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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Oh btw #LiftingLimitsImmediately because screw limits

naw she's the thumb in the corner

So your daughter's the one in the white shirt, right

1) Why did your parents name you Elieson?

2) What are your thoughts on the greatest game of all time (or at least the greatest name, anyways), Ladystalker?

3) YEAH Natasha is pretty cool. Honestly, some of the things you said about her can be said about Deanna as well (he's supposedly super shy). Oh right, question. Top 5 (or 10, if you're feeling particularly insane) most broken Shining Force characters?

4) I don't even remember if you even watch anime, but you probably have some favorites? What are they?

5) Why hasn't anyone asked you what your first and current impression of them is yet? Is that banned? I didn't even read the first post, so I wouldn't know. Anyways, you should totally say your first and current impressions of me. Wait, have you already done this? I don't even remember, stupid amnesia.

1. They thought it would be pronounced "E-lie-uh-sin" and that it'd be manly as fuck. They didn't predict "El-lee" would catch on.

2. I've never played it but if it's a Landstalker sequel...I should. Refa, help me play it!

3. SF:SoH Luke is the most broken shining force character in history. May is kind of too, because of the Freeze glitch and her super fast access to it. Peter is up there, since he has free revival and ludacris stats all the time.

4. I watch lots of Anime. Outlaw Star is probably one of my favorites. MegasXLR totally counts, and is another favorite. I apparently have a MAL account which is pretty accurate i think. Log Horizon and Stein;s Gate are top tier, too. Lastly, I found MAR to be fantastic, yet underrated.

5. I dunno! Tristie probably did but I wasn't sure if that's what he meant. It turns out, I did you!

Refa, the tough punk Avril Lavigne look-a-like girl thst I assumed had 2 copies of every Paramore VD ever made.

Then, a slap to the face. Another guy I missguessed was a girl.

Ok, next attempt was a pretendtobe dry, but clever and witty FFT fan, after my heart. Close to college age, and single, because of choice. Also, a waiter on weekends at some upscale place, Red Lobster maybe?

But now I learn I am only part correct. You enjoy drafting, and struggling to defeat Horace, like Shin and myself. You have a well developed sense of humor, but we often catch you on the business mode Refa, which I like.

I bet you are one of those guys with either curly hair or feminine hair (Artur or Lucius), but darker.

And also, you almost never wear shorts, and have a GBA-SP with FFTA in it, in your possession at all times.

I guess now, my main difference is that I admire your facial hair and think you have exquisite taste in gaming. Also I envy your dino comic expertise

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Say "yes" to Makaze's question of whether or not he should swear to give you a million bucks IMO; the price of laziness is high.

Edited by Refa
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What is the answer to the question you most want me to ask you?

Yes, I'll be a part of your heist team.

what got you into mafia?

impressions of me, yeah

Into mafia? I think somebody needed a sub and I just joined out of Curiosity. I'm now stuck in it. I like the psychological pressure and analysis; it keeps my brain active and my mind on its toes.

I used to think that you were a a really religious (but calm about it) guy from Florida. I thought you were kinda meek since you get outspoken easily. 5'5 and wore glasses and often, socks and sandals. My kinda guy!

I still bet you wear socks with sandals, but in the Northeast. You're far more social than I realized, I just saw a weird side of you at first. You need to keep your confidence up though! I hope you have been doing that well as of late!

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Say "yes" to Makaze's question of whether or not he should swear to give you a million bucks IMO; the price of laziness is high.

It's also low (I don't have to give it to him because he says yes, lol).

First and current impressions of me?

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1. First and Current impressions of me?

2. What got you into gaming in the first place?

3. Are there any life lessons you've learned that you wish you could pass on to everyone?

4. Thoughts of Cloud in Smash Bros?

5. Whats your favorite game?

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dondon's alternate self, proficient in all forms of programming and binary language. A short fella with a pauper's paperboy cap and always spiffily dressed.

I don't think I'm that far off, though I somehow think you're a bit taller, live in a major city, code out of boredom but don't want a career doing it and probably want to instead be an engineer of sorts. Also, you eat lots of fruit and drink lots of water and juices, probably not caffienated soft drinks and coffee, right?

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1. Who is your favorite Fire Emblem character?

2. Why is Blazing Sword your favorite FE game? (It's my favorite too and it really is the best game, heck yeah!)

3. Have you ever played any of the Star Wars: Battlefront games?

4. Have you ever played Final Fantasy VII? (I'm on a bit of "Cloud is in Smash!" hype-kick...)

5. If you could have super strength or fly, which would you pick?

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Also, you eat lots of fruit and drink lots of water and juices, probably not caffienated soft drinks and coffee, right?

... yes, totally. *takes a sip of Mountain Dew: Voltage*

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1. First and Current impressions of me?

2. What got you into gaming in the first place?

3. Are there any life lessons you've learned that you wish you could pass on to everyone?

4. Thoughts of Cloud in Smash Bros?

5. Whats your favorite game?

1. First? MR EAGER MCBEAVER! You were seriously everywhere and I couldn't really pin you with a personality because you were just too many things at once. I thought you were super duper social, but then I also thought you were a tryhard and kinda thought less of you because of it

Current! UHHHHHHH It's weird because I feel like you require lots of validation and approval to keep your confidence high and I worry about that, but I'm seeing you grow out of it and I think all you need is a career/job to branch out on your own and be tested for survival. You aren't the tryhard that I thought you were; you just try everything, your best, which is different. You have shit taste in waifus though. Also your voice is soooooo soft

2. My dad and I started playing Crystalis one day, and it just stuck with me ever since then, to sit in his lap and play games was something that even little me could do with my big super dad. It's always been a pivitol point, but I still have that Crystalis cartridge.

3. I've learned that no matter how bad it gets; it can always become worse. Be thankful for what you have and who you are because you could be enduring your current challenges without an arm, or without a family, or without a home, or without peers or friends. If you're here talking to me, you've already got more than some, so consider yourself lucky for at least one thing, because it's one thing more that you could not have at this instant.

4. I'm all for it. I honestly don't care about who gets added; I'll just be happier when Isaac (or Jenna) make it in.

5. ALL TIME FAVORITE? Uhhh probably Final Fantasy 3 (6) unless you count MMOs then Ragnarok Online

I'll hop on the bandwagon. Your first and current impressions of me?

Oops I thought I did this!

Honestly, you just always seemed like a smart guy, what with your constant FE contributions and Rx in your own gosh diggity darn name. I know you too little to say more though, sadly.

Are you a monster?

1. Who is your favorite Fire Emblem character?

2. Why is Blazing Sword your favorite FE game? (It's my favorite too and it really is the best game, heck yeah!)

3. Have you ever played any of the Star Wars: Battlefront games?

4. Have you ever played Final Fantasy VII? (I'm on a bit of "Cloud is in Smash!" hype-kick...)

5. If you could have super strength or fly, which would you pick?

1. In all games? Canas. He's a real family man, has that snazzy monocle, dons purpletastic hair and has a great support with Nino and Bartre.

2. It's my first, so the nostalgia factor. I also like its Ranking & Link Arena systems, and wish other FEs brought it back. Also, your lords don't dominate as hard as other units on your squad do, which I think is pretty fair and allows for fun when everyone else has a purpose.

3. I haven't played a star wars game since Super Star Wars for SNES.

4. Have I? I own three different versions. I beat it without a Memory Card once back when it first came out.

Actually, before I even bought a Playstation of FF7, I got a FF7 guidebook. Crazy, right?

5. Probably super strength. Then, I could jump really high, which would be almost as good as flying, but also strong!

... yes, totally. *takes a sip of Mountain Dew: Voltage*

Finally, someone else who drinks Voltage.
Edited by Elieson
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1). FIRST AND LAST IMPRESSIONS OF the knights templar?

2). what's your favorite breakfast foods

3). your favorite composer?

4). the thing you hated most in high school?

5). do you like melon bread?

1. First? Buncha lunatic Christians!

Now! The freemasons are pretty chill bros and their bylaws are derived from the Knights Templar. I'm cool with them

2. Brown Sugar Cinnamon POP-TARTS. That, or anything that has Real maple syrup on it.

3. Obviously Gustav Holst for his The Planets masterpieces.

4. I severely disliked how our track was a gravel runway. I was the captain for 3 years and placed in State, and I never had a school with a safe surface to run on.

5. I haven't ever had it? What's it like?


1.) Hi how are you?

2.) *insert impressions question here*

3.) Favorite video game soundtrack?

4.) Favorite song?

5.) Hi

1. I'm excited! I survived today's tornadoes and get to go home and maybe sleep in a bed instead of the floor!

2. First? A cool drafter who has social anxiety issues and one really big dog

Current! A lame 2hu with a really big dog and less social anxiety issues because of 2hu brethren. You kinda See-saw'd

3. Probably tied between Metroid Prime and Ape Escape

4. Of the day?


5. That's such a short question!

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Oops I thought I did this!

Honestly, you just always seemed like a smart guy, what with your constant FE contributions and Rx in your own gosh diggity darn name. I know you too little to say more though, sadly.

Thank you, that means a lot to me.

Are you a monster?

The answer is coming in my interview. Mwahahaha!

Okay, next 5 questions:

7. Your opinion on the state of the gaming industry?

8. Besides Metroid, what's a game series you'd love to make a return? Like a proper return.

9. Your favorite blockbuster film to have come out between 2005 and now.

10. Your opinion on Tabletop RPGs?

11. Where's your avatar from? It looks sorta familiar but I can't be sure.

Edited by Rxmonste
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1. Are you satisfied with your current life situation?

2. Do you find being a young dad is a blessing or rather a burden?

3. Are you going to introduce your daughter in videogames too (if you haven't done already)?

4. How did you come into FE?

5. What's your opinion about FE?

6. What's your opinion about SF?

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  • What do you consider the most interesting philosophical questions?
  • How do you answer them?
  • What principles define your moral compass?
Edited by Makaze
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1. Your impressions of me

2. When did you first play mafia?

3. dogs or cats?

4. Favorite anime

5. Do you agree we should hang out more?

1. A cool dood. Please socialize more with me on the sidelines. I never thought low of you, I just don't know anything about your personal life now so I feel like I've grown to know you less

2. I think about 4-ish years ago, here on SF. My first game was Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 2, but I subbed into I Can't Believe It's Not Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 2. I was scum in both.

3. Cats. I prefer dogs, but my lifestyle prefers cats and I'm ok with that

4. Outlaw Star

5. Absolutely. Play more mafia games or find me and get me to do something else

Thank you, that means a lot to me.

The answer is coming in my interview. Mwahahaha!

Okay, next 5 questions:

7. Your opinion on the state of the gaming industry?

8. Besides Metroid, what's a game series you'd love to make a return? Like a proper return.

9. Your favorite blockbuster film to have come out between 2005 and now.

10. Your opinion on Tabletop RPGs?

11. Where's your avatar from? It looks sorta familiar but I can't be sure.

7. Nintendo is going places with the NX. Microsoft and Sony don't seem to be pushing a lot out. IMO the third party development is going to have to transition from keeping the consoles alive, to being released with the consoles, to attract more attention. That's just me thinking so much gaming is samey though. Wii U innovation is looking better than XB1's uhh...home nerdwork integration and FPS piles?

8. Full fledged return? Illusions of Gaia deserves a Prequel featuring Will's father. A Shining Force reboot

9. Hmm...probably Tangled

10. Fun, if you have the time. I personally prefer playing with people who know how to get shit done but don't nitpick about every little thing. Over-the-top OCD people are lame to play with sometimes.

11. Kitty (koneko) drew it for me, entirely custom

6. What would your element be in an RPG?

7. Are you enjoying my Starfox LP so far?

6. I would hope Water. I'm an aquarius and have always lived near water.

7. Uhh, yea totally /me resumes watching episode 2

ay Eli

1) Favorite toppings on pizza?

2) Super Metroid or Metroid Prime?

3) Fav and Least fav music genre?

4) First and Current impressions of me?

5) How was your day?

1. Pepperoni. That's all it needs. I'm lactose intolerant though, so Pizza is a risk for me.

2. BOTH. Probably Super Metroid because Nostalgia though

3. Fav? Funk & Electro. I'm picky as fuck with it all though. Least fav? Rap.

4. First? Just some plain ol' nub who can't think of better Usernames, like 13 and not gonna stick around.

Current! Something like I think you're incredible with commitment and would probably make a good husband but I dunno about father so just stick with using protection for a while. Not because I think you'd be bad, just because I don't actually have a thought on it.

5. Busy af. Tornado warnings everywhere. I'm gonna not unpack until 2 am for the first night in 5 and unload some time into Jedi's starfox LP and trifork heroes


1. First and Current Impressions

2. What's it like being a dad?

1. First? Really level headed bro or chick, I can't remember ever being aware of your proper gender. An older guy with a super innocent child's heart.

Current! #DoofQuitCamping. I have a hard time keeping track of you, so I feel like you're making the transition from Interweb World to Real World, which is probably a good thing. You seem like the type of person I'd love to have a job with, because I imagine you get shit done and have a good sense of humour while doing so.

2. I love it. It's a lot of work but it's really rewarding. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

1: First and current impressions of me?

2: Favorite incarnation of Zelda?

3: Favorite TV show?

4: Favorite Pokemon type?

5: Do you have any pancake mix?

1. First? Kind like Ice Sage, I thought you had shit taste in naming. I thought his was way worse. You always came across as a quiet City-dweller to me, in a family with many older brothers.

Current! I think you take criticism really hard, and I think you're a really smart guy and just don't know where or how to properly apply yourself. Find small things like little goals to achieve daily or weekly, rather than long term goals, and I think it will help boost your confidence and help you care less about other's perception of you.

2. YOUNG link

3. Probably....Who's line is it anyway

4. Electric. Always have, always will

5. Bisquik. Hands down.

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6. What do you think of the inclusion of Chrom and Lucina in Project X Zone 2?

7. Of all the Lord characters in Fire Emblem, which is your favorite?

8. Would you rather ride a unicorn, or a dragon?

9. Muffins, or cupcakes?

10. Do you like to draw?

6. I honestly...don't get it. I was completely unaware of the series even existing until the Ylissean duo made their debut appearance. I think it has some potential with Aether and innate weapon variety but I'm honestly unsure of them being a "powerful" character. Though, with it being the first Nintendo inclusion, they probably will, just like Ryu is super buff in Smash.

Almost like a trade...suspicious....

7. Probably Ephraim, for taking risks and getting shit done.

8. Honestly, probably a dragon. I always enjoyed the flight scenes in How to Train Your Dragon, and thought that one of such size would be a real pleasure to ride. Plus, I feel like the efforts of raising one would be a lot easier, as a scaley dragon with a saddle would probably be easier to become comfortable on rather than a flying horsebird, and I'd feel less like I'm strangling something with a noose and bit if it's built of scale.

9. Cupcakes because Frosting

10. I do, but I haven't in quite some time. I actually have a degree in Photoshop; I do more colouration through it and Illustrator than I do flat out drawings. Doodles...I do dabble in doodles sometimes. I love drawing with Lexi though, simple things like flowers and trains and the "Umpire State building"

1. Are you satisfied with your current life situation?

2. Do you find being a young dad is a blessing or rather a burden?

3. Are you going to introduce your daughter in videogames too (if you haven't done already)?

4. How did you come into FE?

5. What's your opinion about FE?

6. What's your opinion about SF?

1. Honestly, yea. I'm back on my own two feet, and the divorce honestly put me into a better state of mind than the three years I spent trying to patch up my marriage. My ex still has Tyler all the time due to immigration paperwork and other BS, and I really wish I could see him more, but he and I still have a good relationship with eachother (for an almost-14 year old), so I'm taking it for what it is, not what it isn't.

2. That's a good question. I find it to be a blessing, but only because it's part of a lifestyle in which I truly believe was meant for me. It's hard work being a dad and I miss out on a lot of things I wish I could do for myself, but enjoying it with somebody that I know I can always count on to believe in me and support me gives me a lot of motivation to better myself, and live my life without wasting as much time as I might have if I wasn't a dad at all. My time spent is more fulfilling, so I feel like it's a good thing.

3. She and I play Yoshi's Wooly World together already, and I've been teaching her Smash Bros for 3DS (the smaller button layout fits her hands better) for the past what, 5 months? She's mah gamer girl

4. I found an FE7 cartridge in a movie theatre under the seat in front of me (not long after it came out), before I even owned a GBA. I borrowed a friend's GBA to play it, and never looked back.

5. I love it, and I personally enjoy the direction that it is going in. The idea of unit customization allows for so much replayability that I really see FE:Awakening as the testing-the-waters game for what FE14 is going to become, at least for Gameplay. As for the plot; eh it's pretty standard so I don't think that highly of it to begin with. I like seeing the political usurpment and such, but the whole BIG BAD OBTAIN ALL POWER BAD GUY part always feels the same.

6. SF's a good place to live, as long as you make sure to water the plants and don't bother Integrity. Read the rules, and you'll fit right in. It's pretty laid back here, honestly. I've been here for many years and I never regret it.

1. What's the question you want people to ask you the most?

2. Waffles or pancakes?

3. Which gaming consoles do you have?

4. Do you like pocky?

5. Favorite meme?

1. Regrettably, What's your impression of me. It's always hard to think of a simple answer that I can put into words, and is often the reason why my responses come in so gosh darn late!

2. French Toast. Or, Pancakes. Waffles are too much work for not enough yield

3. Consoles I currently own

  • Atari 2600
  • Atari 3200
  • Sega Genesis
  • Gameboy Color
  • Super Nintendo
  • Nintendo 64 (x2)
  • Playstation 2 (x2)
  • Playstation 3
  • Xbox
  • Xbox 360
  • Wii U
  • 3DS
  • 2DS (Lexi's)
  • PC

And for consoles I used to own but no longer for w/e reason

  • Gameboy Advance
  • Gameboy Advance SP
  • DSi (traded in for my 3DS)
  • Sega Gamegear
  • Playstation
  • PSP

4. Yea but I fooking cannot stand Strawberry Pocky.

5. Dino comicspmryoK5.png

  • What do you consider the most interesting philosophical questions?
  • How do you answer them?
  • What principles define your moral compass?
  • Ones involving morality and the consideration of other's well being. Rightful punishment and motivation of choice questioning the Id versus the Ego & Superego raise interesting thought.
  • By throwing out several debatable points and allowing those interested in my responses to come up with answers more appropriate for themselves rather than agreeing with my personal thought(s).
  • Simple. Karma & Righteousness. Believing in both allows me to function as a civilized human being and a contributor to society, while remaining secular. If you want to go further into it, I would say atheism or agnosticism define my principles more bluntly, and that the awareness of my religious preference (well, lack thereof) is what describes my motivation to follow said principles of my moral compass.
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