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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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On 6/1/2018 at 11:49 AM, Purple Mage said:

I take it you're a fan of Greek myths too. Opinion on the Percy Jackson book series?

My sister is a big fan of the series, and has been trying to get me to read them. I eventually plan to get into the series; I just need to find time to sit down and read.

On 6/1/2018 at 11:49 AM, Purple Mage said:

Favorite RPG that isn't Fire Emblem?

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. Hilariously enough, I didn't know it was an RPG the first time I played through it, so I rarely bothered to change my equipment or give any thought to my level or stats. It made the game much harder than it should have been, but I never noticed because the responsibility of dodging and attacking were in my hands (whereas in other RPG's this is reliant on RNG, which was one of my biggest gripes with the genre as a kid, and to a much lesser degree, now), and the special moves were legitimately fun to use.

On 6/1/2018 at 11:49 AM, Purple Mage said:

Favorite Awkward Zombie comic?

That... is a really tough question. I... uh... have to say all of them. I really can't choose.

Although the extremely long edit on this page did get me to laugh hard enough that tears started forming in my eyes.

On 6/1/2018 at 11:49 AM, Purple Mage said:

Favorite Mortal Race in Elder Scrolls? (Can include unplayable races such as Snow Elves or Dwemer.)

The Redguard. They're versatile and well-rounded fighters that work in a large amount of combat roles, and they're a pretty solid choice for beginners and veterans alike.

It also helps that most of the Redguards you meet are strong, yet friendly in character. And Bethesda even made a side game set in Hammerfell.

On 6/1/2018 at 11:49 AM, Purple Mage said:

The above question, but least favorite?

The magic bonus the High Elves have could never compensate for their absolutely horrendous weakness to magic. Especially when Bretons are a better race for mage builds anyway.

The Dark Elves, especially in Morrowind, can be major a-holes at times, but that's only certain characters and not the entire race. Still, those few people are a step above the rest in how much of a d*** they can be.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

If you could travel anywhere in time and space, where would you go?

Good question. Probably after the American Revolutionary War. I think it would be cool to see first hand what the thoughts of the Founding Fathers were, and how the debates surrounding the formation of the nations government went. It'd also be cool just to see these people in person.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

What's a genre you don't like?

Horror. I'm stuck at a bit of a crossroads with this genre. On the one hand, my imagination is pretty big, and I can think of some pretty scary things, so I would be inevitably disappointed and think I wasted my time and money if the product in question didn't scare me. On the other hand, if something does scare me, it's probably going to psychologically scar me, and I like my sleep.

I also don't like how difficult it is to judge how balanced or fair the mechanics are in horror video games, and whether the difficulty is fake or not.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Hot or cold?

14 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

XIII. Hot or cold?

Even here, I'm the "we asked this question before" guy.

I'll give the same answer: I really don't care. I don't feel hot wearing dress clothes in 80 to 90 degree weather, but I can also spend time outside in the snow with little more than a winter coat on without complaining. I still don't have a preference.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Would you eat a penguin if given the chance?

Nope! In fact, I would probably call the government to see if it counts as poaching.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Who do you think will win E3 this year?

Nintendo, because they're the only company I watch at E3 they're bound to have a solid line up of games to show off. We'll be getting a few surprises, and we'll see some stuff we expected, but overall, I'm excited to see what Nintendo has planned for the next half of this year.  

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Interesting. I would have to say you and I have fairly similar mindsets on the human race.

Also, I agree about Skyward Sword. I loved that game when I played it, and it is my second favorite game of the series (after Ocarina for nostalgia sake and Breath of the Wild for simply being so great). In fact, I never realized anyone had even ever disliked it until I saw multiple people on the internet bashing on it. Spirit Tracks too is a fun game; I've always felt it fixed a couple problems with Phantom Hourglass without adding too many more. But yeah, not being able to progress with flute sections in the car is not fun...

XV. Favorite type of sword?

XVI. Samurai or ninja?

XVII. Favorite weapon of the FE weapon triangle?

XVIII. Which system of magic do you like best? (e.g. the GBA era where magic is split in three with a triangle, Gaiden/Echoes where it costs HP, etc.)

XIX. Power, wisdom, or courage?

XX. Emotions, knowledge, or willpower?

XXI. Have you ever gone fishing?

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16 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Skyward Sword. I love the art style, it has my favorite story in a Legend of Zelda game, as well as my favorite version of Zelda, and I love how it explains the presence of the master sword. The motion controls never bothered me, and neither did the hand-holding, and whenever it did I just dealt with it. It also has some of the best bosses in the series, and I loved that the final battle with Demise like an ACTUAL SWORD FIGHT FOR ONCE IN THE SERIES. No gimmicks, no secondary weapons or items, very little magic involved; It's a straight up, hard-as-nails, genuine sword fight. Do you know how long I've been asking for that in the series? I also liked the character development of Groose, and how Link finds that fine line between realistic and cartoony, so he doesn't feel out of place when a scene is serious or when it's funny.

2 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Also, I agree about Skyward Sword. I loved that game when I played it, and it is my second favorite game of the series (after Ocarina for nostalgia sake and Breath of the Wild for simply being so great). In fact, I never realized anyone had even ever disliked it until I saw multiple people on the internet bashing on it.

I'd only ever really heard bad things about SS, actually. I've been meaning to play it, but my wii controlers are now hmmmm. Though reading this I'm actually really tempted, thanks guys!
(I've only had the game since release oops).

On 01/06/2018 at 4:50 AM, Hawkwing said:


Ah, a man of culture.

On 01/06/2018 at 3:19 AM, Hawkwing said:

Annoyingly, my computer deleted all my emulator save files

i feel u

7. Generally how do you feel about using emulators? Like them? Dislike them?

8. Any Zelda games you haven't played but would like to play?

9. Any Zelda games you disliked or aren't interested in playing?

10. Do you prefer viewing art physically (galleries etc) or online?

11. Any languages you'd like to learn (even if you have no intention of doing so)?

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On 30/5/2018 at 11:17 PM, Hawkwing said:

When I can find the time to just sit down, and READ. I've been thinking about about giving a super long response on personal highlights when I finally do open my mouth. Prepare yourself for then.

Okay, consider me satisfied.

1. Have you ever played Perfect Dark? If so, what did you think?

2. Out of all FE characters, who do you think you'd hate the most if you met them in real life?

3. Would it be too cheeky to try to make a thread meme out of "hot or cold"?

3.5. Incidentally, hot or cold?

4. Dogs or cats, if either?

5. What is your opinion on Steam?

6. What antivirus do you use in your computer, if any?

7. Since you are quite the fan of history, may I ask if you know anything about the history of my country, Spain? I find it to be absolutely hilarious, myself, how we once managed to be on top of the world, and then plummeted to the ground of irrelevance.

8. Do you have a favourite FE meme?

9. What is your stance on modern gaming and its shenanigans?

10. I've broken the question limit, haven't I?

11. Was it stupid to break it just for that incredibly stupid question?

12. I should stop asking idiotic questions now, should I not? Don't answer that. I just will.

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On 6/2/2018 at 1:44 AM, Rex Glacies said:

Interesting. I would have to say you and I have fairly similar mindsets on the human race.

Interesting to know. I was wondering if I went too far or if I didn't say enough when writing that, but it appears I got my point across.

On 6/2/2018 at 1:44 AM, Rex Glacies said:

Also, I agree about Skyward Sword. I loved that game when I played it, and it is my second favorite game of the series (after Ocarina for nostalgia sake and Breath of the Wild for simply being so great). In fact, I never realized anyone had even ever disliked it until I saw multiple people on the internet bashing on it. Spirit Tracks too is a fun game; I've always felt it fixed a couple problems with Phantom Hourglass without adding too many more. But yeah, not being able to progress with flute sections in the car is not fun...

Yeah, I'm surprised at how much hate Skyward Sword gets at times, but I do see it as a "love it or hate" kind of game, with room possible in-between. As I said, the motion controls rarely bothered me, and I know my way around tutorial characters, and whenever these two things did annoy me, I just dealt with it. However, I also know that other's don't have the same level of patience for such things.

I can also understand why people can dislike Spirit Tracks, as there's not as much exploration and the side quests are very basic, but I took the former as an opportunity to observe my surroundings in more detail (and I have to say, on the off-chance they make an HD remaster, this would be my reaction) and with the latter, they reminded me of playing with toy trains as I kid, so I didn't mind them being simple (even if the rabbit sidequest does make me raise questions. I'm sorry, but the way those rabbits are struggling in that net when caught legitimately concerns me). Although I can see why Nintendo kept the flute microphone-only, so the gimmick wouldn't go to waste, I still don't see how the thought that people could be playing in an area where the microphone would go crazy didn't come to them. It doesn't help that the later flute sections require you to skip over notes.

On 6/2/2018 at 1:44 AM, Rex Glacies said:

XV. Favorite type of sword?

A bastard Sword if I was going to use one. They seem versatile and useful in an actual fight, and I'd know I'd want one if I lived in that time period.

I also like claymores and Zweihanders, because it's cool that swords these large had an actual use in combat, and could be wielded with grace and subtlety. I also like two-handed swords in general, because they're awesome to see in action.

Barring how overused they are in fiction, and that they're still a weapon with their own strengths and weaknesses, Katana's are awesome. They're used differently than European swords, and the fact that they require a lot of maintenance and care fits very well with the disciplined and honor-bound Samurai who used them.

(Do light saber's count? The fights in the movies and especially the ones made by fans are ridiculous in the best ways possible.)

On 6/2/2018 at 1:44 AM, Rex Glacies said:

XVI. Samurai or ninja?

Samurai. Thank the game "Sword of the Samurai" for that, but really, the fact that they're ridiculously honor bound warriors that were expected to handle outnumbered conflict on their own, as well as being strong soldiers on the battlefield, makes them very interesting to me.

On 6/2/2018 at 1:44 AM, Rex Glacies said:

XVII. Favorite weapon of the FE weapon triangle?

Probably lances, because they counter the overused swords.

That being said, I do find swords to be extremely versatile, and they have an impressive amount of variances across all games.

It took some time, but axes have grown on me, and I hope the next game does them more justice.

On 6/2/2018 at 1:44 AM, Rex Glacies said:

XVIII. Which system of magic do you like best? (e.g. the GBA era where magic is split in three with a triangle, Gaiden/Echoes where it costs HP, etc.)

On it's own, Echoes. It's a unique system that is surprisingly well balanced, and the HP cost isn't as bad as it sounds.

My dream game would have the magic triangle, the echoes system, and the item system working together, with more variances on magical weapons and more utility spells.

On 6/2/2018 at 1:44 AM, Rex Glacies said:

XIX. Power, wisdom, or courage?

Wisdom. It's what I respect and use the most. That, and I honestly kind of expect courage from most people.

On 6/2/2018 at 1:44 AM, Rex Glacies said:

XX. Emotions, knowledge, or willpower?

Knowledge. I listen to my head rather than my heart, and a strong will can be useless if wasted on petty or shallow causes. Although knowledge can be misused, a knowledge led by wisdom can do great things.

On 6/2/2018 at 1:44 AM, Rex Glacies said:

XXI. Have you ever gone fishing?

I've gone a few times at my Grandmother's who lives near a lake. I have some funny fishing stories, such as catching the same fish three times in a row, to accidentally poking a fishes eye out trying to get the hook out, and catching a larger fish than expected from the lake, but I wouldn't say that it's a hobby of mine.

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@Purple Mage He probably thinks I'm a nosy weirdo lol. I've brought up subjects he's not fond of way too much.

Adding my own question: You're a pretty serious Christian, so what do you think of the current Pope?

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On 6/2/2018 at 4:17 AM, Natalie said:

I'd only ever really heard bad things about SS, actually. I've been meaning to play it, but my wii controlers are now hmmmm. Though reading this I'm actually really tempted, thanks guys!
(I've only had the game since release oops).

I'll give a warning that depending on the TV you have, the motion controls may work better or worse than what others have experienced. I remember that after getting a new TV, I attempted to replay the game, but the oddities of the TV threw me off to the point I don't play many aiming-based games on the Wii anymore.

But yeah, I suggest giving Skyward Sword a shot! You might love it, you might hate it. You might have feelings of both, but it's worth at least one playthrough.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:17 AM, Natalie said:

Ah, a man of culture.

Thanks, I guess. *Shrugs* I just like chocolate ice cream. I won't complain if I have to settle for vanilla, though.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:17 AM, Natalie said:

7. Generally how do you feel about using emulators? Like them? Dislike them?

My stance on them is that if I'm going to beat a game, I'm going to buy it. I use emulators to either test the waters for a game I'm interested in getting, or to have a chance to play older games that you can't find anymore. I know full well that I'm going into these games blind, and thus am fine with not knowing what to do at times, and I've vowed never to save a game, even if I know how to.

The only exception to this is Fire Emblem, and that's because half the series is in Japan, and, unlike, say, the Oregon Trail  (I play the deluxe edition that is superior to the original in every way, but nobody talks about it for some reason), It's not something I can beat in an hour or two. Thus, I am fine with saving in these games.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:17 AM, Natalie said:

8. Any Zelda games you haven't played but would like to play?

I'd like to get Breath of the Wild. My cousin let me try it last year, and I greatly enjoyed it.

I've also hear good things about A Link to the Past, so I'd like to try that game out someday.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:17 AM, Natalie said:

9. Any Zelda games you disliked or aren't interested in playing?

Majora's Mask 3D left a bad first impression on me. It felt like I was giving the time travel and sidequest mechanics a chance, and they kicked me in the groin instead. Several times. I did eventually got tired of it and just dropped the game. That being said, I don't actually hate the game, and I plan to give it another shot in the future.

I also see no reason to play the very first Legend of Zelda, and Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link seems hard for the wrong reasons at points.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:17 AM, Natalie said:

10. Do you prefer viewing art physically (galleries etc) or online?

They both have their merits. it's easier to see the finer points in physical art, and there's always the special feeling that you saw it for yourself, while online art has ease of access, and the benefit of a zoom button. I'm not really an art guy, though.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:17 AM, Natalie said:

11. Any languages you'd like to learn (even if you have no intention of doing so)?

I'd like to learn Hebrew. It would be cool to read the original texts in their native language. Same deal with Latin. Edit: I'd also like to learn Greek.  Knowing about the latter two would also be helpful with reading other books and writings from those time periods.

I know that Spanish is useful, I just never got the hang of learning languages.

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On 6/2/2018 at 4:57 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

1. Have you ever played Perfect Dark? If so, what did you think?

I forget if Perfect Dark is an Xbox game or a Nintendo 64 one. Either way, I haven't played it, but I'd give it a shot if I had the chance.

Admittedly, I've only gotten into the shooting genre last year, so my gaming library in that area is pretty small (and for the record, I don't own any Call of Duty games).

On 6/2/2018 at 4:57 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

2. Out of all FE characters, who do you think you'd hate the most if you met them in real life?

Probably Henry. I'd either punch him in the face, rant at him about how joking about killing is wrong, or turn him into the authorities. Or all three.

Seriously, though, my real-life rant against Goto in Knights of the Old Republic 2, when I learned that he set a bounty on my characters head, which lead to the death of all personnel on a mining colony, which lead to it's destruction, which lead to the existence of another planet being threatened, and the death of several bounty hunters, all to bribe into into doing something I would have done regardless, and without a reward to boot, WAS LEGENDARY. Seriously, I regret not having any recording equipment at that time; my rant was that good.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:57 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

3. Would it be too cheeky to try to make a thread meme out of "hot or cold"?

Go for it. Just know that memes have a risky life.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:57 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

3.5. Incidentally, hot or cold?


Look at previous responses.

If you didn't bother: I don't care.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:57 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

4. Dogs or cats, if either?

I'm more of a cat guy. Dogs are a little too energetic for me.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:57 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

5. What is your opinion on Steam?

I use GOG more, although that's because I found it first. I use steam to play Civilization 5, and hopefully XCOM in the future, but so far that's it.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:57 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

6. What antivirus do you use in your computer, if any?

Why would you care? I don't know, and I'm not telling if I did.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:57 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

7. Since you are quite the fan of history, may I ask if you know anything about the history of my country, Spain? I find it to be absolutely hilarious, myself, how we once managed to be on top of the world, and then plummeted to the ground of irrelevance.

They somehow manage to be the most powerful nation in the game, and a butt-monkey, at the same time, in Pirates: Live the Life!

I don't have the time to do the research on Spain as I did with the Philippines at the moment, but I do agree that it's interesting how many nations, not just Spain, seemed to have the whole world in their hands, only to loose their position as history runs its course. There are several lessons to be found there, much to the benefit of those who learn from history.

I also remember that Spain just got finished with their Civil War when World War 2 started, and thus it, along with Portugal who helped the nation in said Civil War, were neutral through the whole conflict. It also meant that their dictator, Francisco Franco, stayed in power after the war ended.

Spain also had a vital, if sadly brutal, role during the colonization period.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:57 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

8. Do you have a favourite FE meme?

Barring anything and everything from Awkward Zombie?

"We Need Disguises..." "Perfect!"

Eliwood's genuine smile is what sells it.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:57 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

9. What is your stance on modern gaming and its shenanigans?

Many companies have learned from experience and have looked at the history of video games, and thus we're getting a good mixture of old and new in a lot of products. It's nice that both indie developers and larger companies realize this, as both groups have their own advantages and disadvantages with video game production.

Although some games can get cinematic to the point it can become detrimental to the gameplay, and even though video games have been used for storytelling surprisingly early on, this does have the advantage of raising awareness that yes, videogame's are an art form and have they have their own unique way of storytelling.

It's not perfect, but I'm more hopeful than most. And besides, we have enough videogames that if one doesn't satisfy us, we can always go back to one that we enjoy. Then again, I don't play many modern games, and when I do, I get them years late. Make of that what you will.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:57 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

10. I've broken the question limit, haven't I?

Actually, you've just reached it.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:57 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

11. Was it stupid to break it just for that incredibly stupid question?

Now you've broken it. It's more of a suggestion than a hard limit, anyway. I'm a slow typer, and I give much though to each question, so these understandably take a while.

On 6/2/2018 at 4:57 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

12. I should stop asking idiotic questions now, should I not? Don't answer that. I just will.

How can you stop something you haven't started?

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On 6/2/2018 at 1:28 PM, Purple Mage said:

Opinion on the Philippines?

After doing the research, it's a pretty cool country, not gonna lie. I'm actually very glad you asked a similar question earlier. I didn't know that a place with such a combination of cultures and a history with so many different nations existed. Who knows, I may or may not visit the country after learning about it.

On 6/2/2018 at 1:28 PM, Purple Mage said:

Opinion of @Zawisza Czarny?

I'm glad to have met another Christian, history buff, and someone who's not afraid to be weird. I guess we both have to thank him for starting that Nonsensical Fire Emblem Story thread, seeing as that's how we met.

On 6/2/2018 at 1:28 PM, Purple Mage said:

Opinion of @Dragoncat?


Huh, so a person that combined both a dragon and a cat. That's cute, I guess. Also, she's a fan of Spyro. Don't blame her. I kinda want to try the series myself someday.


Huh, this Dragoncat fellow is actually pretty funny. I'm glad for her for starting this "Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer" Thread. It's fun! Although she looks... familiar...

*Some Searches Later*

My god, she's EVERYWHERE!!!

Also, I taught her the word "flynning." Nice.


I think we're some form of vitriolic buddies, except it's not that vitriolic, and instead I face-palm at her hornier moments (hey, she said that about herself in her own interview!). That being said, I have laughed at several of her jokes, the moments she shared more heartwarming topics brightened my day, and I'm genuinely glad to have met and known her.

The moment in the thread (you know the one I'm talking about) did serve as a lesson to be wiser and more thoughtful about what I say before I post. As I've said before, I realize I did have a hand in continuing the discussion, and it could have been ended earlier if I had kept my mouth shut. It was also a nice time for introspection on my own views on the topic matter, as I really hadn't thought about it in a while.

Also, she's older than I though she would be. Take that as you will.

On 6/2/2018 at 1:28 PM, Purple Mage said:

Favorite Cartoon?

I didn't have the ability to watch it normally, but I enjoyed watching Spongebob Squarepants until it's quality really started to drop.

I also remember watching the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series, and I greatly enjoyed it.

I really want to see Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, and I've heard good things about the new Voltron.

On 6/2/2018 at 1:28 PM, Purple Mage said:

Should I make a ROM hack featuring we who frequent Forum Games/FFtF?

Go for it! All I ask is that you inform the people in question about it ahead of time and get their consent first, and make sure to show them your handiwork and get their thoughts and suggestions.

On 6/2/2018 at 1:32 PM, Dragoncat said:

@Purple Mage He probably thinks I'm a nosy weirdo lol. I've brought up subjects he's not fond of way too much.

Hey, everyone's weird once you get to know them, and I don't mind people being nosy as long as they set limits.

And yeah, in hindsight, I probably should have PM'd you some of my replies instead of publicly putting them into a spoiler, but that's water under the bridge. On the bright side, you did get me to think a bit more thoroughly on the topic matter.

On 6/2/2018 at 1:32 PM, Dragoncat said:

Adding my own question: You're a pretty serious Christian, so what do you think of the current Pope?

I don't pay much, if any, attention to the Pope. I do, however, believe that he's been saying a lot of unbiblical things, and he seems more concerned with making the world happy than providing the truth of Gods word, even when (or especially when) said truth's are unpopular and uncomfortable.

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I found some more questions under my bed.

1.) Anything you're looking forward to doing this summer?

2.) What are your thoughts on Mormonism?

3.) Are you much of a movie person? If so: what was thee last movie you saw where you were like "wow, that was really good."


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2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

I think we're some form of vitriolic buddies, except it's not that vitriolic, and instead I face-palm at her hornier moments (hey, she said that about herself in her own interview!). That being said, I have laughed at several of her jokes, the moments she shared more heartwarming topics brightened my day, and I'm genuinely glad to have met and known her.

The moment in the thread (you know the one I'm talking about) did serve as a lesson to be wiser and more thoughtful about what I say before I post. As I've said before, I realize I did have a hand in continuing the discussion, and it could have been ended earlier if I had kept my mouth shut. It was also a nice time for introspection on my own views on the topic matter, as I really hadn't thought about it in a while.

Also, she's older than I though she would be. Take that as you will.

I had to look up vitrolic. 

You kinda remind me of my friend I've had since preschool in a way, she's also asexual, probably aromantic, and a pretty serious Christian. She prays before she eats at a fast food place. But she got me into Zelda and FE so yeah. I keep in touch with her but we haven't met in person for awhile, sad how adult friendships tend to be that way. One major difference I see between you and her is that she's had fictional character crushes, which I don't see you ever having.

I do tend to act younger than I actually am, that's the high functioning autistic in me I guess. But it's good that I could make jokes that you can laugh at.

On the Pope: He is less strict than previous Popes I think, but that's what makes him so awesome imo. God would want the world to be happy, look at it that way. Recently there was a grieving little boy who asked him if his dead father had gone to heaven because he was an atheist, but all his kids were baptized, and the Pope basically said that God is gracious and forgiving enough that everyone with a good heart goes to heaven, including the kid's dad, and that was just adorable and awesome. The Bible was written so long ago that it's outdated at some parts and it's okay to not follow it 100%. That's my opinion. I am indeed Christian myself but a very open minded one and one who doesn't think going to church every Sunday and stuff like that is necessary, just have a pure heart, admit that you have sins and you're not perfect, and God will allow you into heaven.

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2 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

I had to look up vitrolic. 

You kinda remind me of my friend I've had since preschool in a way, she's also asexual, probably aromantic, and a pretty serious Christian. She prays before she eats at a fast food place. But she got me into Zelda and FE so yeah. I keep in touch with her but we haven't met in person for awhile, sad how adult friendships tend to be that way. One major difference I see between you and her is that she's had fictional character crushes, which I don't see you ever having.

I do tend to act younger than I actually am, that's the high functioning autistic in me I guess. But it's good that I could make jokes that you can laugh at.

On the Pope: He is less strict than previous Popes I think, but that's what makes him so awesome imo. God would want the world to be happy, look at it that way. Recently there was a grieving little boy who asked him if his dead father had gone to heaven because he was an atheist, but all his kids were baptized, and the Pope basically said that God is gracious and forgiving enough that everyone with a good heart goes to heaven, including the kid's dad, and that was just adorable and awesome. The Bible was written so long ago that it's outdated at some parts and it's okay to not follow it 100%. That's my opinion. I am indeed Christian myself but a very open minded one and one who doesn't think going to church every Sunday and stuff like that is necessary, just have a pure heart, admit that you have sins and you're not perfect, and God will allow you into heaven.

That was surprisingly deep for you, @Dragoncat. I personally believe that romantic relationships are okay as long as it consists of one male and one female and they're not related.

@Hawkwing, you also remind me of one of my friends, ChangelingRin from fanfiction.net, although he/she doesn't play FE. You're also more active than him/her when it comes to your respective communities.

Now, onto the questions:

Favorite character from Echoes?

Favorite character from Awakening?

Favorite FE7 character?

Favorite FE meme?

Why can't you play the Selective FE8 PME?

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I'm not very good with asking questions, so I typically stray from this topic as an inquisitor, but here goes.

  1. Would you at all be interested in, if you have not read it, the novel Silence by Shusaku Endo? 
  2. Opinion on monasticism?
  3. Ever have a moment of pure spiritual/religious awe?
  4. Since you accidentally stumbled into the "Women of Serenes Forest" topic, did you ever glance at the men's? 
  5. To squeeze in this question, how familiar are you with the idea known as Pascal's Wager?
  6. Is it at all annoying that numerous questions being asked of you relate in some way to your Christian faith and or asexuality? (And just to be fair, I consider myself agnostic in both matters- a polite agnostic though.)


8 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

I'd like to learn Hebrew. It would be cool to read the original texts in their native language. Same deal with Latin

The Old Testament/Tanakh (to use Judaism's name for the text) was purely Hebrew in its original form. However, the New Testament, as I have heard scholars say, was originally written in Greek with bits of Aramaic (a language whose modern forms survive amongst a few thousand people, but is otherwise going extinct). Aramaic being the language Jesus might have natively spoken.

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Oh, almost missed this week's interview

1: First/Current impression of me, if any?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on children, and do you plan to have any?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

6: Opinion of the name Rachel?

7: Opinion on petticoats?

8: Opinion on kilts?

9: If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

10: Favorite Fire Emblem archetype?

11: Favorite FE character from each game you've played?

12: Least favorite?

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I feel like I shouldn't add to the fairly serious Christian questions.

XXII. Do you have much interest in viking mythology/history?

XXIII. Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area, or a combination?

XXIV. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

XXV. Is it better to tell a harsh truth or a kind lie?

XXVI. Ever solved a Rubix cube?

XXVII. Favorite Greek myth?

XXVIII. What countries have you been to?

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On 6/2/2018 at 5:30 PM, ProfImpossible said:

1.) Anything you're looking forward to doing this summer?

Getting a job, buying a laptop, and gaining some overall life experience.

I'm also looking forward to E3 and The Incredibles 2.

On 6/2/2018 at 5:30 PM, ProfImpossible said:

2.) What are your thoughts on Mormonism?

Don't know enough about it to go into specifics, but quite a few of their beliefs don't hold up when tested by the scriptures. That's all I can really say at the moment.

On 6/2/2018 at 5:30 PM, ProfImpossible said:

3.) Are you much of a movie person? If so: what was thee last movie you saw where you were like "wow, that was really good."

Not really, although I am learning that I should really just watch movies at the theater when given the chance. Unless it's a war movie or a Nolan film, I can sometimes have a hard time focusing on the movie without getting distracted by something else. Heck, homework took priority over watching Doctor Strange (Although I do really want to watch that movie again)!

As for the second question... I'd say Black Panther, but that would be doing an injustice to Infinity War, as they're both great movies. I do think that the former wins by a few points though. I've also watched Solo, and while it is a movie I can recommend, it's overall just an okay movie.

On 6/2/2018 at 8:15 PM, Purple Mage said:

@Hawkwing, you also remind me of one of my friends, ChangelingRin from fanfiction.net, although he/she doesn't play FE. You're also more active than him/her when it comes to your respective communities.

Interesting to know. I'm probably going to be less active over the summer due to having a job, and due to the fact that my previous laptop was school-owned, so I had to turn it back in, but I will still be present over the summer.

On 6/2/2018 at 8:15 PM, Purple Mage said:

Favorite character from Echoes?

Kamui and Mathilda.

I like Kamui for having the most balanced growths in the game, meaning he either becomes a master of all, or if the RNG isn't kind to him, a well-balanced master of none. It also helps that he's in the best class in the game. I also like that he's a mercenary that is finally only in it for the money, that they kept his fear of necrodragons from the original, and how among the awesome quotes being spout at the final battle, his is essentially "I have no idea what I'm doing here."

I honestly really wish that Valbar, Leon, and Kamui appeared more in the main story, as the dialogue between the three made it seem as if they would be a large source of comedy gold.

I also like Mathilda for just being a fun unit to use, and for living up to her reputation as a "War Valkyrie." I also love the fact that they managed to combine a lovesick maiden with a subtly-bloodthirsty warrior, and have these elements compliment rather than contrast each other. I find Clive and Mathida's supports to be both the funniest and sweetest in the game.

On 6/2/2018 at 8:15 PM, Purple Mage said:

Favorite character from Awakening?

Stahl, for reasons I've listed before.

On 6/2/2018 at 8:15 PM, Purple Mage said:

Favorite FE7 character?

Haven't gotten far enough in the game to state one with certainty, sadly.

On 6/2/2018 at 8:15 PM, Purple Mage said:

Favorite FE meme?

This question was asked before. Barring anything and everything from Awkward Zombie?

"We Need Disguises..." "Perfect!"

Eliwood's genuine smile is what sells it.

On 6/2/2018 at 8:15 PM, Purple Mage said:

Why can't you play the Selective FE8 PME?

For two reasons:

  1. I'm not that knowledgeable in hacking, or even using mods, so I wouldn't know to set it up and use it in the first place.
  2. The emulator I use for GBA games is online, and I don't believe it can be messed with.
Edited by Hawkwing
Fixed Grammatical Errors. Also removed a stupid warning that I wouldn't be able to answer some of the questions until after my interview was over. Did people really need to know that?
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On 6/2/2018 at 5:59 PM, Dragoncat said:

I had to look up vitrolic. 

Vitriolic Best Buds was the closet thing I could think of, but as I said, it's less vitriolic, more "I react to your occasional bad joke." Also, I've taught you another word. Yay!

On 6/2/2018 at 5:59 PM, Dragoncat said:

You kinda remind me of my friend I've had since preschool in a way, she's also asexual, probably aromantic, and a pretty serious Christian. She prays before she eats at a fast food place. But she got me into Zelda and FE so yeah. I keep in touch with her but we haven't met in person for awhile, sad how adult friendships tend to be that way. One major difference I see between you and her is that she's had fictional character crushes, which I don't see you ever having.

Huh, interesting. I too have an asexual friend, but his interest is limited to the scientific part of reproduction, and nothing more. That aspect rarely comes up, as he's... eccentric, but intelligent, so our conversations lean towards more scientific things.

You're also right about me never having a crush, real or fictional. The closest thing was a platonic "I love you" to Panne when she broke the game in half as a wyvern rider/lord, and in the spur of the moment, I did say I would hug Acerola and kiss her hand when she was the unit responsible for beating a particularly difficult level, and she's a healer.

On 6/2/2018 at 5:59 PM, Dragoncat said:

I do tend to act younger than I actually am, that's the high functioning autistic in me I guess. But it's good that I could make jokes that you can laugh at.

Ah, that makes sense. And yeah, the things that made me laugh far outnumber the things that made me facepalm.

On 6/2/2018 at 5:59 PM, Dragoncat said:

On the Pope: He is less strict than previous Popes I think, but that's what makes him so awesome imo. God would want the world to be happy, look at it that way. Recently there was a grieving little boy who asked him if his dead father had gone to heaven because he was an atheist, but all his kids were baptized, and the Pope basically said that God is gracious and forgiving enough that everyone with a good heart goes to heaven, including the kid's dad, and that was just adorable and awesome. The Bible was written so long ago that it's outdated at some parts and it's okay to not follow it 100%. That's my opinion. I am indeed Christian myself but a very open minded one and one who doesn't think going to church every Sunday and stuff like that is necessary, just have a pure heart, admit that you have sins and you're not perfect, and God will allow you into heaven.

Sigh, this is what I mean when I say that he says what the world wants to hear instead of what the Bible says. It may should harsh, but the only way to heaven is through accepting Jesus Christ as out Lord and Savior, and doing so with our heart, soul, and mind, and asking him to forgive our sins. There are no other ways. I also note that yes, God is a loving and gracious God, but he's also a God of justice, and he cannot ignore the evil and sin in the world. But because he is a God of Mercy, he always gives us the chance to repent and come to him. As disheartening as reading some of the prophecy can be, it is repeatedly stated that God will hold back his hand of their horrendous sins (they sacrificed their children to foreign gods for false blessings. We kill them out of inconvenience. They killed thousands; We killed millions. America, and every other nation, will pay dearly for that) if they just repent and stop their wicked ways.Sometimes they did, and thus were spared. Other times, they didn't, and thus they received their due punishments.

Also, yeah, some things in the Old Testament no longer apply, such as there being clean and unclean animals that you could or couldn't eat (Peter's dream in Act's specifically states all animals are now clean), and the requirement of sacrifices to erase sins no longer applies as we can ask God directly for forgiveness. However, that doesn't mean that the everything said in it is outdated. Indeed, Deuteronomy is the book Jesus mentioned the most, and many of the laws given in those books are great laws that are relevant even today.

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Welp. One of the things I'm strong on is that Jesus is one way, but not the only way, but I don't want to start a religious debate so I'll just agree to disagree and leave it at that.

Glad you linked Acerola's name on another note, because I was thinking Acerola from Pokemon and was confused for a second.

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On 6/3/2018 at 3:31 AM, Dragoncat said:

Glad you linked Acerola's name on another note, because I was thinking Acerola from Pokemon and was confused for a second.

I actually linked it because acerola is also a name for a plant, which is fitting as the character is a biologist and because I wanted people to know that the game in question was Blustone. I'm sorry that I can't shut up about the game, it's just that it's enjoyably weird but hard to talk about, and the writing for the game is surprisingly good, and I want to discuss it with someone.

On 6/2/2018 at 9:11 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Old Testament/Tanakh (to use Judaism's name for the text) was purely Hebrew in its original form. However, the New Testament, as I have heard scholars say, was originally written in Greek with bits of Aramaic (a language whose modern forms survive amongst a few thousand people, but is otherwise going extinct). Aramaic being the language Jesus might have natively spoken.

I know that the New Testament was written largely in Greek, I guess I forgot to bring that up. Latin and Greek could be useful for understanding other historical writings, which is why I mentioned the former.

On 6/2/2018 at 9:11 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Would you at all be interested in, if you have not read it, the novel Silence by Shusaku Endo? 

Never hear of it. Although after searching it up, I would say that I am interesting in reading it.

On 6/2/2018 at 9:11 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Opinion on monasticism?

If this were the medieval ages, I probably would have been a monk, or even a hermit. And while spending time alone with God is extremely important, and we are called not to be of the world but only on it, I would also say that turning one's back to the secular world, although necessary at times, is not a lifestyle that leads people to follow Christ. Yes, there is a time and place to spend time studying and meditating on the scriptures, indeed, that is extremely important, but it's also important to share what we've learned to a lost world, and God has a plan for how he will use each person to go about this purpose.

EDIT: Sorry if that was a little difficult to read due to the phrasing, but in short: Turining one's back to the secular world and focusing on studying the scriptures is a very good and even necessary thing. However, it is not good to base an entire lifestyle around it, as you still need to reach out to a lost and broken world to lead people to follow Christ.

On 6/2/2018 at 9:11 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ever have a moment of pure spiritual/religious awe?

Interestingly, I would say that many of these moments were actually pretty small, and I realized how important they were in hindsight. Things like having my request to understand the Scriptures being granted at my Baptism, to how books like "The Screwtape Letters" and "Heaven" opened my eyes more to the human capabilities of both virtue and sin, as well as of our final destinations, but as I said, these moments weren't grand; they were incredibly simple realizations that added up and lead to larger ones.

I would also say that discovering that dreams were one way God communicated with me was a pretty big moment, personally.

On 6/2/2018 at 9:11 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Since you accidentally stumbled into the "Women of Serenes Forest" topic, did you ever glance at the men's? 

I think thrice. Maybe four times. The first time I was logged out to see what it was about, the second I was just testing out the "log in anonymously" feature, and the third I decided take one of quizzes posted. It was one of the stupider decision's I've made on this site, as I got a hammer drill and a sawzall mixed up, and I probably shouldn't have mentioned castration. I should have realized that there's a big difference between saying "sure, why not" and "screw it. I want to do this!" However, I also did that quiz to see if saving a spider from certain death by picking it up with my bare hands and taking it outside without panicking, or if knocking a snake out of a tree to prevent it from eating some birds, was manlier than, you know, killing them... and apparently I never got an answer to that.

Otherwise, I just found the topic matter either dull or disgusting (or both), with the exception of the moment the discussion about lawyer stuff came up, and even then that had nothing to do with anything. At least I wasn't weirded out and asking "...what?" my entire time there.

On 6/2/2018 at 9:11 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

To squeeze in this question, how familiar are you with the idea known as Pascal's Wager?

I believe it's related to the original form of pragmatism, or at least, it's similar in concept. It makes sense and is helpful from a logical perspective, but it does little to build faith.

On 6/2/2018 at 9:11 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Is it at all annoying that numerous questions being asked of you relate in some way to your Christian faith and or asexuality? (And just to be fair, I consider myself agnostic in both matters- a polite agnostic though.)

Not at all. It's nice to have a chance to share what I've learned and discussed from the bible study class at my church. As for my asexuality, well, I never thought it would have been brought up in the first place, yet here we are.

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23 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

I believe it's related to the original form of pragmatism, or at least, it's similar in concept. It makes sense and is helpful from a logical perspective, but it does little to build faith.

I've read Pascal's Pensees themselves, they're not even a cohesive text in case you aren't aware, just a series of fragments that he would have complied into a book. The Wager takes up only a small slice of the text, and he does not actually endorse it as a way to faith, just as you suggest it is not.

I did take a Philosophy of Religion course once, all Christian philosophers save a token Jewish one for the sake of diversity. Readings from Locke, Hume (the hater of miracles), Kant (do not read unless you like dryness and incomprehensibility- we read his Prolegomena, basically he wrote it because his Critique of Pure Reason was so difficult nobody at the time understood it, but the Prolegomena still requires 200% of your mental capacities), Kierkegaard, Feuerbach (The Essence of Christianity), Nietzsche, and I'm probably forgetting someone else.

But the class favorite was Friedrich Schleiermacher's On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers. Whether or not you'd like it is another question, but I'll give you a summary of some his core points. He emphasizes the primary role of religion is neither teaching praxis (ethics) nor metaphysics (it can do both, but should not be obligated to), he focuses more on the religious experience itself. He dislikes "dead" scripture, prescribed ritual, hierarchy, and the idea that one can be given religion from someone else, it has to come from within and be "alive". Although he isn't a modern hippy or anything, just a late 1700s-early 1800s pietistic German Protestant, and On Religion is from his more passionate youth, before he apparently became more traditional in his later years.

That isn't at all a question, just some comments.

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On 6/3/2018 at 12:00 AM, Rezzy said:

1: First/Current impression of me, if any?

First: That person with the (presumably self-drawn) avatar of Titania wearing sunglasses who commented occasionally in the Echoes forum, but seemed more active on the Heroes one. Also, apparently a mother, which is actually pretty cool.

Currently: While I can't say I've met you much personally, I do see that you garner quite a lot of respect here. And who know what, I can easily see why, especially after looking at your past responses, it's cool to see that you're a surgeon, a mother, and one of the older more experienced people on the site.

On 6/3/2018 at 12:00 AM, Rezzy said:

2: Aspirations in life?

To become either an electrical or robotic engineer (and I need the former to do the latter anyway, so it's really a decision of which field interests me more in the end), perhaps write a book or two, and continue to walk with and serve God, and fulfill the purpose and plan he's laid out for my life.

On 6/3/2018 at 12:00 AM, Rezzy said:

3: Opinion on children, and do you plan to have any?

Whenever I'm working or dealing with children, I do my best to remember that I was once a child just like them, and that I was more knowledgeable in some areas than expected, while I was ignorant in others, and that I simply hadn't developed all the logistical skills yet. I also know that each age is different, and thus treat them accordingly. That being said, I can't say that I have any particular skill working with children, and I prefer working with older kids considering they have more experience with life.

As for having kids, I kind-of can't, considering I plan on never getting married and never having s*x. I also don't know if I have what it takes to be a parent, or if having to be with someone for 18 years minimum, who simply hasn't developed the logical abilities, maturity, and experience I'm used to dealing with, is a sacrifice I could, or even should, make.

On 6/3/2018 at 12:00 AM, Rezzy said:

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

The Force Unleashed 2. Yeah, the game is short, which is even more egregious when two of the levels are reused and one is complete filler. The story is just okay, but nothing compared to its predecessor, and the game is a cakewalk even on the hardest difficulty.

But I just love the gameplay! The force abilities are so much fun to use, the mind control power is helpful, scary, and morbidly hilarious. I like how the lightsaber crystal system works, the bosses are a lot of fun, and I like the improvements to the graphics engine. I also liked the ambiguity of the ending, as both sides could have been canon in the expanded universe.

I also liked The Force Awakens. I know that it's a retreading of a New Hope, and I've accepted that, but when judged on it's own merits, the film is very good. I'd even call it great.

On 6/3/2018 at 12:00 AM, Rezzy said:

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

I... do not like The Fifth Element... at all. I hated how every female showed their cleavage and seemed only to be there as fanservice. I hated how the main character was the only person with a spine (come on side-characters! Yeah, the protagonist is obviously going to be manlier and stronger than you, but show some backbone!). I hated the poor story, the uninteresting villain(s), the incompetent authority, the uninteresting or annoying side characters, and how it uses the Sci-fi elements. To say something positive about the film, that gun scene was funny, and needs to be parodied and referenced more often, and the beginning makes me want a film or game that combines elements from both Indiana Jones and Star Wars.

On 6/3/2018 at 12:00 AM, Rezzy said:

6: Opinion of the name Rachel?

'tis my sisters name. It means "Ewe." And since I've just given my sisters first name online, I may as well give my own: Adam.

It's a biblical name. Rachel was the second wife of Jacob (later named Israel), and the one he loved, as we was tricked into marrying the older sibling, Leah, first, and had to work seven more years before he could marry Rachel (although they passed quickly for him, as he was that much in love with her). She was also the mother of Joseph and Benjamin.

On 6/3/2018 at 12:00 AM, Rezzy said:

7: Opinion on petticoats?

Human fashion, especially on the female side, continues to baffle and elude me. What is the point of skirts again?

On 6/3/2018 at 12:00 AM, Rezzy said:

8: Opinion on kilts?

I personally think that they were made to save on fabric, but I don't know the actual historic purpose of them. I could understand someone wearing them out of tradition, but I sure as heck ain't! That's mostly to preserve my sanity, though. When wearing one of those patient clothes for my back surgery, the only think I could think of was "Great, now someone could look at my a-- by accident, which is probably very likely with this thing. How in the world do females stand being in a skirt all day?"

On 6/3/2018 at 12:00 AM, Rezzy said:

9: If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

I’d be a Jedi Consular that dual wields lightsabers.
I’d somehow combine a shapeshifter, tactician, and dread fighter into a single hybrid class. Don’t know what my stat’s would be, as that is depends on the game. For my growths however:
Hp: 80% Strength: 60% Magic: 65% Skill: 50% Speed: 50% Luck: 30% Defense: 55% Resistance: 40%

On 6/3/2018 at 12:00 AM, Rezzy said:

10: Favorite Fire Emblem archetype?

Gotoh, or whatever Mycen is. I just like being rewarded with a powerful unit to mess around with in the end game. Especially if they had story presence, like Mycen.

On 6/3/2018 at 12:00 AM, Rezzy said:

11: Favorite FE character from each game you've played?

Awakening: Stahl
Echoes: Kamui
Mystery of the Emblem Book 1: Hardin
Sacred Stones (based purely off gameplay. I haven’t beaten the game yet, and I’m terrible at getting supports): Franz or Ross

On 6/3/2018 at 12:00 AM, Rezzy said:

12: Least favorite?

Awakening: Thraja or Sereva
Echoes: Faye
Mystery of the Emblem Book 1: Matthis
Sacred Stones: None so far.

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On 6/3/2018 at 12:24 AM, Rex Glacies said:

I feel like I shouldn't add to the fairly serious Christian questions.

I would have said you could asked them anyway, if you wanted too, but it's a little late for that.

On 6/3/2018 at 12:24 AM, Rex Glacies said:

XXII. Do you have much interest in viking mythology/history?

I'm not the most knowledgeable in that area, but as I've said before, any history will interest me.

On 6/3/2018 at 12:24 AM, Rex Glacies said:

XXIII. Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area, or a combination?

I believe suburban. It's not a long drive to the main city, and even then, it's not that big. It's a nice little place too. Not much happens here, but I've decided to see that as a good thing.

On 6/3/2018 at 12:24 AM, Rex Glacies said:

XXIV. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

Suburban. It has a nice mixture of the best parts of the others, and with few of the problems.

On 6/3/2018 at 12:24 AM, Rex Glacies said:

XXV. Is it better to tell a harsh truth or a kind lie?

The harsh truth, although it should be noted that it can be told with finesse, depending on the situation. There is a time to be gentle, and a time to be blunt.

On 6/3/2018 at 12:24 AM, Rex Glacies said:

XXVI. Ever solved a Rubix cube?

No, but I have seen one solved in front of my eyes.

On 6/3/2018 at 12:24 AM, Rex Glacies said:

XXVII. Favorite Greek myth?

Admittedly, most of what I know about them comes from Age of Mythology, but I'd have to say Perseus, again. That, or Orpheus going down to the underworld to get Eurydice back, but that's because I have the most knowledge of that one and there was an online game about it called Don't Look Back.

On 6/3/2018 at 12:24 AM, Rex Glacies said:

XXVIII. What countries have you been to?

America... and that's it.

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