of those characters.


  1. Use your TAB and arrow keys to navigate through the poll quickly!
  2. You don’t do all of the polls/questions at once. Take your time to do each one. You can answer the polls in any order and anytime you wish before October 3rd.
  3. Share the polls! Spreading the polls will help make the results more useful.
  4. If you really don’t care either way about a character, leave it as a “3”.

NOTE: We have “pre-filled” out the poll with all 3s. Please change the votes up or down. This was done to make filling out the polls as easy as possible.

Part 1 Playable Represented FranchiseThese are characters that have a franchise in the game already.

Part 2 Other Nintendo SeriesThese are characters from either “retro” series, or unrepresented series from Nintendo’s history.

Part 3 “Deconfirmed” Characters and VeteransThese are characters that already have an in-game role, or used to be a fighter.

Part 4 3rd PartiesThese are the notable 3rd party characters.

Ultimate Smash Ballot Poll:
This poll is only one question. But choose wisely!

Source Gaming is also running an “Ultimate Smash Ballot Poll”. In this poll, each person has one choice, and one vote. It’s suppose to actually mimic the Smash Ballot (as the rules state only one vote per person). Please do not be confused, the individual character polls and the Ultimate Smash Ballot Poll are two different sets of polls. We will be using both sets of data to make conclusions in the future. Be sure to fill both out!

Share your opinions here!

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(why don't you just make a poll on here?)

because making 100 different polls for as many niche fansites is awful structure

this keeps the data in one place (or, four places)

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