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Don't entirely discount rainbows. For example, if you have a red piece and you see a green piece and a blue piece of the kind that doesn't change color, quickly grab them and fill up the UFO. This will not only give you a free cancel of any bullets on screen, but will also release two UFO pieces (one from filling up a rainbow UFO, another from destroying it) that change color meaning you can actually go from from having 1 red ufo piece to having 2 without losing anything. If you see an opportunity to either summon a rainbow UFO or pick up two red pieces (here one would be red, another would be changing, another would be a fixed blue for example) then still summon the rainbow because of the bullet cancel and still getting two red pieces.

Hmm, I didn't know that about the rainbow UFOs.

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I agree, definitely don't do bombspam. Always try your best to save the bomb, even on hard things. Only use the bombs if you're about to get hit. The deathbomb system in these games makes it so that even if you're slow on the bomb, you'll still be able to save your life. Also, this might sound silly and contradictory but try to make a point of bombing before you get hit, as in avoiding the deathbomb. Use the deathbomb as a safety net but don't depend on it.

Trying your best to dodge the patterns but still bombing before you get hit is a sign of skill as it means that you recognized that you were about to get hit and managed to take proper action in good time. Making patterns complete autobombs however is generally not how you will want to do it. You won't get better that way and who knows, you might've actually captured the attack that time meaning bombing it would be a waste.

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Every shot handles Nazrin's final spell just fine. On Hard, though, it's rather tricky since it works completely different compared to the other three difficulties, but don't worry about that for now.

Clarinets is doing Hard though, isn't he...?

Don't entirely discount rainbows. For example, if you have a red piece and you see a green piece and a blue piece of the kind that doesn't change color, quickly grab them and fill up the UFO. This will not only give you a free cancel of any bullets on screen, but will also release two UFO pieces (one from filling up a rainbow UFO, another from destroying it) that change color meaning you can actually go from from having 1 red ufo piece to having 2 without losing anything. If you see an opportunity to either summon a rainbow UFO or pick up two red pieces (here one would be red, another would be changing, another would be a fixed blue for example) then still summon the rainbow because of the bullet cancel and still getting two red pieces.

... maybe this advice is something only advanced players can use but hey, just wanted to share it because, idk i just find the UFO mechanic to be pretty fun and if you get good at using it you can find yourself halfway through stage 4 with max lives and max bombs and you can fix mistakes in your UFO route by being smart with them (until high end scoreplay at least) which is really neat :P

Nah, there are certainly instances where summoning a rainbow UFO intentionally would improve your resource gain as you mentioned. This is most prominent on the Ex stage, where you need to summon rainbow UFOs if you want sufficient lives. However, I wouldn't recommend pursuing this in Story Mode because:

a) from personal experience, this situation is very rare in Story Mode; there are too many rainbow tokens in Story that you can feasibly summon red / green without a rainbow UFO before it or wasting any useful tokens after.

b) In the few instances in Story Mode where the rainbow UFO will likely boost your resource gain, most notably on Stages 4 and 5, greed deaths are really abundant. The rainbow UFO trick requires the player to collect more tokens, which increases the chances of messing up. And since the potential benefit from rainbow UFOs isn't quite as significant, I would instead recommend playing it safer and sticking to red / green only.

That being said, yeah, don't discount rainbow UFOs. Although I would not advise players to actively plan out rainbow UFO summons beforehand, I would recommend it as a follow-up to mistakenly collecting a blue token while you have a red/green in the first slot. Since the blue forces you to start a red or green pattern from scratch, it's cheaper to just catch the third color to summon a rainbow UFO, generate two tokens, and then collect two tokens of the color that you want.

In other words, imo for Stages 1-5, you should:

- focus on collecting red / greens, whichever you prefer (you can change your color focus in the middle of the run too)

- if you make a mistake and collect blue as the second token, collect the third color to summon a rainbow UFO and produce two rainbow tokens that you can collect in your desired color

- if you make a mistake and collect the other of red / green as the second token, I would advise you to try summoning the UFO of the second color (since both lives and bombs are gooood), but summoning a rainbow instead isn't a bad idea

For Stage 6 (if you ever get there):

- spam green UFOs (even if you love red like I do)

- only if you have 2-3 incomplete life pieces should you consider summoning a red UFO (just one please, not more than that)

Green are better.

Depends on the playstyle and shot type imo. Somebody like me very often dies with bombs remaining, so red improves my survivability better than green does. On the other hand, SanaeB hates the death penalty and has the greatest bomb in Touhou history, so she should focus on greens.

I agree, definitely don't do bombspam. Always try your best to save the bomb, even on hard things. Only use the bombs if you're about to get hit. The deathbomb system in these games makes it so that even if you're slow on the bomb, you'll still be able to save your life. Also, this might sound silly and contradictory but try to make a point of bombing before you get hit, as in avoiding the deathbomb. Use the deathbomb as a safety net but don't depend on it.

Trying your best to dodge the patterns but still bombing before you get hit is a sign of skill as it means that you recognized that you were about to get hit and managed to take proper action in good time. Making patterns complete autobombs however is generally not how you will want to do it. You won't get better that way and who knows, you might've actually captured the attack that time meaning bombing it would be a waste.

This is great as general Touhou advice, but... useless for UFO Hard if you ask me. A player that doesn't apply this already should not attempt UFO Hard imo (they'll get rekt for sure), and this doesn't help much with UFO Hard trolling because you'd have to incredibly skilled to pull off a reactive bomb on a greed death. And on that note, I disagree with your last section with respect to UFO Hard; the idea of try-it-and-bomb-in-danger for spells you know you're bad at is equivalent to suicide in UFO Hard (due to the nature of its threats and how they kill you when you're not expecting it). Maybe it's because I'm a terrible player but I imagine that players who are struggling with UFO Hard and haven't cleared it yet aren't too much better. If you ask me, the idea of try-it when you know you're bad at it should be restricted to a) no bombs remaining, and b) practice runs
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Try to avoid greed deaths, you should only pick up UFO's if you're certain you can get away with it. Taking too big risks with the collection will likely just mean that you lose more resources than you gain. Good point with the summoning of rainbows if you accidentally pick up a blue, that's definitely the best action to take in that situation.

In general though, i'd discourage taking risks with the UFO collection unless you're a good player who is confident that they can get away with it, in which case you'd probably not have any issue beating even Lunatic.

Also, idk if its been mentioned yet but play SanaeB for your first Hard clear everyone. She's by far the easiest shot to use. Good range on her shot herself, good damage and a bomb that allows you to set-up UFO summons while the bomb is charging up. Just be sure not to summon the UFO until the bomb has exploded or you'll just kill the UFO right away meaning you won't be able to fill it up.

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No no, Proto, he's doing UFO Normal.

Wait, whaaaaaaaat? But he already implied that he cleared UFO Normal (and found it easy) and is going to give UFO Hard a shot...?

How do you even Royal Flare

Uh, are you asking about how to handle Patchy's second spell on EoSD Ex or on how to navigate through the RoyalFlare site to upload/find replays? Since you put a space, I'll assume it's the former.

My suggestion:

- Start at the center of the absolute bottom

- When the first wave approaches, move very slightly to the left to dodge the fireballs and then return to the original position

- If using MarisaA, don't move anymore after this; Patchy will die before the next wave can threaten you

- If not using MarisaA... screw whatever shot you're using and switch to MarisaA :P

The slight movement might take some attempts to practice on the timing (since the pattern can be difficult to read if you're relying on your instincts) but eh, with a little bit of practice, it should be fine. The spell is 100% static, and you're a Memorization Prodigy so this should become an auto-capture in no time.

Needs more Touhoumon .n.

Maybe somebody can start talking about Touhoumon...?

Try to avoid greed deaths, you should only pick up UFO's if you're certain you can get away with it. Taking too big risks with the collection will likely just mean that you lose more resources than you gain. Good point with the summoning of rainbows if you accidentally pick up a blue, that's definitely the best action to take in that situation.

In general though, i'd discourage taking risks with the UFO collection unless you're a good player who is confident that they can get away with it, in which case you'd probably not have any issue beating even Lunatic.

Well, I'd say UFO requires some level of balance between general dodging skill and UFO greed management. Whether you can afford to take risks in either of those areas depends on your general skill level on both of them. In my case, for example, I can't clear if I just avoid all the risks, but I have a decent enough chance at succeeding at taking UFO greed risks that it's worthwhile for me to attempt doing so. But a player with insane dodging skills can just ignore the UFOs, or a player with excellent greed management can just bomb every difficult pattern, etc

Also, idk if its been mentioned yet but play SanaeB for your first Hard clear everyone. She's by far the easiest shot to use. Good range on her shot herself, good damage and a bomb that allows you to set-up UFO summons while the bomb is charging up. Just be sure not to summon the UFO until the bomb has exploded or you'll just kill the UFO right away meaning you won't be able to fill it up.


Seriously though, it also depends on playstyle and comfort. SanaeB's damage output suffers a lot when she dies. And while her bomb is certainly amazing, ReimuA's insane damage output is amazing too, as is MarisaA's laser piercing combined with high enough damage output, and even ReimuB's homing with decent mobility on her bomb are pretty nice. SanaeB seems to be the most popular choice, but most other shots have their own niches that can make them more effective for the players using them. Though I can't really see much point in using SanaeA or MarisaB for first 1ccs...

Edited by Rainbow
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let's talk about how touhoumon should go back to the old ways

instead of this weeb chibi Japanese shit, let's go back to regular rom hacking and gba games

the old days had Vocaloids and Moemons in Touhoumon hacks though, they were MORE weeb than now. >__>
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TPDPs pretty mucha different game, between yet another type chart overhaul and different core mechanics and whatnot.

And better to take place in actual Gensokyo instead of "kanto/hoenn but the citys are named to Touhou locations".

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Flandre's second spellcard just murders me

how do

Capped Spell 3 blind tho

> asks for help on Royal Flare

> stuck on Laevateinn

Oh, man, this feels just like when I first started attempting EoSD Ex

Oh yeah Glack, royal flare sucks, but I was using Marisa A so I could just cheese it.

Good man, I approve. MarisaAforlyfe

As for her second spellcard...it's actually her easiest one once you find the trick (going above the attack). If you do it the way the game wants you to though, it's pretty tough.

This is sort of how I did it.

I dunno what you mean by "the way the game wants you to do it" but well, I'm pretty sure the game wants you to stay in the top half of the screen, which makes it really easy.

Basically, Annie, you should memorize how Flan-chan will swing her sword. It's a set of four swings that keeps repeating. For the circular swings, just stay ahead of the sword's circular arc (yes, you need to circle above Flan-chan for one of them). For the straight swings (vertical sword, horizontal movement), the top part is entirely safe. I'd suggest moving to the top of the side that Flan-chan will move to. Anyhow, the only time you should be somewhat close to any bullets is between a vertical sword and a swing, and since the bullets are all lined up with huge gaps, it really shouldn't be a problem at all. This is by far Flan-chan's easiest roadblock trick spell, and I'd say it's the easiest spell of the entire EoSD Ex.

For reference: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=32960 (capped Royal Flare and Laevateinn and was one of the most memorable EoSD Ex replays for me)

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How do upload it so I can link it here?

Touhou Replay Sites:

Inferior Site that supports Th06 to Th13 (and Th14 if you add it as a Th13 replay): http://replays.gensokyo.org/index.php

Superior Site that sadly only supports EoSD, PCB, IN, DDC, ISC, and LoLK: http://threplays.appspot.com/replays

Japanese Site that is quite popular for high scores: http://score.royalflare.net/

Would recommend the first one for UFO

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Touhou Replay Sites:

Inferior Site that supports Th06 to Th13 (and Th14 if you add it as a Th13 replay): http://replays.gensokyo.org/index.php

Superior Site that sadly only supports EoSD, PCB, IN, DDC, ISC, and LoLK: http://threplays.appspot.com/replays

Japanese Site that is quite popular for high scores: http://score.royalflare.net/

Would recommend the first one for UFO

Alright, thanks.

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