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Hey SF!

I used to enjoy playing FE back during the GBA days, even though I was a HORRIBLE tactician. Like, I beat SS on easy mode after a lot of difficulty, and I couldn't beat FE7 until a friend of mine helped out. I sort of dropped out after that.

I started getting interested into FE again when Fates was revealed. Even though I hear it is kind of a disappointment story-wise, I think I'll buy it for the gameplay.

Anyway, here's hoping that your guys' luck tactics will rub off on me.

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Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

Nohr's story is bad and it makes you feel morally wrong. Hoshido's story is better. Better in being a more traditional FE game story.

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Welcome to the forums, I'm not sure why you chose to be the worst Internet browser but welcome nonetheless.

A piece of advice, use classes the way they're meant to be used, such as don't leave Mages in the front lines. Always watch your enemies' range and approach tough bosses carefully. You might already know this, but don't try to train everyone. Bench units once they start to turn out bad and focus on who you plan to bring to Endgame.

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Welcome to the forums, TheInternetExplorer!

I haven't played Fates myself but from what I hear, Nohr tries to do something really different, Hoshido is incredibly traditional, and Invisible Kingdom is just sort of meh?

Something like that. Personally, Hoshido being a "traditional Fire Emblem story" doesn't really seem like a positive thing to me.

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why are you the worst browser

Welcome to the Forest.

Sadly it fits


Welcome to the forest, enjoy your stay, and expect a lot of people making fun of your name!

Expect? It already started!

Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

Nohr's story is bad and it makes you feel morally wrong. Hoshido's story is better. Better in being a more traditional FE game story.

Luckily I was Hoshido from the start.

Welcome to the forums, I'm not sure why you chose to be the worst Internet browser but welcome nonetheless.

A piece of advice, use classes the way they're meant to be used, such as don't leave Mages in the front lines. Always watch your enemies' range and approach tough bosses carefully. You might already know this, but don't try to train everyone. Bench units once they start to turn out bad and focus on who you plan to bring to Endgame.

It was meant to be in the literal sense, sharing the name with a browser is an added minus plus

Thanks for the tips. I plan on absorbing as much info as I can to prep for Fates.

Welcome to the forums, TheInternetExplorer!

I haven't played Fates myself but from what I hear, Nohr tries to do something really different, Hoshido is incredibly traditional, and Invisible Kingdom is just sort of meh?

Something like that. Personally, Hoshido being a "traditional Fire Emblem story" doesn't really seem like a positive thing to me.

I spoiled myself silly as soon as I learnt the game was out in Japan. Also, traditional>train wreck.

Welcome to the Forest, TheInternetExplorer!

Don't worry about being "bad" at FE, you just don't have the grip of it yet.

Anyway, have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

I tried to get a grip on it for more than a year, but I just never got it.

Then again, I didn't have a forum full of hopefully helpful pros.

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It was meant to be in the literal sense, sharing the name with a browser is an added minus plus

Ahaha, I see what you did there. SF is a great place to explore, so go right on ahead.

About Fates spoilers, not everyone appreciates it, so just be a little cautious when discussing it outside of the Fates sub-forum.

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