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Real talk, I actually think TSanae is leagues better than ASanae. ASanae has below-average speed and the 130 SpAtk is nice but she's not particularly bulky.

TSanae, has slightly higher bulk, is faster, and has Calm Mind, so she can set up and have a higher Special Defense and slightly higher Special Attack, as well as better general longevity (STAB Giga Drain isn't anything to laugh at).

Whaaa ASanae is amazing. Just set up a Tailwind and watch her rip apart everything.

She has some of the strongest Water and Faith moves, too. She hits HARD.

Edited by Zeems
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Whaaa ASanae is amazing. Just set up a Tailwind and watch her rip apart everything.

She has some of the strongest Water and Faith moves, too. She hits HARD.

Are you talking about TPDP? Because in Touhoumon, Tailwind functions as Dragon Dance, and thus "doesn't work quite the same".

True facts if I wasn't so adamant about using Layla I'd be using TSanae on my teams, she's REALLY good. Well her or SYorihime, a lot of mons carry Poison Jab as coverage. They kinda gets killed by Youki-AdReisen-MimiChan-Rin that make up most of the meta though.

same with myouren and youki

we don't need them, seriously

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I managed to reach Reimu on Easy without using a single continue! But her first spell card got me. ;w;

During my first unsuccessful Touhou phase, I managed to reach Reisen on easy with a few continues. I'm trying to stray away from the bottom of the screen since I've noticed that it only gives me a false sense of security thanks to the fact that it makes me look towards the bottom when the bullets are near the top, but it's hard when the bullets get too much and reach scary levels of intensity.

Oh, hey, good job with making it to Reimu! But uh, are you using Magic Team or Scarlet Team? The former is, um, not too great in IN.

Also, just making sure, but you are aware of focused movement and auto-collection, right?

Generally, the lower part of the screen is safer than the higher part of the screen. It's understandable that staying on the lower part of the screen makes you lose focus on the bullets that come from above, but I would still recommend staying on the lower half most of the time. However, rather than focusing your attention on your character, try to focus your attention on the area a short distance around your character. With a bit of practice, you'll be able to read bullets right early enough to move your character out of harm's way.

On a side note, the absolute bottom is generally a bad place to stay because it limits your movement options (only 180 degrees of movement instead of 360). The area which is a bit above the absolute bottom (enough that you can back down safely in an emergency) is generally a good place to park.

No it doesn't have Layla or Youki or Advents so it sucks forever

Real talk, I actually think TSanae is leagues better than ASanae. ASanae has below-average speed and the 130 SpAtk is nice but she's not particularly bulky.

TSanae, has slightly higher bulk, is faster, and has Calm Mind, so she can set up and have a higher Special Defense and slightly higher Special Attack, as well as better general longevity (STAB Giga Drain isn't anything to laugh at).

Also TAlice and normal Reisen are also highly usable on their own too.

Advent Alice is also a really good Special Wall but we ruled out Advents so that point is moot.

From a competitive perspective, maybe, but in-game I find ASanae's offense to be pretty amazing for brute force victories.

Advent Reisen has like, great stats and zero weaknesses, so yeah, as cool as Reisen is, I don't think it can hold a candle to AdReisen.

Dark Alice vs Alice is a bit sketchier, but Dark Alice's overpowering offense wins for me.

Layla's not real anyway, so it's better off not including her.

Hey, man, don't deny the imouto no imouto no imouto that becomes the nee-chan of three imoutos
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updated my sorter c:

Are you talking about TPDP? Because in Touhoumon, Tailwind functions as Dragon Dance, and thus "doesn't work quite the same".
True facts if I wasn't so adamant about using Layla I'd be using TSanae on my teams, she's REALLY good. Well her or SYorihime, a lot of mons carry Poison Jab as coverage. They kinda gets killed by Youki-AdReisen-MimiChan-Rin that make up most of the meta though.

Derp, I haven't played Touhoumon in a while. But still, I think you're underrating ASanae a ton. 130 SAtk is nothing to scoff at whatsoever, and even then, she's THAT slow. And there are definitely ways to work around that speed.

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Reimu is all practice. You really have to practice spell card by spellcard she's all memo

use spell card practice


How is Reimu all memo

Unless by "memo", you mean, "you need to memorize the techniques for avoiding her spells", which is just normal learning and not memorization.

I didn't understand any of the technical/Layla talk, but I prefer Alice as a character because she's cuter than Sanae and she has dolls. I'll use Nitori or Suwako as my wind/water type.

I don't like memorizing, it removes part of the fun for me, but I'll try. Also, TPDP?

Going with who you like better as a character is always the best choice imo, as far as enjoying the game is concerned. It's a different story if you're striving to be competent in the gameplay (like competitive players). But uh, I'd say that Touhoumon Purple is somewhat difficult enough that you'd want to have a solidly strong team as well.

I hate memorization too, but don't worry, Reimu isn't memorization. You'll need to learn how to deal with her attacks though, i.e. you can't just rely on your reflexes blindly and hope to beat her. Or you can just bombskip. Are there any particular attacks that give you trouble?

Definitely Hecatia's hardest spell, that's for sure. I'm amazed myself, I didn't think I'd capture it that fast. And with 3 power Sanae to boot.

Wait, what, that was you???
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From a competitive perspective, maybe, but in-game I find ASanae's offense to be pretty amazing for brute force victories.

Advent Reisen has like, great stats and zero weaknesses, so yeah, as cool as Reisen is, I don't think it can hold a candle to AdReisen.

Dark Alice vs Alice is a bit sketchier, but Dark Alice's overpowering offense wins for me.

Nothing holds a candle to Advent Reisen, like seriously when I discuss a mon I discuss how good it is in terms of "not dying immediately to Youki AdReisen Mimi-Chan or Rin" who kinda make up the meta at this point.

Black Alice pretty much blows everything up and is badass and is awesome, yes.

Has Zun drawn art of her?

He hasn't drawn art of you, yet here you are. /trolllogic

Derp, I haven't played Touhoumon in a while. But still, I think you're underrating ASanae a ton. 130 SAtk is nothing to scoff at whatsoever, and even then, she's THAT slow. And there are definitely ways to work around that speed.

I mean if you can BPass a Speed Boost onto her from Lily Black or something I can definitely see her killing teams. still i don't like having a team that's too reliant on others, since mons tend to die fast. Or maybe I just suck, idk it's hard to get practice when you get one or two fights a month. >m> Edited by Zak Something
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Oh, by the way, I'm playing Purple on my PSP so the meta means nothing for me~ ;w;

Also, I want to try out the fighting games, which one should I try out? I haven't played fighting games in a long time, but I could beat the hardest level of the CPU on Melee when I was younger, maybe 11 or 10 year old. Also, I've never played any game in multiplayer other than some very casual Showdown Poke'mon and one battle or two with my classmates, so I want to try out the online touhou fighting scene. And I was just pressured by her first spell card, the one with the amulets that are so close that every move you make is a graze. I managed to dodge almost all of it, but I just didn't manage to endure it.

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I mean if you can BPass a Speed Boost onto her from Lily Black or something I can definitely see her killing teams. still i don't like having a team that's too reliant on others, since mons tend to die fast. Or maybe I just suck, idk it's hard to get practice when you get one or two fights a month. >m>

Heh, right. :3

Okay, so I phrased it confrontationally. Layla is real, but she's nothing like the image you have built up of her.

She's basically an afterthought. She provides some backstory for the Prismrivers, and they themselves aren't really anything worth caring about.

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Eh, prisms are a stage 4, that's no small potatoes. I wouldn't judge someone for getting attached to them.

...Getting super invested into obscure pieces of their backstory is perhaps still a little much, though.

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Oh, by the way, I'm playing Purple on my PSP so the meta means nothing for me~ ;w;

Also, I want to try out the fighting games, which one should I try out? I haven't played fighting games in a long time, but I could beat the hardest level of the CPU on Melee when I was younger, maybe 11 or 10 year old. Also, I've never played any game in multiplayer other than some very casual Showdown Poke'mon and one battle or two with my classmates, so I want to try out the online touhou fighting scene. And I was just pressured by her first spell card, the one with the amulets that are so close that every move you make is a graze. I managed to dodge almost all of it, but I just didn't manage to endure it.

What I meant was that it can get kinda tough in-game if your party isn't balanced enough.

I'm not too big a fan of the Touhou fighting games, but my favorite one is ULiL. Soku is more popular though, so you might be interested in starting with that one first. Or just start with SWR like I did and then climb up to Soku, HM, and ULiL.

She's basically an afterthought. She provides some backstory for the Prismrivers, and they themselves aren't really anything worth caring about.

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Eh, prisms are a stage 4, that's no small potatoes. I wouldn't judge someone for getting attached to them.

...Getting super invested into obscure pieces of their backstory is perhaps still a little much, though.

And they are prevalent in PoFV...but judging by how small their fanbase is, I don't think too many people care. I'm a fan of the Lunasax series, though. Hehehe...

More power to Zak, he can do what he wants. But she truly is irrelevant. Better her than Youki and Myouren, though. She's actually a woman. :smug:

EDIT: Oh, and more power to Proto, I guess.

Edited by Zeems
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My point is that compared to other Stage 4 bosses, the Prismrivers aren't faring too well. Heck, in a recent survival game on Eientei, I tried to argue to split the Prismrivers apart (Lunasa, Merlin, Lyrica), but they wouldn't let it happen. But the Tsukumos were split apart under the basis 'they're fought separately'.

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Which is kind of BS because you can also fight the Prismrivers separately. They have their own unique spell cards, after all. And they have their own names. It's bullshit really.

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I guess I'll start with SWR, anything I should know?

Play both SWR and Soku.

SWR has better story modes, so if you're playing for the story, this is your game.

Soku also has some story modes, but only three of them (Sanae, Cirno, Meiling). But since you can attach SWR to it and get all of its characters, Soku is the one you want to play when it comes to completion.

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That is the dumbest reasoning ever. They're both shot-type dependent selections. Okay, the Prisms share some spells, and I guess only the opener and associated are 100% locked, as you can focus fire for the mid-selection, but still...

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And I was just pressured by her first spell card, the one with the amulets that are so close that every move you make is a graze. I managed to dodge almost all of it, but I just didn't manage to endure it.

Oops, somehow missed this

Well, you should try to be focused (hold SHIFT) all the time. Stay at the bottom center and just move left and right. When you move to a gap, try to stay close to the edge of the cards, so that you don't have to move too far inwards into the next gap. This is mostly a test on how well you can react, but you can get it down with enough practice, I'm sure.

Also, again, are you using Magic Team or Scarlet Team? Alice is pretty awful, so she'd have a really hard time with this spell...

You could consider trying to force your way to clear the game with Continues and then abuse Spell Practice to learn the spells.

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for a survival challenge though you could just fail the player if they make the wrong choice in the mid-selection though, so honestly it's only what, three or four shared spells/nons?

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