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Julius Nepos

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Just as a warning, my memory is... terrible. So I'll try my best with the impressions questions but, I'm going to come out and say it - they're probably going to suck.

Impressions of sukusuku hakutaku

First/current impressions of yours truly

Sukusuku is... isn't it some kind of really adorable onion plushie? I mean, it's cute! It's a little round thing. I like little round things!

Uh... you're Shirley right? I remember thinking you were super cool and intimidating. Same applies, just less intimidating since I know you now. :3

Why would you say Yukiko is your fave?

Opinion on Fates?

Yukiko's arc and dream of escaping a bland, pre-planned life is something that I've always sort of related too, considering I'm also a small-town girl with parents (well, parent mostly but my Dad's reach around town is... surprisingly long) that well-known and part of the community. And I've felt like I had to be the trophy daughter or at least good enough because it reflects back on my entire family, and since I've lived in the same small town all my life, you know everyone and everyone knows you. I was little when I started dreaming about leaving it behind to make my own mark somewhere where people could see it, but I wasn't made into a star over it. Though that was then. Now it's even more relatable!

Opinion on Fates... hmm. Well. I like the gameplay, it feels like a more balanced and polished version of Awakening. Some of the new characters ended up being some of my favorites (I can easily say I have more Fates favorites than Awakening favorites). And there were a lot more genuine moments of feels - I mean, yeah, Awakening's Chapter 10 was brutal but fuck Birthright/Conquest 25. No. Absolutely not.)

However, it's... not without its flaws. And it's got a lot of them, especially in terms of its story (honestly at this point I think I like Awakening's story more than Fates' and I bitched about that constantly). Since I've only got Conquest I can't really mess around with my copy of Fates like I can with Awakening, so overall, I guess I'm kind of disappointed. Hope IS and Nintendo really put their heads together for FE15.

1. Impressions (of me)?
2. Favorite video game?
3. Favorite fictional character?
4. Favorite Fire Emblem protagonist?
5. Favorite FE antagonist?

I... vaguely recall seeing you around. You're a decent guy. I think we kind of talked once but I'm also racking my brains trying to remember stuff, I'm so sorry.

If I have to pick just one game, um. Think I'd have to say Etrian Odyssey IV.

Oh god, I have a new favorite character like every week, this is going to be ridiculous. I mean, right now it's Lance from Voltron but... uh... One I've liked for years and years and never lost any affection for is Namine.

Uh... I mean, I haven't played his game (or the remake of his game) but I'd have to go with The O.G. Marth. Love that Marth. Thanks Smash Bros.

Gangrel, definitely. I actually really like Gangrel's character and while I /try/ to ignore the paralogues as canon, I usually end up swinging around and picking him up anyway.

1. Obligatory impressions question

2. Do you collect anything?

3. If you were an FE character, what would your class be?

4. hamburger or hotdog?

5. Do you play any rhythm games? If so, which ones?

Oh gosh, I'm... sorry, I actually do not remember you. I'll go look up past username info in a sec.

Kind of? I have a coin collection but I haven't actively hunted for any in a while. The only thing I'm good at collecting now is dust! HA! ... Now that I mention it I should... dust in here... it's been a while..........

My class? Honestly, I'd probably be a cleric. I tend to default to support roles when I play games, with a few exceptions.


Does Just Dance count? I'm pretty bad at rhythm games, so I don't tend to play them...

1. So Yukiko eh?
2. <3

Hell yeah! Love that Yukiko.


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1. Greatest stunt you pulled off, or at least walked away from?

2. Favorite place to visit?

3. Favorite color and why?

4. Impressions of me?

5. Impressions of yourself?

I'm not very... adventurous. Um. I mean, I jumped into a freezing cold swimming pool in the middle of January once?

Orlando. I actually lived there when I was a baby! (And I mean like, an actual infant - we moved when I was one and of course, my tiny little brain hadn't formed long-lasting neural connections to keep memories yet!) It feels like home for some reason. Maybe it's because Hogwarts is there.

Purple. I remember reading that purple used to be a color reserved for royalty and the richest elites because the dye was hard-to-find, and therefore, rare. So I've always kind of associated purple with being special and yeah, I know, that purple is every special sparkly first Deviantart OC's favorite color to indicate their specialness but y'know what. I don't care. Give me more purple.

I think I heard you were making a game, iirc? I commend you for that! That's hard to do.

Impressions of me? Well.


1. First/current impressions of me?

2. Favorite character from Persona 3 and Persona 4? (can also include P4A and P4AU)

3. What is the hardest loud noise to tune out while trying to fall asleep.

4. Fates Special Edition, is it worth the absurd asking price on the secondary market?

5. And finally, Thoughts on the huge (and apparently stinky) algae bloom in South Florida?

That you were a nice person. And, oh look at that, you're still as nice and charming as ever. Nice to see you again!

Persona 3? Gotta go with my boy Shinjiro (actually he's kind of tied with Ryoji). Persona 4? Gee. I wonder. Who on Earth could my favorite character be from Persona 4. I have absolutely no clue who it could be! This is so hard!!! Surprise, it's Yukiko, and no one is surprised at all.

Noises that don't have a repetition to them. Speaking's the easiest example.

I mean, worth is subjective? Someone who really loves Fates might find it worth it but really, if anything starts pushing the $100 range you're a hell of a lot less likely to get me dolling out for it.

This... is the first I've heard of that. Well, one I'm in North Florida, and two, I'm a hermit in North Florida but yikes.jpg

1. Favourite FE architype?

2. Best experiment done in Mythbusters?

3. If you were to audition for a role in a Film or Theatre show, what would you chose as your monologue?

4. Favourite musical instrument?

5. Best support conversations?

I like the Christmas Cavaliers. (Or in Fates' case, Christmas ninjas? Ho ho ho with a side of Poison Strike?)


I mean, I'm going to be cheesy and predictable but there's something beautiful about Lady M's death monologue. Timeless. I love Hamlet.

The violin. Can I play a violin? Hell no. The only instrument I know is clarinet and I was... mediocre at that. (Plus that was 8 years ago.)

I mean I have a lot of conversations that I like over both the games I've played (I'm working on 6. Slowly.) so it's kind of tricky. But. Gaius and Maribelle's C-A stands out because the first time I got that support it practically smacked me in the face with how good it was. For Fates, Azura's support with Arthur. HE SINGS TO HER IN THEIR S. IT'S SO CUTE. Just -- do me a solid and get that support friends.

1. First and current impressions of me?

2. What makes Ghosts your favorite pokemon type?

3. Favorite FE class?

4. What kind of stories do you like writing most?

5. If you could have any sort of elemental power, what would it be?

First impression is that you were also kind of shy but extremely nice and polite. Now I know you're all that and a giant nerd. (You're a Cool Nerd though.)

I think it's because a lot of Ghost types are just... really sad or angry. They're restless spirits with nowhere to go, or people see them as monsters for things that sometimes they can't help. Maybe it's because my first actual Pokemon game was Y, the one where you get to play with them, so here's Gengar who turns into people's shadows so they can scare them or even kill them, and he's smiling at my because I gave him a Pokepuff. Or Honedge who wants to knock around balls of yarn. Or Gourgeist who likes having their head rubbed. I mean, hell, it's not a Ghost type but I can wave a pink Pokepuff at the representation of death and make it smile. I mean, I'm not going to sit there and say that Ghost pokemon aren't capable of rotten, horrible things, they are. I'm just... a sap for a sad tale, I guess. And Nightmare Fuel. Love me some Quality Nightmare Fuel.

Favorite FE class... I mean, I'm in love with the Witch class but since that's DLC, I'll have to go with Master of Arms. Good skills, a solid balanced class, smashing the weapon triangle to bits... and the cute little bow on the back! I love that bow! Yes, make my entire samurai family pretty.

I actually love writing horror, even if I don't do it much. Especially supernatural horror.

Well. I could go Western. Orrrr, I could go Eastern and say Wood, because power of wood will also mean power over paper. And power over paper means I'm most dangerous in libraries and bookstores, therefore, I'd have an excuse to be by books constantly! Muahahaha!

1: Favorite type of dress to wear?

2: Favorite video game console?

3: Do you like it in Florida?

I really like sundresses. Just, light, little summery things. They're cute!

Right now, the PS4 because it has everything I want lined up for it. But, for ones I actually have, I'm always partial to my 3DS. Gaming On The Go.

Eh. Kinda? I like the weather (I'm used to it) and I like the atmosphere of it, but not only is a lot of my family here but this state is... fucking weird. Sometimes I can't deal with it. Plus there's a lot of conservative people in the area where I live specifically (god, someone a few houses down from me has 3-6 Confederate flags flying at his place every day) so I'm also a bit... y'know. Get me the fuck out of here.

1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?
2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?
3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?
4.Furthest you've ever been from home?
5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

I graduated high school. I'm alive. It's nothing to most people, but I consider both achievements.

Publix fried chicken, since apparently Publix is a Florida thing. I'm still tripping over that.

Not at all.

I went to Paris back in 2012! That's definitely the farthest. Before then I hadn't left the US.

Mega Gourgeist would be sweet. (Plus it kinda needs it... it's not a great Pokemon.)

1. How's your finger?



hi Vashi

1.) first/current impressions if you even remember?

2.) Who is the best Sakura Wars character?

2b.) Why is the answer to the previous question Sumire?

3.) How have you been?

If I even remember. Um. You had a Naoto icon and therefore you were okay in my book. And now you're the most pwecious wittle brother ever.


And that's a funny way to spell Maria, there, Breezy.

Pretty okay. Better overall than before, I guess. I'm working on it. :)

Bulbasaur, Chikorita, or Chespin?


1) You are given the chance to rewrite any game, and the public will experience it as you've written it. What game do you choose?

2) Every piece of media in the world will have one enormous amazing piece of fanfic released,but it's all the same AU (not crossover, but all coffee shop, zombies, space, etc.). What's the AU you would pick?

I'll take Fates for 500. Alright and the question is: What is the most obvious and immediate answer?

Zombies. I didn't even have to think about that one.

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OH, there's the little... not squirrel things -- why did I think it was an onion? Vash, what the hell?


Next question: do you really think suku looks like a squirrel? ;______;

I'll have to go sob this to Ein when he returns.

oh oh not sure if you remember a certain thing we talked about before on sf but did you know I finally captured an Ein last year?

Note: when I was moving to California, the airport clerk person said I had a "nice squirrel" when he saw my suku plush in my mom's arms.

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One of your most pleasant memories while you were here in SF?

Who would you say are your five favorite Fates characters in no particular order?

Favorite kinds of music?

Though we only spoke a few times on skype last year, do you have any impressions of me?

If you have any that is

Something new you always wanted to get into?

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{srs questions}

-A game series you wish more people know about/would play?

-What's a super power you wish you could have?

[not srs questions]

-Why did you give the wrong answer to best Sakura Wars character :P

-When are you going to watch more FMA:B

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One of your most pleasant memories while you were here in SF?

Who would you say are your five favorite Fates characters in no particular order?

Favorite kinds of music?

Though we only spoke a few times on skype last year, do you have any impressions of me?

If you have any that is

Something new you always wanted to get into?

Meeting Kat... well, all my friends, really.

Oh! Arthur, Silas, Rinkah, Felicia, Takumi are some.

Honestly, I'm one of those "I listen to everything but country types". But there's something really fun about jamming to some 00s pop music. Cleanin' the house to Sexyback. I think I've perfected it to an art form now.

Ah... I'm afraid I don't. I'm sorry. orz

Um. Huh. Cooking, I'd have to say. Now listen, UNLIKE Yukiko my food's not /horrible/, but I'm terrible at knowing how to season things. ... It's a work in progress.

{srs questions}

-A game series you wish more people know about/would play?

-What's a super power you wish you could have?

[not srs questions]

-Why did you give the wrong answer to best Sakura Wars character :P

-When are you going to watch more FMA:B

I mean, I'll drag each and every one of you into Mass Effect kicking and screaming but Mass Effect is already pretty popular? So, uh. Play Final Fantasy 12.

There's two ways to answer this, the smartass way and the honest way. The smartass way is the power to change the probability of events. The honest way is healing.

You're the one who spelled Maria wrong.

[spoilers=for Fullmetal Alchemist]When they resurrect Hughes.

You remember me at all?

How hyped are you for Sun and Moon?

Favorite story from any medium?

Cake or pie?

Least favorite character from your favorite series?

... Faintly. I'm... sorry, gah, I feel so bad about this!

My hype is -- hit it Goku.


Favorite story... um. Shit, I'd have to say Bioshock. The entirety of Bioshock, including Infinite. That's a game that stays with you for days.

Cake, man, I am all about the cake.

Ah. Well. I'll say Dragon Age, because I can talk about a character I do actually hate.

My sweet, darling Anders.

I can't stand him.

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How are you? It's been a while.

I can't remember--did you prefer Garrus or Thane?

How's your creative writing coming along?

I'm doing better!

Thane. I'm the drell fucker here.

Ah, it's coming along in bits and pieces. My inspiration/drive took a nasty hit and I'm starting to get back into the swing of things.

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First impression is that you were also kind of shy but extremely nice and polite. Now I know you're all that and a giant nerd. (You're a Cool Nerd though.)

I think it's because a lot of Ghost types are just... really sad or angry. They're restless spirits with nowhere to go, or people see them as monsters for things that sometimes they can't help. Maybe it's because my first actual Pokemon game was Y, the one where you get to play with them, so here's Gengar who turns into people's shadows so they can scare them or even kill them, and he's smiling at my because I gave him a Pokepuff. Or Honedge who wants to knock around balls of yarn. Or Gourgeist who likes having their head rubbed. I mean, hell, it's not a Ghost type but I can wave a pink Pokepuff at the representation of death and make it smile. I mean, I'm not going to sit there and say that Ghost pokemon aren't capable of rotten, horrible things, they are. I'm just... a sap for a sad tale, I guess. And Nightmare Fuel. Love me some Quality Nightmare Fuel.

Favorite FE class... I mean, I'm in love with the Witch class but since that's DLC, I'll have to go with Master of Arms. Good skills, a solid balanced class, smashing the weapon triangle to bits... and the cute little bow on the back! I love that bow! Yes, make my entire samurai family pretty.

I actually love writing horror, even if I don't do it much. Especially supernatural horror.

Well. I could go Western. Orrrr, I could go Eastern and say Wood, because power of wood will also mean power over paper. And power over paper means I'm most dangerous in libraries and bookstores, therefore, I'd have an excuse to be by books constantly! Muahahaha!

You certainly know how to make a guy blush :P:

Aha that makes sense in terms of ghost types and your like for horror in your writing answer adds to it a little bit!

I love the Master of Arms class as well, and it has that Chinese feel that the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Dynasty Warriors series go for, and I adore those designs.

Aha, Wood! You could make like a tornado of pages, i'd hate to get that many paper cuts haha. Now if you don't mind I thought of a few other questions. ^^

6. Whats a game series that you've always wanted to try but never got to it?

7. What do you think of Tolkiens works? Such as The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings etc.

8. Favorite thing to drink?

9. If they make a Smash Brothers 5, what character would you like to see?

10. Ever considered writing a novel and promoting/selling it?

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you missed my questions

oh yeah I forgot to ask in that post

What have you been up to lately?

Edited by Altina Orion
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6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?

7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?

8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?

9.Should men wear skirts?

10.Please answer the stock questions you ask other users (if you have any). If that includes impressions then give me your honest impresssions of yourself.

Edited by Jotari
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1. How've you been

2. What is it about Pokemon SM you're looking forward to the most

3. What are your impressions of me

4. Have you played an Ace Combat game

5. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream

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1: Obligatory "What are your impressions of me?" question. I'm not sure if you even know who I am, though.

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids and/or plans to have any?

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You certainly know how to make a guy blush :P:

Aha that makes sense in terms of ghost types and your like for horror in your writing answer adds to it a little bit!

I love the Master of Arms class as well, and it has that Chinese feel that the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Dynasty Warriors series go for, and I adore those designs.

Aha, Wood! You could make like a tornado of pages, i'd hate to get that many paper cuts haha. Now if you don't mind I thought of a few other questions. ^^

6. Whats a game series that you've always wanted to try but never got to it?

7. What do you think of Tolkiens works? Such as The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings etc.

8. Favorite thing to drink?

9. If they make a Smash Brothers 5, what character would you like to see?

10. Ever considered writing a novel and promoting/selling it?

A /series/ I can't get into... uh. Honestly, this sounds kind of weird, but I've always wanted to actually enjoy the Call of Duty games. I just... don't for some reason. I can't get into them. And it's not because I don't play shooters (I play Mass Effect, Bioshock, Ghost Recon, Borderlands, etc.) they're just... not as fun for me.... Maybe it's the "being a girl playing multiplayer COD" thing.

I quite like them. I remember reading... one of them a very long time ago. But I mean, I've seen the movies. ^_^


Impa or Kairi (from Kingdom Hearts). I mean, if KH got a rep, it's more likely to be Sora, but I would lose my mind if Kairi showed up.

I have! I feel like I'd need to get better at socializing and handling criticism better. I fold like a paper airplane when faced with hate.

you missed my questions

oh yeah I forgot to ask in that post

What have you been up to lately?

I mean it kind of looks like a squirrel? The tail does at least. ... Though I mean, it's a very... round Not Squirrel.

No you didn't tell me that. Congrats, friend.

Uh. Not much? School, mostly.

1) Which Mass effect game is your favorite?

2) What is your preferred class in any of the Dragon age games?

3) Favorite Book?

4) First/Current Impressions of me?

Would you be surprised if I said 1?

Mage. I actually haven't really played as another class, ha! The magic fanatic lives up to her name.

Shoot. Um. I picked up The Raven Boys recently and I'm finding I love it already, so I'll say that. It's much easier than trying to remember every book I've read.

In you're quest of perfecting the way to cook, what recipe would you say you have down?

Favorite story genre?

A favorite pastime of yours?

Pancakes! ... ... You'd be surprised, pancakes are a delicate art.

Hmm. I guess mystery. I love the thrills and suspense and trying to figure out who the true culprit is.

I don't know if making faces at my bunny is a pastime, but. It's something I love to do!

6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?
7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?
8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?
9.Should men wear skirts?
10.Please answer the stock questions you ask other users (if you have any). If that includes impressions then give me your honest impresssions of yourself.

Hmm... Tesla. King Kristina I of Sweden. And... Martin Luther King. ... What an interesting roadtrip.

Can I just name some of the Final Fantasy XV characters since that's technically what the game is anyway? Definitely Link. (But which one... tempted to go with child!Link from MM but tell me that BOTW!Link wouldn't be good on road trips.) Max Caulfield (I'd actually take Kate, but I'm going with hero = protagonist, so), and Elizabeth Comstock (she needs the vacation).

Villains. Ah. Oh boy. Wheatley. Andrew Ryan. And Handsome Jack. (They're the easiest to deal with that I can think of, so long as no one antagonizes Jack directly, which I at least have some control over and damage control in the form of Andrew.)

Of course men can wear skirts. Clothes don't have a gender!

... The only question I really ask people is "what are you doing", and that's usually in regards to fandom things. So I guess the answer is "having good ideas but no skill to actually flesh them out?"

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6. Ever had a unit cap a stat they normally wouldn't cap in an FE game?

7. Is your laughter as uncontrollable as Yukiko's?

8. Would you rather make a wish for yourself or someone else?

9. First game you have ever beaten?

10. What fears do you have?

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