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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Hola, Senor. 'bout time you were chosen for this.

As for the questions:

  1. Obligatory first impressions question once again, I'm kidding. Are you an actual professor, or do you just find it a fitting username?
  2. Opinion on puzzle games?
  3. Favorite music genre?
  4. How did you pick your profile picture, and why did you choose it?
  5. How did you discover Serenes Forest, and why did you decide to join?
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1 hour ago, Karimlan said:
  • Thoughts on fighting games? Which do you prefer: 2d or 3d?
  • Ever owned any of the original Choose your Own Adventure books?
  • Did you think it okay on my part to leave a little bit more of a narrative on my replies to the CYOA threads?
  • Were the CYOA threads an exercise for us to come up with the zaniest, most absurd advances to your plot device?
  • Favorite authors?

1.) I like them for the most part, but I get bored after a while.Especially if there's no one to play them with 2d.

2.) Nope.

3.) You mean like writing more stuff?

4.) They were originally just an excuse for me to write weird shit and try to be funny. The open thing happened accidentally, I thought it was a fun idea for a bunch of people to write a really wacky thing without also caring about where it goes. It's an improv game, a yes and sort of thing.

5.) I think Roger Zelazny, Patrick Rothfuss, Kurt Vonnegut, and Steinbeck are probably my favorite.


1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:

Hola, Senor. 'bout time you were chosen for this.

As for the questions:

  1. Obligatory first impressions question once again, I'm kidding. Are you an actual professor, or do you just find it a fitting username?
  2. Opinion on puzzle games?
  3. Favorite music genre?
  4. How did you pick your profile picture, and why did you choose it?
  5. How did you discover Serenes Forest, and why did you decide to join?


1.) No, I'm not. It's a reference to a character in the Venture Bros that's a parody of Mr Fantastic. He's voiced by Stephen Colbert, and I like Stephen Colbert.

2.) They're fun but I can't say I've played a lot of them.

3.) It's a toss up between jazz and punk. I can find something I like in almost every genre though.

4.) It's Emaillink, from Langrisser 3. I picked it cause I think he looks cool, and cause he's an obscure character from an obscure game that I like.

5.) My older brother told me about it when I was trying to make unholy super characters in awakening. I joined originally cause I started screwing around with SRPG Studio, and figured this was the best place to find people doing similar things.


Keep 'em coming. I'm sorta busy tomorrow but pretty free the rest of the week.

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Tsk, and here I was, thinking that you had a few of them. Not that I still have my copies, but I did own a few of them at some point.

  1. Do you fancy yourself a comic on the caliber of Colbert?
  2. Favorite stand-up comedian?
  3. Speaking of jazz, ever checked out Cowboy Bebop? That anime's soundtrack is awesome.
  4. Which of these punk subgenres do you dig: Oi, Crust, D-beat, or Ska?
  5. Ever read Breakfast of Champions?
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4 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

Tsk, and here I was, thinking that you had a few of them. Not that I still have my copies, but I did own a few of them at some point.

  1. Do you fancy yourself a comic on the caliber of Colbert?
  2. Favorite stand-up comedian?
  3. Speaking of jazz, ever checked out Cowboy Bebop? That anime's soundtrack is awesome.
  4. Which of these punk subgenres do you dig: Oi, Crust, D-beat, or Ska?
  5. Ever read Breakfast of Champions?


1.) Hell no.

2.) I like Demetri Martin a lot. 

3.) Yeah, It's one of my all time favorite anime.

4.) I'm not a huge fan of any really, but of the choices i guess ska?

5.) No but I plan to.


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It's all good. I was reminded of those books when you came up with the CYOA threads, so I had to ask :D Kurt Vonnegut is one of my favorite authors as well, with Breakfast of Champions being my absolute go-to title whenever someone asks.

  1. Vonnegut's misanthropy and dour demeanor resonates with me a lot, particularly in that aforementioned book. Was it the same case with you?
  2. What barbeque do you actually like: North Carolina, Memphis, Texas, or Kansas City?
  3. What do you think of the grilling culture of other countries, for instance Japan (yakimono—yakitori is just one kind, and it refers to grilled chicken)?
  4. What side dish do you prefer for barbeques?
  5. Soda talk: Coke, Pepsi or A&W Rootbeer?
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  1. Thoughts/Opinions on Star Wars?
  2. Something you thought you weren't going to like, but ended up enjoying?
  3. Something you both love and hate?
  4. If someone was interested in getting into a genre/series (of your choice), what video-game/movie/book/anime etc. would you recommend them to try first?
  5. If someone was interested in getting into a genre/series (again, of your choice), what video-game/movie/book/anime etc. would you tell them to stay the heck away from?
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1 hour ago, Karimlan said:

It's all good. I was reminded of those books when you came up with the CYOA threads, so I had to ask :D Kurt Vonnegut is one of my favorite authors as well, with Breakfast of Champions being my absolute go-to title whenever someone asks.

  1. Vonnegut's misanthropy and dour demeanor resonates with me a lot, particularly in that aforementioned book. Was it the same case with you?
  2. What barbeque do you actually like: North Carolina, Memphis, Texas, or Kansas City?
  3. What do you think of the grilling culture of other countries, for instance Japan (yakimono—yakitori is just one kind, and it refers to grilled chicken)?
  4. What side dish do you prefer for barbeques?
  5. Soda talk: Coke, Pepsi or A&W Rootbeer?

1.) Yeah that's a part of it, I like it cause he's not super loud about. He has a very detached and almost fascinated view of mass stupidity in my opinion. 

2.) Probably Kansas city, though I can't say I've ever had Carolina style actually.

3.) I enjoy japanese barbecue a lot, especially unagi (eel) and generally anything in a teriyaki sauce.

4.) For the classics. I'd pick potato salad. But I also like Cucumber salad (refrigerator pickles) though that's not as common in my experience.

5.) Root beer, though I'd pick Virgil's over A&W.


4 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:
  • Thoughts/Opinions on Star Wars?
  • Something you thought you weren't going to like, but ended up enjoying?
  • Something you both love and hate?
  • If someone was interested in getting into a genre/series (of your choice), what video-game/movie/book/anime etc. would you recommend them to try first?
  • If someone was interested in getting into a genre/series (again, of your choice), what video-game/movie/book/anime etc. would you tell them to stay the heck away from?

1.) I like the original trilogy a lot, but think they get a little over blown as some sort of "masterpiece".

2.) Rap. 

3.) The Simpsons.  I'm a huge fan but frankly I think it's time has come.

4/5.) I'll pick Langrisser. I would say someone should start out with Der Langrisser, because it's the simplest and best intro to the series. They should stay the heck away from 3 (at least for the beginning) because it is the most convoluted, and poorly balanced game in the series. I like it a lot but it has objective problems.

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  1. Thoughts on Star Trek?
  2. Simpsons talk: Which character voiced by the late Phil Hartman do you like better, Troy McClure or Lionel Hutz?
  3. Thoughts on the Trinity of Comedy (Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, George Carlin)?
  4. Do you play a musical instrument?
  5. Apart from barbeque, what other dishes can you cook? Any specialties, or your spin on any staple/mainstay?
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  1. Thoughts/Opinions on the Lord of the Rings?
  2. Favorite card/board game?
  3. Do you prefer action/fight scenes to be realistic and down-to-earth, or over-the-top and flashy?
  4. If you had a single day to hang out with a Fire Emblem character of your choosing, and weren't restrained by money or travel distance/time requirements, who would you pick and what would you do?
  5. Something you would tell your younger self?
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  1. Obligatory first impressions, current impressions yadda yadda
  2. Why did you keep nominating me?
  3. Cake, Pie or healthy alternative
  4. Favourite part of JoJo that's not SBR
  5. Least Favourite part of JoJo
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2 hours ago, Karimlan said:
  • Thoughts on Star Trek?
  • Simpsons talk: Which character voiced by the late Phil Hartman do you like better, Troy McClure or Lionel Hutz?
  • Thoughts on the Trinity of Comedy (Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, George Carlin)?
  • Do you play a musical instrument?
  • Apart from barbeque, what other dishes can you cook? Any specialties, or your spin on any staple/mainstay?

1.) Meh. No strong feelings either way. I never really got into it.

2.) Lionel Hutz.

3.) They're pretty funny, and important to modern stand up. I feel like they are to stand up what Chuck Berry is to Rock, if you listen to some of it now it might be that impressive but they were the first ones to do it. They paved the way for a lot of people.

4.) Yeah I play guitar.

5.) Caeser salad is a favorite of mine to make, along with spaghetti and meatballs (sometimes with linguini and sans meatballs). Fried rice (with pork or chicken sometimes) is another go-to of mine. 


2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:
  • Thoughts/Opinions on the Lord of the Rings?
  • Favorite card/board game?
  • Do you prefer action/fight scenes to be realistic and down-to-earth, or over-the-top and flashy?
  • If you had a single day to hang out with a Fire Emblem character of your choosing, and weren't restrained by money or travel distance/time requirements, who would you pick and what would you do?
  • Something you would tell your younger self?

1.) I like it a lot. I was Legolas for Halloween when I was about 9.

2.) For cards I like Gin cause it's the only one I can always remember how to play. As far as board games go, anything trivia.

3.) It doesn't matter to me a whole lot as long as they're done well. That being said, I think more down to earth stuff is a little cooler.

4.) Binding Blade Karel. I'd want to maybe get some food or something and just talk about stuff. I feel like I could learn a lot just by having a conversation with him.

5.) Be more outgoing, take more chances, and don't overthink things too much.


1 hour ago, Pengaius said:
  • Obligatory first impressions, current impressions yadda yadda
  • Why did you keep nominating me?
  • Cake, Pie or healthy alternative
  • Favourite part of JoJo that's not SBR
  • Least Favourite part of JoJo

1.) First: Who the hell is this butter kid? Current: Oh he's not so bad.

2.) I wanted to know what the butter thing was all about, I still don't know and I'm not sure I want to anymore.

3.) Pie as long as it's home made.

4.) SBR  I think either the beginning of part six (while they're still in the prison), or what's out of part 8.

5.) 1 or 2, they're fine but I feel like part 4 is where Araki really came into his own with all the wacky stuff and "JoJo'siness". 3 is somewhere in between.


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You all know what time it is.

1. If you were to make a list of every Fire Emblem character you're aware of and organize it from most to least liked by you, which would be exactly in the middle? Not the character who you like an amount equal to the average liking you have for all Fire Emblem characters or the one you're most indifferent to, but the one you have the median liking for.

2. How do you like your eggs?

3. If you had to choose one food item to be anthropomorphized into a beautiful woman to spend the rest of your days with, what food item would that be?

4. Have you ever wanted a snack that you never tried, so you bought a bag of air and there were chips inside?

5. What's your opinion on those colorful suits they sell in boxes at Kohls? Assuming, that is, that you've ever been to a Kohl's.


Also, @ProfImpossible, Carolina barbecue is, like, okay I guess. The sauce is basically just vinegar, but some people like that sort of thing.

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5 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

. If you were to make a list of every Fire Emblem character you're aware of and organize it from most to least liked by you, which would be exactly in the middle? Not the character who you like an amount equal to the average liking you have for all Fire Emblem characters or the one you're most indifferent to, but the one you have the median liking for.

2. How do you like your eggs?

3. If you had to choose one food item to be anthropomorphized into a beautiful woman to spend the rest of your days with, what food item would that be?

4. Have you ever wanted a snack that you never tried, so you bought a bag of air and there were chips inside?

5. What's your opinion on those colorful suits they sell in boxes at Kohls? Assuming, that is, that you've ever been to a Kohl's.

1.) Kyle from 8.

2.) Over easy, yolk runny and hot.

3.) A mango.

4.) No.

5.) I've been to Kohl's maybe, maybe once. I had no idea they sold boxed suits. I'm not one for loud bright colors though.


I really like vinegar. I have no idea how it would pair with barbecue though. Idk I might like it.

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@ProfImpossible: Grilled pork here in the Philippines employs vinegar as a dipping condiment. It's usually accompanied by chopped onions and pounded garlic, and small native peppers similar in size to Thai bird's eye chilies. It can also be used as a substitute for lime juice in a "wet" Jamaican jerk rub.

  1. Ever had any cake a la mode?
  2. Thoughts on "Hawaiian" pizza (pineapple, ham & cheese)?
  3. Chili talk: with or without beans?
  4. Beer talk: lagers, ales or stouts?
  5. Would you rather use electricity for grilling, propane or wood fires, given the chance?


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  1. Opinion on Batman
  2. Horror movies Yay or Nay
  3. RomComs Yay or Nay
  4. Something you thought you'd like but ended up hating
  5. Whats your guilty pleasure
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5 hours ago, Karimlan said:

@ProfImpossible: Grilled pork here in the Philippines employs vinegar as a dipping condiment. It's usually accompanied by chopped onions and pounded garlic, and small native peppers similar in size to Thai bird's eye chilies. It can also be used as a substitute for lime juice in a "wet" Jamaican jerk rub.

  1. Ever had any cake a la mode?
  2. Thoughts on "Hawaiian" pizza (pineapple, ham & cheese)?
  3. Chili talk: with or without beans?
  4. Beer talk: lagers, ales or stouts?
  5. Would you rather use electricity for grilling, propane or wood fires, given the chance?

That sounds really good.

1.) Yes, it is the preferable way to eat cake.

2.) I actually kinda like it.

3.) With beans.

4.) I don't drink.

5.) It's a toss up. I like wood fires a lot cause of the extra flavor and I'll be honest, it feels just a little bit cooler to cook with fire. The temperature control of propane is a benefit though too. I'd pry prefer wood but propane's a close second.


2 hours ago, Pengaius said:
  • Opinion on Batman
  • Horror movies Yay or Nay
  • RomComs Yay or Nay
  • Something you thought you'd like but ended up hating
  • Whats your guilty pleasure

1.) I think it's cool that he doesn't have any "super" powers.

2.) Depends, I'm not the biggest fan of gore but I like weirder ones.

3.) Also depends, there are a few I'm partial to but as a genre I'd say nay.

4.) Artichoke, I don't hate it per se, but it was a let down to say the least.

5.) Anime.

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  1. Something you fell in love with immediately?
  2. Something that had to grow on you?
  3. Something (in reality or fiction) that you'd pay good money to see?
  4. Do you read any webcomics?
  5. Favorite dream you've ever had?
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6. Why mangoes?

7. Less a question than a command, but describe the sort of dining experience you like.

On 7/3/2018 at 9:03 PM, ProfImpossible said:

8.) This is hammer, how does hammer make you feel?

Image result for hammer

9. Who would win in a fight to the death? One Punch Man, or Spongebob Squarepants?

10. Do you listen to podcasts?

11. Why aren't you more fond of Kyle?

12. How fond are you of Makalov?

13. What is your favorite class, and why is it berserker?

14. Favorite support in the whole series?

14x. Hey I'm conceited let me know what you think of me I command it now.

15. Are you fond of tea?

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2 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

6. Why mangoes?

7. Less a question than a command, but describe the sort of dining experience you like.

On 7/3/2018 at 6:03 PM, ProfImpossible said:

8.) This is hammer, how does hammer make you feel?

Image result for hammer

9. Who would win in a fight to the death? One Punch Man, or Spongebob Squarepants?

10. Do you listen to podcasts?

11. Why aren't you more fond of Kyle?

12. How fond are you of Makalov?

13. What is your favorite class, and why is it berserker?

14. Favorite support in the whole series?

14x. Hey I'm conceited let me know what you think of me I command it now.

15. Are you fond of tea?

6.) I don't know, they're my favorite fruit. 

7.) Simple? Idk, as long as the food is good and the service acceptable I don't care much.

8.) Plagiarized

9.) One Punch Man. That's kind of his thing.

10.) Yeah, HDTGM and Judge John Hodgman mostly.

11.) Dunno.

12.) Not sure who/what that is.

13.) My favorite class is pry Paladin from 6 and 7. Berserker's are up there though.

14.) I don't really read supports (or the story most times), but I think there's one in 7 where Dart asks Karel if he's heard of any of these really strong warriors and Karel says something to the effect of "Oh yeah, I killed him" after every one. 

 14x.)  You seem conceited and pushy, I don't know what made me think that though.  (nah you're fine, don't worry about it)

15.) Yes.


2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:
  • Something you fell in love with immediately?
  • Something that had to grow on you?
  • Something (in reality or fiction) that you'd pay good money to see?
  • Do you read any webcomics?
  • Favorite dream you've ever had?

1.) Cowboy Bebop.

2.) My hair. It still does.

3.) I had a friend when I was a kid that moved away and we lost touch. I wouldn't mind catching up.   ....This sounds more sad than I mean it.

4.) Nope!

5.) As in while asleep? I don't remember a whole lot of dreams I've had, I remember that I've had them but I forget specifics in a few days. Maybe I should keep a journal. A few have stuck with me but they're nothing remarkable.


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  1. Favorite Newspaper Comic?
  2. Do you play any mobile games?
  3. Strangest thing you've ever eaten?
  4. Trampolines. Like/dislike/don’t care for them?
  5. First impressions on the new Fire Emblem game?
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1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:
  • Favorite Newspaper Comic?
  • Do you play any mobile games?
  • Strangest thing you've ever eaten?
  • Trampolines. Like/dislike/don’t care for them?
  • First impressions on the new Fire Emblem game?

1.) Calvin and Hobbes.

2.) Only FE Heroes.

3.) Starfruit pry. It's not that strange though I guess.

4.) I liked 'em a lot when I was younger. I've kinda grown out of them now though.

5.) My first impression was "wait, this is just langrisser". I'm interested to see where it goes but I don't have high hopes.

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  1. This is grilled liempo (roast pork belly). How does it make you feel?



2. Do you believe that Calvin and Hobbes were onto something in this strip:



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  1. Maya Angelou?
  2. Favourite drink
  3. Do you like: Penguins, Butterflys and owls
  4. Would you eat a butterfly
  5. Any animal you wouldn't eat?
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