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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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2 hours ago, Jotari said:

I know they exist, but I've never listened to them. Can't even name one of their songs.

I wouldn't recommend them honestly. I'm not sure why I brought them up.

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1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:
  1. Favorite Pixar Movie?

  2. Favorite Fire Emblem Meme?

  3. Favorite Character in Super Smash Brothers?

  4. Who won E3?

  5. Trampolines. Like/dislike/don't care for them?

1. The Incredibles is pretty great. Hope the sequel lives up.

2. Need some time to think on that one. I'm sure there's one I really like that I just can't quite remember.

3. Ganondorf.

4. E3 is an event, not a competition.

5. Like.

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XVIII. Is it better to tell a harsh truth or a kind lie?

XIX. Favorite fictional male characters?

XX. Favorite fictional female characters?

XXI. Other than Fire Emblem, what are some other gaming franchises that you enjoy?

XXII. Preferred version of magic in Fire Emblem? (e.g. Gaiden/Echoes where it costs HP, GBA with a magic triangle, etc.)

XXIII. Favorite weapon type in Fire Emblem?

XXIV. Favorite weapon in Fire Emblem?

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12 hours ago, Jotari said:

1. The Incredibles is pretty great. Hope the sequel lives up.

Oh it does. Trust me, it does.

As for my final set of questions:

  1. Something you're glad you tried, but will never do again?
  2. Something that seems to bother others, but never/rarely you?
  3. Something you want to like, but can't for one reason or another?
  4. Something you wish had a sequel?
  5. Thoughts/Opinions on the Elder Scrolls?
  6. Favorite/Least Favorite story trope/cliche?
  7. Favorite/Least Favorite character trope/cliche?
  8. Favorite/Least Favorite gameplay trope/cliche?
  9. Did you enjoy your interview?
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1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:

Oh it does. Trust me, it does.

As for my final set of questions:

  1. Something you're glad you tried, but will never do again?
  2. Something that seems to bother others, but never/rarely you?
  3. Something you want to like, but can't for one reason or another?
  4. Something you wish had a sequel?
  5. Thoughts/Opinions on the Elder Scrolls?
  6. Favorite/Least Favorite story trope/cliche?
  7. Favorite/Least Favorite character trope/cliche?
  8. Favorite/Least Favorite gameplay trope/cliche?
  9. Did you enjoy your interview?

1. I will probably never reread the Bible, at least not in it's entirety.

2. Swearing. I don't swear a lot naturally (in fact, I surprise my friends and family when I do swear), but taking offense at swearing when it's not used in an aggressive manner just seems inane to me. Words are words, they aren't inherently bad or good, the meaning that we ascribe to them is what matters. And people are naturally ascribing negative connotations to mere sounds. Censoring written words I find particularly bizarre as it's absolutely pointless. Fuck is really no different to F**k, provided the reader has the knowledge to know what the asterisks indicate. The sentence still caries the exact same meaning.

3. Nightclubs. They suck so much, but usually they're like the only place to go after a certain hour.

4. Majora's Mask, there's been plenty of Zelda games, but never have they done something like that again, and as great as it was, a technology and a short development cycle held it back quite a bit (Gorman, Anju and the Post Man are like the only characters that actually have a daily schedule and move about the town).

5. Haven't played them, but I think it's really cool that instead of creating new continents, they kept reusing the same one from the first game only from a closer viewpoint, Thracia 776 style. Makes it seem like a proper larger world with a lot of established stuff out there even if you can't visit it...I mean I imagine it feels that way.

6. Favorite: Platonic Deceleration of Love, because I created it.  :B):

Least Favorite: Hard to come up with one as I think basically any plot point has potential if done right.  I guess the It's A Wonderful life idea doesn't do much for me, but that's rarely seriously used,

7. Favorite: Evil Matriarch. Twisting motherhood into something monstrous just works imo.

Least Favorite: Childhood friend love interest. Not particularly bad inherently, and characters usually aren't characterized entirely by it unlike some objectively worse tropes. I just find it far too over utilized in proportion to how common I've actually observed it to happen in real life (which is basically never).

8.Favorite: Most games should have a new game+ imo. I also have a mantra that all games should have completely customizable controls, but not game should need it (also I think every game should have a half assed multiplayer shoved into it, because even when it's bad, multiplayer can still be fun. Judging games on their multiplayer is silly and not how we did things back in the 90s).

Least Favorite: Paid DLC XD Even though I like always buy all of it for a game I like. Voting with my wallet I am very much not.

9. Yes, though I would have liked a few more questions.

Edited by Jotari
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57 minutes ago, Jotari said:

9. Yes, though I would have liked a few more questions.

  1. already asked
  2. already asked
  3. already asked
  4. already asked
  5. already asked
  6. What is the best weapon type and why is it axes?
  7. How do you like your bagels?
  8. You recommended Shadows of Valentia to me. How strong is that recommendation?
  9. Tea or coffee?
  10. Garlic or cheese flavor?
  11. Do mistake you for a weab?
  12. Are you a weab?
  13. Do you think Fire Emblem is/has been an anime game?
  14. Write a paragraph on your opinions of Waluigi.
  15. Are you a religious fellow?
  16. Do you actually like the taste of peaches?
  17. What are some other fruits you like and how does their flavor compared to peaches?
  18. If peaches look like little butts, and you eat peaches...would you and your anthropomorphized peach companion...? (please don't ban me)
  19. What is the best form to eat peaches in? Plain, cobbler, etc.
  20. How would you describe the differences between pre-synthesis Eastern and Western dragons?
  21. Who would win in a fight, One Punch Man or Spongebob Squarepants?
  22. Favorite support in the whole series?
  23. Opinions on the Hegelian Dialect?
Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Whelp, got some stuff from the old country you probably forgot or don't think about at all

  1. What County are you From
  2. Where did you go to college or did you
  3. What subjects did you do for the leaving cert or did you not
  4. Can you sing/recite amhrán na bfhiann (as Gaeilge)
  5. Do you complain about rain, sun, snow and every other type of weather as well
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6 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:
  1. already asked
  2. already asked
  3. already asked
  4. already asked
  5. already asked
  6. What is the best weapon type and why is it axes?
  7. How do you like your bagels?
  8. You recommended Shadows of Valentia to me. How strong is that recommendation?
  9. Tea or coffee?
  10. Garlic or cheese flavor?
  11. Do mistake you for a weab?
  12. Are you a weab?
  13. Do you think Fire Emblem is/has been an anime game?
  14. Write a paragraph on your opinions of Waluigi.
  15. Are you a religious fellow?
  16. Do you actually like the taste of peaches?
  17. What are some other fruits you like and how does their flavor compared to peaches?
  18. If peaches look like little butts, and you eat peaches...would you and your anthropomorphized peach companion...? (please don't ban me)
  19. What is the best form to eat peaches in? Plain, cobbler, etc.
  20. How would you describe the differences between pre-synthesis Eastern and Western dragons?
  21. Who would win in a fight, One Punch Man or Spongebob Squarepants?
  22. Favorite support in the whole series?
  23. Opinions on the Hegelian Dialect?

6.Axes because Pugi.

7.As dounuts

8.Pretty strong. I like it a lot because of how different it is to most other games in the series. I particularly like how it's mostly player phased focused by giving low density, bulky enemies to fight and complimenting it with a more diverse magic and command skill system.

9.Hot Chocolate.


11. Does not compute.

12. Yes...I think?

13. Well it literally had an anime at one point, but if you're referring to the style of the modern series, I think that's largely irrelevant as anime has had a whole host of styles throughout the past half century.

14. Waluigi is Charming and memorable, but I feel he has no real potential to have any sort of appearance in "Super" Mario game. Not to see he couldn't be used, but given his traits, I don't see any strength in using him beyond pleasing a fanbase. I think if he is to appear outside  of the party games, then he would work best as an RPG boss fought alongside Wario.

15.Insofar as religion is an systematic movement or order of beliefs, no, not at all, I wasn't even baptized into any sort of fate. However, I do have personal spiritual beliefs most easily labelled as pantheism.

16. Do you not?

17. Strawberries, pretty good, but not peaches. Melon is the other great competitor, unlike strawberries, it comes with a much milder taste that adds only a hint of sweetness to what is otherwise water, this is a good thing.

18.The peach wouldn't survive for long, let's put it that way.


20. Eastern Longs were seen as powerful spirits, they were wise and intelligent and mostly benevolent. They also had more connection to water than fire. Western dragons were powerful beasts, connected closely to the Earth, but not sentient. They were characterized by their ferociousness. Modern dragons typically fuse the two by having intelligent western dragons. Fire Emblem is actually a pretty good example of it. The dragons are clearly of western design (longs have a...longer body and rock a tiger like mane) but they have a civilization and powers on par with Eastern dragons, yet at the same time, despite the title of Divine Dragons (which even take their name from a kind of eastern dragon) they are clearly shown to be mortals who make mistakes.

21.One Punch Man can't breath underwater, can he?

22.Lalum and Garett. It's ridiculous.

23. I don't know what that is.

55 minutes ago, Pengaius said:

Whelp, got some stuff from the old country you probably forgot or don't think about at all

  1. What County are you From
  2. Where did you go to college or did you
  3. What subjects did you do for the leaving cert or did you not
  4. Can you sing/recite amhrán na bfhiann (as Gaeilge)
  5. Do you complain about rain, sun, snow and every other type of weather as well

1.That depends on which part of the government you ask. In terms of real physical location it's Offaly, in terms of address it's Kildare and in terms of phone code (back when people actually had landlines) it's Laois.

2.Carlow Institute of Technology.

3. French, Chemistry, Biology and Geography. Also did LCVP, but I can't even recall what that is now.

4. Not with accurate pronunciation.

5.Within reason.

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Hey, almost missed this one.

1: First/Current Impression of me?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on children, and do you plan to have any?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

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6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
7. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?
8. Forgiveness or retribution?
9. Efficiency or thoroughness?
10. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

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46 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Hey, almost missed this one.

1: First/Current Impression of me?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on children, and do you plan to have any?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

1. Keen, intelligent and wise, first and current impressions.

2. I would like to write something that is worth publishing some day.

3. I adore children and loathe the fact that western society has essentially trained people (men especially) to basically ignore them until they have their own. As for having my own, that's not entirely up to me alone.

4.Tales from Earthshaker, the Studio Ghibli movie.

5.Another Ghibli example, Princess Mobile I found rather dry.

13 minutes ago, Septimius Severus said:

6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
7. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?
8. Forgiveness or retribution?
9. Efficiency or thoroughness?
10. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

6. I basically can live anywhere in the world worth living. Once I settle down from travels I plan to stay in Ireland. But for the moment, it's anywhere in particular that suits my fancy.

7. I can't really see much point in the law if it's not holding some sort of justice (taking justice to mean a fair and preestablished response to an act deemed damaging to society).

8. Forgiveness.

9. Are they antithetical? I'd consider something to be thorough if it's truly efficient.

10. Hard to say, as I don't want to be a ruler of any sort, I'd probably be quite passive. But I really admire the king of Bhutan who's pretty active, so I'd like to think I would strive to be like him if given the chance.

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  1. Are you into metal music of any kind?
  2. Which of these writers/novelists who have committed suicide would you have wanted to talk out of, given the chance: Ernest Hemingway, Hunter S. Thompson, Robert E. Howard, or Arthur Koestler?
  3. Beer talk: Lagers or stouts?
  4. What was it about Machiavelli's The Prince that put you off?
  5. Opinion/s on moi?
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43 minutes ago, Karimlan said:
  1. Are you into metal music of any kind?
  2. Which of these writers/novelists who have committed suicide would you have wanted to talk out of, given the chance: Ernest Hemingway, Hunter S. Thompson, Robert E. Howard, or Arthur Koestler?
  3. Beer talk: Lagers or stouts?
  4. What was it about Machiavelli's The Prince that put you off?
  5. Opinion/s on moi?

1. Can't say that I am.

2. Only one of them I've read is Hemmingway and I didn't really like him all that much, but I suppose I have to choose him by default.

3. Stouts.

4. Well I assume you've read my Goodreads review to even know I read the book and I think I cover it there. Just felt a bit dry and not too my tastes.

5. None to speak of. Sorry, but I don't know who you are T.T

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1. What three words best describe you?

2. How do you think success should be measured?

3. What scares you?  Do you have any irrational fears?

4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day?

5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 

6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

8. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

9. What are you most grateful for right now?

10. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

11. If you could time travel, where would you go?

12. What are your pet peeves?

13. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

14. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?

15. What kind of music do you like?

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1 hour ago, Infinite Dreams said:

1. What three words best describe you?

2. How do you think success should be measured?

3. What scares you?  Do you have any irrational fears?

4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day?

5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 

6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

8. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

9. What are you most grateful for right now?

10. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

11. If you could time travel, where would you go?

12. What are your pet peeves?

13. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

14. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?

15. What kind of music do you like?

1. Selfish, loving and foolish.

2. Happiness and longevity

3. Things that fly buzz and sting. Namely bees and wasps.

4. Have a bath.

5. No, people have always been narcissistic. The word comes a story that's like three thousand years old after all.

6. Touched on before, I hate that the rampant paranoia in western society means that people are subconsciously trained to not even look at children in public. I think children should be celebrated openly. It's hard to speak out against it, because stranger danger absolutely is a thing, but I think if every child grows up under the assumption that every single stranger they meet wants to rape them, then it's probably not going to result in something well adjusted. Also men's inability to wear skirts, sort of inadvertenly made a thread about that week ago.

7. Friendship 

8. Yes

9. An Irish passport.

10. Challenges, because I play classic mode.

11. One major draw back if time travel is the frequency in which language evolves, which basically limits me to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. I guess I'd go to some concerts back when music was good.

12.Not turning lights off. I know the energy it saves is basically negligible, but it's so goddamned easy to do, they put the lightswitch by the door for a reason people!

13. Favourite is a strong word, especially when TV shows range so highly in quality in their later seasons. I was on Game of Thrones, so I have a certain bias in favour of that show. I also really liked Lost back in the day, people make fun of it for it's ridiculous plot, but it had some genuinely great character writing. On a more obscure side, there's a New Zealand show aimed at teens called The Tribe which had so many episodes, it was basically a soap opera. But it had some serious balls and dealt with stories about like murder and losing virginity with legitimate teenaged across which I just respect. It's still a bit hokey and held back by budget and acting ability (and actors leaving the show) but I'm still quite fond of it. Everyone I think it's starting to jump the shark, it does something that seems stupid in concept but works pretty well in execution. I said Utnea and Ghost Stories were my favourite anime, but I'll add Digimon Tamers to that list too. 

14. 2009, TY year, it's when I grew closer to a lot of my friends and really started to mature into an adult (though I'm not entirely convinced I'm even there yet).

15. I think this has been asked already. I don't really believe in genres. My favourite bands are Queen and Abba though.

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Hunter S. Thompson wrote one of the books that is arguably in my list of all-time greats: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Arthur Koestler was, along with Bertrand Russell, one of the greatest minds that wrote against communism. And, Robert E. Howard was a pulp fiction writer in the 20s-30s who introduced the world to a certain barbarian from Cimmeria.

  1. Just how chaotic was Irish history?
  2. Were you able to play Zelda II and get to the place where the NPC named Error is found? Reaction to it?
  3.  Are you fond of wasabi?
  4. Studying or working?
  5. Do you pay attention to local/national politics?


Edited by Karimlan
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3 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

Hunter S. Thompson wrote one of the books that is arguably in my list of all-time greats: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Arthur Koestler was, along with Bertrand Russell, one of the greatest minds that wrote against communism. And, Robert E. Howard was a pulp fiction writer in the 20s-30s who introduced the world to a certain barbarian from Cimmeria.

  1. Just how chaotic was Irish history?
  2. Were you able to play Zelda II and get to the place where the NPC named[i/] Error is found? Reaction to it?

Are you fond of wasabi? Studying or working? Do you pay attention to local/national politics?

1. Not too chaotic as far as I know. An armed rebellion against the British about twice a century throughout the entire occupation. A lot of general fighting over the island  in the early days. Vikings, monks, that sort of stuff. Of course I'm no expert.

2. My reaction was actually take him at face value as Error. Of course I still thought it was weird, but didn't really give it any further thought when I spoke to another NPC who identified him by name. I'm actually quite fond of Zelda II (have I mentioned that?), perhaps my greatest video game achievement to date, beating the game with almost 1-1-1 stats

I'm partial to a bit of wasabi, yes.


Almost never.


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6: Opinion of the name Rachel?

7: Opinion on petticoats?

8: Opinion on kilts?

9: Are Marth's thighs sexy?

10: If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

6: Opinion of the name Rachel?

7: Opinion on petticoats?

8: Opinion on kilts?

9: Are Marth's thighs sexy?

10: If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?


7. I have no express desire to wear one.

8. You've seen me in a skirt. I think you know.

9.I made that thread because I considered myself unqualified to answer the burning question that resides in all our hearts (Forever Rachel sounds really fitting being played while writing this comment).

10.I'd be a Thracia 776 unit, as that's the only circumstances you'd find me on a battlefield, forced and desperate. Additionally, as I'd be a Thracia 776 unit, I could get a movement growth, which would be very high to the detriment of all other growths, as I would naturally have a vested interest in getting the hell out of there.

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