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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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  1. Favorite video game series?
  2. Opinion on fighting games?
  3. Favorite music genre?
  4. How did you pick your profile picture, and why did you choose it?
  5. What Fire Emblem games have you played?
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1) honestly, fire emblem. seems kinda vanilla an answer but i just love the series.

2) you mean like street fighter and all that? no comment, never touched that sorta game. more a smash bros fan

3) not specifically anything but i suppose i prefer longer, slower building music.

4) my profile pic is just a ridiculously edgy manga still of this kinda memey in design villain from hero aca(one o' them weeb-ass animes). just found it mildly amusing, plus its very distinctive

5) fe4,fe5(partway), fe6 HM(partway),fe7, fe8, fe9(dropped midway), fe13(admittedly the first game that got me back into the series), fe14 all three routes on at least hard i think, and fe15. kinda want to play the og version of gaiden.

now dont expect more answers for a while, im about to hit the hay since its dark where i live.

Edited by (s)ad touch
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Yellow. XD

  1. Aside from Psycho-Pass, what other anime series are you fond of?
  2. You a fan of Blade Runner?
  3. Do you drink?
  4. What was the last book you read?
  5. Still looking for that GBA adapter, aren't ya?
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  1. Thoughts/Opinions on Star Wars?
  2. Something you thought you weren't going to like, but ended up enjoying?
  3. Something you both love and hate?
  4. If someone was interested in getting into a genre/series (of your choice), what video-game/movie/book/anime etc. would you recommend them to try first?
  5. If someone was interested in getting into a genre/series (again, of your choice), what video-game/movie/book/anime etc. would you tell them to stay the heck away from?
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19 hours ago, (s)ad touch said:

did you page me

I don't have a pager, sorry.


6 hours ago, (s)ad touch said:

5) fe9(dropped midway)

dude fe9 is one of the good ones you get back on that.


Now then, for what you were expecting-

1. If you were to make a list of every Fire Emblem character you're aware of and organize it from most to least liked by you, which would be exactly in the middle? Not the character who you like an amount equal to average liking you have for all Fire Emblem characters or the one you're most in different to, but the one you have the median liking for.

2. How do you like your eggs?

3. If you had to choose one food item to be anthropomorphized into a beautiful woman to spend the rest of your days with, what food item would that be?

4. Have you ever shot through space on the back of a cat, or had a dinosaur laugh at you because of your cheese hat?

5. What's your opinion on those colorful suits they sell in boxes as Kohls


And now for something mildly different.

6. Thoughts/opinions on Lord of the Rings?

7. What's your favorite flavor of popsicle?

8. Does Gary Johnson is heart attack?

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woah. those questions are wack @AnonymousSpeed. and I DISAGREE! i found fe9 (path of radiance right?) kinda boring at midway. whatever

1. after some thought, i think its noah, from fe6. my reasoning is that he's mounted, kinda tankyish, decent weapon ranks, but is poor at everything else. just better than half of folks, but outshined by half of everyone.

2.ever had egg mash in a mug? it the best way to have eggs, no contest.

3. no thanks, thats wack.

4. no, but there was this one time i snuck up on my cat and she jumped into the fucking stratosphere. that counts partway, right?

5. for free thinking anarchists? or skeptics, whichever works. never tried them.

6. its a shame and i need to, but i have never watched or read any of the lord of the rings or even the hobbit. people say id love it, but i dont have enough patience

7. cola, no contest

8. im not actually from america, so i couldn't tell you much about him. but for the sake of argument, lets assume, NO.

Edit: no animals were harmed during the events portrayed during the answer to question 4, truffle (the cat) is fine and is still a good girl.

edit 2 i didnt notice the others adding questions, just in case, please @ me

@Karimlan's questions

1. i like JJBA. not really a general purpose anime fan, just like some shows really.

2. like lord of the rings, people say id like it, but i have never touched them, the original, or the reboot(? kind of more ignorant about blade runner)

3.no im underage, and probably won't.

4. im reading through 1984 very slowly at the moment, but cant remember the last book i read through completely.

5. see below.


@Hawkwing's questions

1. honestly, i haven't watched them all, or even most of them. i  watched 1 and the one where old hans dies lol, and didn't find them that impressive honestly. they just seem unintentionally campy from the ones i saw. 

2. all my friends when i was like 8, moving away from the city i used to live, to the middle of nowhere. a little more real than you were expecting, but still. now i cant imagine being away from the forest and the fields, and, surprisingly, im a bit of a tree-hugger, for an edgelord at least.

3.humanity nothing off the top of my head, ask again later.

4. im actually trying to get a friend into fire emblem, so i recommended fe8 to them. 

5.i told that same friend to stay the hell away from the older games, as they are definitely, advanced material. mostly just janky, and hard to get into, unless your already knees deep into the series.

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The reason I brought up Blade Runner is because it's one of the inspirations of Psycho-Pass, along with 1984 and Minority Report. Lots of the shit Saiga and Makishima brought up are worth reading, too.

  1. Favorite way to cook eggs?
  2. How high is your pain tolerance (physical)?
  3. Are you into martial arts?
  4. Do you loathe pop music?
  5. Do you play a musical instrument?
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@Karimlan's questions

1.i mentioned this, but i like to boil them, soft boiled preferably, unless i heck up, then put them in a mug, mush them with a small spoon, and add salt.

2. normal? i dunno, but

3 no. and your not gettin a sparring partner if the 2 questions were related. sorry bud.

4. how did you know.

5. no. i have a habit of whistling though and i think im pretty good. i also USED to play the piano a little, so i could maybe pick one up again? 

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Nope, questions 2 and 3 are not related :P

  1. Aside from the OG GBA, what other classic game consoles/handhelds do you own?
  2. Ever traveled to a different country?
  3. Are you a history buff?
  4. Which country would you like most to visit, and why?
  5. Which musical instrument interests you enough to pick up, aside from the piano?
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MC@Karimlan ,back again. @Karimlan is back ya'll, tell a friend.

1. nintendo kid growing up, still am. got a 2ds xl(the stylish blu/blk color scheme.) a switch, and, of course, the OG gba.

2. hilariously, im away in switzerland as i type. its great. today i went into an underground lake, apparently, the biggest in the world!

3. love the topic, not excessively though, probably wouldn't pursue a life in (the only job available for a historian really,) writing fucking textbooks recently covered nazi germany, before ww2, and its the most fascinating history topic i have ever covered, especially since, even though we covered a lot, in great detail, there is still so much more than we covered. its a never-ending pool of deep stories about the most important people EVER and, honestly, is pretty over-the-top sometimes. so yeah. definitely a history buff.

4. i would say japan, because i find the culture fascinating, plus it'd be nice to just walk everywhere instead of driving, since everything is so compact. however, that would be impractical, since i don't know a lick of japanese, somewhat oblivious to the traditions held and would likely end up lost and confused. so, realistically, i kinda want to visit america.

5. no idea. probably something a tad easier than piano though, like the kazoo. mostly just a passing interest, especially considering the lack of dexterity possessed by your's truly. 

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  1. Ever watch Kaiji
  2. Do you follow both the manga and anime for hero aca or just one
  3. Whats the best pizza topping and why is it prawn
  4. Opinions on Penguins
  5. Below is hammer how does hammer make you feel


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@Pengaius's questions

1. no but actually think i might give it a try. you mean, kaiji ultimate survivor right?

2.just the show.

3.it is not prawn. i prefer thin, crispy, italian style pizza, untouched by cursed toppings, such as, PRAWNS. i just like good ol' cheese and tomato really.

4.  penguins are the most emotive and expressive arctic animals this season, but it was a close contest between penguins and cats are better and perfect shut up shut up shut up shutupshutu-

5.about this perturbed


i really like this image

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2 hours ago, (s)ad touch said:

MC@Karimlan ,back again. @Karimlan is back ya'll, tell a friend.


  1. Favorite sandwich?
  2. Which is your preferred caffeine delivery system: coffee, tea, or cola?
  3. Coke or Pepsi?
  4. Thoughts on rootbeer?
  5. French fries: with skin or without?
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1 minute ago, Karimlan said:


meaning is dead just laugh ok

1.a knuckle sandwich and knuckles ham.

2.don't really do caffeine. i mean, i do have the occasional coke, but if im tired, i just deal with it mostly.

3. again, neither really, but my personal favorite soft drink would have to be san-pellegrino. the semi-fancy orange one.

4. litterally never touched root beer.

5. what the hell do you mean by skin, but the normal one, probably.

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  1. Have you ever watched Ergo Proxy or Ghost in the Shell?
  2. Given that you're currently in Switzerland, you probably felt the need to pick up another language aside from English—French and German are but a few of the foreign languages you probably hear on a regular basis as you go about your day outside your lodging. Which language would you really want to learn, and why?
  3. Ever heard of Operation Paperclip?
  4. Most bizarre food item you've had so far in your Swiss sojourn?
  5. Strange experience involving a pizza?
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more sick beats for @Karimlan! his fav-rite bird is one bigass toucan!( im sorry its late again)

1.no and no. not a general purpose anime fan, i just use c-roll sometimes to watch shit i've heard of, that isn't a movie.

2.for reference, im with friends and family, plus im a borderline shut-in, so the language thing is fine, but i would want to learn japanese, sooner rather than later, because, as mentioned earlier, japan seems cool to me.


4.the bread tasted a little funny. really, i got here like 4 days ago.

5.dominoes italian is the worst kind of pizza. you cant make italian, thin, crispy, quickly, AND have it arrive fast for delivery. its just a long series of compromise, that i recommend against testing for yourself.

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1. Thoughts/Opinions on the Lord of the R...

16 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

6. Thoughts/opinions on Lord of the Rings?


...Jokes on you, because this is the only set of questions where I have 6!

  1. Favorite card/board game?
  2. Thoughts on puzzle games?
  3. Do you prefer action/fight scenes to be realistic and down-to-earth, or over-the-top and flashy?
  4. If you had a single day to hang out with a Fire Emblem character of your choosing, and weren't restrained by money or travel distance/time requirements, who would you pick and what would you do?
  5. Something you would tell your younger self?
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