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  1. 1. which is best touhou soundtrack?

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Also I just want to add for a better measure.

Touhou doesn't inspire interest in me, I just like the Japanese reference in names, characters and mythology. Playing them kinda feels slow and boring, compared to strategy and muh hack and slash, which makes me think more(the kinda applies to the latter)

Plus, I have a crap ton of games and anime to finish, so I'll probably never play in.

Tldr: fuck off with the IN crap. Serious man, I'll respect you better if you did so

Are you some scrub that downloaded the games once but never bothered to play them because all you care about is chasing girls on Danbooru and opening your pants and showing them your big, slick, dingadingalingadongdong-PEEBEE?!

You are fuggin' disgusting, you have never known the true reason to play the games: To become a literal superplayer looking down on scrubs like u, those who start with easy/normal for 1cc first are fine, then moving on to hard/lunatic for survival and in a week or some shit they have scoring LNBs and before you know it they LNN every game because they're bored then they start scoring and get epic scores you cannot ever get because you're an awful skirt-chaser of girls you don't even know and only want to scare the fuck outta them while the scoreplayer makes love to them after having them to acknowledge they trully know more about them and they are waifus because all their grazes are known and shit.

Poast ur scors u fuggin' awful scrublord, sugg my supapureayer digg of 111 kilometre long with its abomination extra diggs! ur never gonna score.

But that's fine, don't worry! You could have joined us pureayers to enjoy playing games and to enjoy stuff like cashual m3m3z b3c4uz d0z3 4r(f) d4nk 4F m8-chan.

Edited by Kuruminist has a word
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Are you some scrub that downloaded the games once but never bothered to play them because all you care about is chasing girls on Danbooru and opening your pants and showing them your big, slick, dingadingalingadongdong-PEEBEE?!

You are fuggin' disgusting, you have never known the true reason to play the games: To become a literal superplayer looking down on scrubs like u, those who start with easy/normal for 1cc first are fine, then moving on to hard/lunatic for survival and in a week or some shit they have scoring LNBs and before you know it they LNN every game because they're bored then they start scoring and get epic scores you cannot ever get because you're an awful skirt-chaser of girls you don't even know and only want to scare the fuck outta them while the scoreplayer makes love to them after having them to acknowledge they trully know more about them and they are waifus because all their grazes are known and shit.

Poast ur scors u fuggin' awful scrublord, sugg my supapureayer digg of 111 kilometre long with its abomination extra diggs! ur never gonna score.

But that's fine, don't worry! You could have joined us pureayers to enjoy playing games and to enjoy stuff like cashual m3m3z b3c4uz d0z3 4r(f) d4nk 4F m8-chan.

Can you give me a reason why? Your words fall on the ears of a nonbeliever. You've utterly made a mess of yourself.
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Epic memes u scrubs got to know are like the new Sagume pictures or d4nk as fugg Kurumi ones, u fugges.

Can you give me a reason why? Your words fall on the ears of a nonbeliever. You've utterly made a mess of yourself.

Because you just fucking posted you only were there for the lewds and never cared for the games, what kind of shitfollower are you mentioning gamehate then. Go back to your stone-age home the government only subsides superplayers now so go play with u awful dingdongshabbalabba-youknowwhat while lookng at misformed girls because artists can't draw shit correctly. Go post ure scores, ur just bad.

Now for the epic memes you're missing out on you scrubhead: l81QOzN.png







And because you're a shit having seen doujins of cute girls that're defintiely not shabbalabbadingding-hoggers, you probably can relate to the next picture you filthy shitlord wklwAba.jpg

now on to cashual m3m3 picturz



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If the nazis cum and ban me theyre shitlords for not realizing a dork in-exile is on this forum which ravaged another forum and accused a superplayer of being a pedophile while this specific person only fapped to pictures of little girls, this person is a fucking hypocrite pedophile and the superplayer wasn't but who cares right, I'm apparently not in my right to be furious at this shitlord.

Also person lead other forum as a dictator dork, yes this person is Alicia a fuggin' scary af pedophile maniac chasing the skirts of little grillz

Edited by Kuruminist has a word
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