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FE14 Nohrmal Ironman Run



3 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should Camilla Marry?

    • Silas
    • Zero
  2. 2. Who should Pieri Marry?

    • Silas
    • Zero
    • Leo
  3. 3. Who should Luna Marry?

    • Silas
    • Zero
    • Leo

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I have decided to do this since i got to Nohr Lunatic Ch. 25 and I don't feel like dealing with a crap-ton of enemies that have Negative Chain.

This is my avatar for this run.


Going with a Female avatar since i always used Male Avatar before this. Her name is Towel (reference to a certain south park character).
Assets are +Mag/-Lck and Secondary class is Dark Mage

1. Classic Mode, always!
2. The difficulty before Chapter 7 will be Hard mode. Afterwards, i'm changing the difficulty to Normal (Because i think Nohr Hard is already challenging as a regular playthrough).
3. When a character dies, they're gone for good. A poll decides what happens when a Game Over occurs!
4. No Spotpass or DLC content (meaning no dread scrolls or dark falcon wings, for example).
5. Allowed My Castle structures for interaction: Armory, Vendor, Forge and Gems.

Take note that i'll mostly be using text for this playthrough but I'll provide screenshots for either if a character dies or if something really out of the ordinary happened.



Chapter they died on: Chapter 9

Cause of death: Carelessness (Chose wait instead of using a Vulnerary by accident when she was in range of an enemy)


Chapter they died on: Chapter 13

Cause of death: Carelessness (Dropped her off in a dangerous spot instead of a safe spot when separating Belka/Mozume pair-up)

[spoiler=Chapter Directory]

Prologue-Chapter 6

Chapter 7-8

Chapter 9, Mozume's Paralogue

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14-15

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Got the chapters before and during the split done before i posted this.

[spoiler=Prologue to Chapter 6]

Standard stuff, since their tutorial levels.
Towel proc'd every stat but res in her level up.

CH. 2:
Towel handles the right side, Gunther chips the left side and Joker is in the middle as dual attack support for both.
Gunther goes to right when Kaze is the only one left in the right group and soaks up Kunai attacks until Towel and Joker
handle the left side. Kamui gets two levels while Joker gets one.

CH. 3 (17 turns):
Joker's Absolute Protection skill made this a breeze. Always funny to see Ganz do a Leeroy Jenkins to the Myrm/Bowman pairup on the fort.
The boss for this chapter is still the most annoying thing ever.

CH. 4 (16 turns):
This chapter wasn't too bad but it annoying to have Ryoma keep stealing kills... :/
Focused the EXP that i could get for my units to Towel and Kaze, since Rinka's usage in a Nohr run is very short term, to say the least.

CH. 5 (14 turns):
Towel did most of the heavy lifting, although Kaze got quite a bit of kills. Kamui dealt with the mercs during Player Phase and some Dark Mages and
Kaze handled most of the Dark Mages.

CH. 6 (3 turns):
Leo lured in both Hinoka/Takumi and Yukimura. Everybody worked together to kill them and i gave Joker 2 of 3 kills.
Killed all but Sakura here. Props to Xander for hitting dem 25% attacks and killing Ryoma (Didn't even need to use the elixir).

Character Class Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WPN RANKS
Towel Nohr Princess 8.07 23 9 11 10 12 7 10 7 D Swords, D Dragonstone
Joker Butler 4.93 23 10 6 12 11 10 8 8 D Kunai, D Staff
Aqua Dancer 2.19 16 5 2 9 8 11 5 8 E Lances (As of Ch. 5)
Kaze Ninja 6.36 27 8 0 10 15 4 6 14 D Kunai (As of Ch. 5)

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[spoiler=Chapter 7-8]

CH. 7 (11 Turns)
Towel and Jakob takes care of left side. Elfie and Arthur takes care of part top side and Silas took care of part of the bottom side. Everybody then got together and to handle the rest of the top and bottom parts respectively. I feel like i took more risks than i should have but nobody died, at least.

CH. 8 (10 Turns)
Elfie gets Javelin. Towel and Jakob took care of pretty much the top half of the map. The rest dealt with the left side. Silas rushed to the Bottom-left house while Elfie acted as Freeze Staff bait. I ended up visiting 4 of 5 houses. Killed Flora, though it felt a bit worrisome since she had a crit rate on the units that were nearby to attack her. Jakob ORKO'ing Dark Mages and Towel ORKO'ing Fighters made this quite easy. Everybody is still alive.

This is easier than i thought i would but I'll probably struggle a bit in Ch. 10

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[spoiler=Chapter 9 & Mozume's Paralogue]

CH. 9 (16 Turns)
Well, i was an idiot and chose "Wait" when i wanted Aqua to use a Vulnerary as she was fighting that one Myrmidon so she's done for. :(
Guess i'll see what Nohr is like without a dancer.

I always feel uneasy to put Arthur into combat, considering his horrible luck. Anyways, Towel went to recruit Nyx and entered the fortress by the cracked wall while the rest dealt with the enemies. This chapter is quite less frustrating when there's no enemies with Defense Seal. When my units all met together again, Elfie did most of the heavy lifting since she was able to tank a lot of enemies thanks to the absence of Defense Seal. When reinforcements came, Elfie tanked Holy Lancers while a Joker/Towel pairup along with other units killed the Bowmen. Joker killed the boss while paired up with Towel since he had the most reliable combat against him. I then got the Vanished Disaster (Rescue) staff (which will most likely come in handy) before i left. Also, Joker/Towel already reached A support.

Mozume's Paralogue (forgot to track turn count)
I'm going to test how Bowman Mozume works out since a lot of people seem to vouch for that. It'll make her easier to train here too since bows are more powerful and have range. Also made a Bronze Bow forge for Mozume. Anyways, Joker and Arthur stay near the top so Arthur can get some EXP (That was my plan anyways but Joker kept critting). Once i recruited Mozume, Towel/Elfie pairup acted as chip for every faceless and Mozume killed them. Arthur then paired up with Mozume to boost her strength and they killed more Faceless and the boss.


Character     Class          Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Weapon Ranks
Towel         Nohr Princess  10.40  24  11  12  12  14   7  11   8   D Swords, D Dragonstones
Joker         Butler         10.21  24  12   9  16  11  11  11  13   C Kunai, D Staves
Elise         Rod Knight     10.93  20   2  16   7  13  18   4  14   D Staves
Silas         Cavalier        9.36  25  14   0  10  10   8  10   5   D Swords, E Lances
Arthur        Fighter         8.43  25  13   0   9   8   1   9   4   D Axes
Elfie         Knight         10.77  25  16   0  11   7  12  14   4   C Lances
Zero          Outlaw         10.02  23  10   5  10  17   7   8  13   D Bows
Nyx           Dark Mage      10.61  21   1  12   6  12   3   5   8   C Tomes
Mozume        Bowman          5.32  17  10   0  12  10   4   6   4   E Bows
Odin          Dark Mage       7.23  21   5   8  12   8  10   7   8   D Tomes
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[spoiler=Chapter 10]

CH. 10 (11 turns forced)
Ah, the infamous defend chapter of this game. Thankfully, everybody here got out of here alive.

Turn 1: Nyx goes to man the Magic Ballista, gets an Oni. Odin heads for top-left most village. Towel and Silas block the right chokepoint in the middle path (Silas is dual attack support). Elise goes to the village nearby the defend tiles. Arthur/Effie pairup takes the rightside to deal with the Bowmen. Zero mans the middle Ballista. Joker and Mozume are on standby.

Turn 2: Nyx keeps chipping at the Oni to the left. Odin starts killing them. Silas lures in one Lance Fighter, Arthur and Effie still go right. The rest are on standby once again.

Turn 3: Odin kills the last Oni to the left. Nyx Ballista's the Lance Fighter and Ninja near the center (Mozume kills Lance Figher, Silas kills Ninja). Zero ballista's a Peg Warrior. The rest stay on standby

Turn 4: Joker kills a Peg Warrior. Towel kills one Oni to the right of the central area, Belka kills the other with Towel dual Attack. Camilla goes to one-shot another Peg Warrior. Zero Ballista's a third Peg Warrior. Silas moves near Towel so he isn't overwhelmed by enemies. A low HP Peg Knight attacks Zero (better than going for the defend tiles, at least)

Turn 5: Odin visits the village. Silas kills a Ninja after Nyx Ballista's him. Belka kills the Lance Fighter, Camilla kills another Ninja. Mozume killed a Peg Warrior. Elise heals Zero. Elfie/Arthur + Javelin = Instant death for generic Bowmen.

Turn 6: Zero kills one of two Peg Warriors in Guard Stance. Belka/Zero Attack Stance kills the other. Joker stays near the Defense tiles since a Peg Warrior is too close around that area for my comfort. Silas visits the Village that gives the Reverse Club. Towel/Camilla pairup kills a Peg Warrior and lures in Oboro.

Turn 7: Welp. Water gets Drained. Time for Pandemonium. That one Peg Warrior near the Defend tiles gets killed by Joker, Zero kills Oboro. Mozume Ballista's three Lance Fighters. Belka and Silas kill two of them. Towel/Camilla start dealing with the right side. Nyx Basllista's more Oni to the left. Dragonstone Towel is just awesome.

Turn 8: Zero kills a Peg Warrior near the center. Nyx Ballista's a Oni and Luna kills him off (with Bronze Sword, i don't trust that 3% crit with an Iron Sword), Odin and Joker stay nearby them. Around here, Towel/Camilla visit the Dracoshield village (with Camilla being the lead unit).

Turn 9: Elise goes to heal Effie after Effie moves closer to the center. Elfie kills a lone Peg Knight, Mozume and Zero/Belka Guard Stance work together to kill a Peg Warrior Guard Stance. Joker heals Luna and they along with Odin and Nyx wait for the Oni to come closer before they start killing them. Towel turns a Oni Guard Stance into just an Oni.

Turn 10: Joker, Luna, Odin and Nyx work together to take down the last to Oni to the left, the rest kill the enemies to the right.

LAST TURN: Towel/Camilla and Mozume kill off the Bowman duo (Mozume had Dragonstone Towel attack stance to kill the second bowmen). The rest run to guard the Defend tiles since i don't think dealing with the Ninja duo is worthwhile.

Character     Class             Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Weapon Ranks
Towel         Nohr Princess     13.11  26  14  14  12  15   9  11   9   D Swords, C Dragonstones
Joker         Butler            11.46  24  13  10  16  11  12  12  11   C Kunai, D Staves
Elise         Rod Knight        12.24  20   2  17   8  15  20   4  14   C Staves
Silas         Cavalier          10.81  26  15   0  11  10   9  10   5   D Swords, D Lances
Arthur        Fighter            8.48  25  13   0   9   8   1   9   4   D Axes
Elfie         Knight            11.88  26  17   0  11   8  12  14   5   C Lances
Zero          Outlaw            11.27  23  11   5  10  17   7   8  13   D Bows
Nyx           Dark Mage         11.17  22   1  12   6  13   3   6   8   C Tomes
Mozume        Bowman             7.36  19  12   0  11  12   5   7   4   E Bows
Odin          Dark Mage          8.39  21   6   9  12   8  11   8   8   D Tomes
Camilla       Revenant Knight    1.08  30  19  11  15  19  12  18  15   C Axes, D Tomes
Luna          Mercenary         10.35  24  12   3  12  15   9  11   8   D Swords
Belka         Wyvern Knight     10.08  24  14   0  15   9  11  14   7   D Axes

I apologize for some discrepancies of stats from last time. My intention is to post the stats before stat boosts from weapons and skills but i forgot do that for some last time

I buy Silas a Javelin and Elise a heal for the next chapter.

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Are you open to suggestions on which characters to use for each chapter? think of the fans!

If so, I'd request Luna! Not that she's stunning or anything, it's more that I really like her!

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Are you open to suggestions on which characters to use for each chapter? think of the fans!

Perhaps. I might pick some safe units in case things go horribly wrong.

Also, you gave me another Idea. Chapter by Chapter, people will vote for which female character marry's who.

Are you open to suggestions on which characters to use for each chapter? think of the fans!

If so, I'd request Luna! Not that she's stunning or anything, it's more that I really like her!

Thankfully, i find her to be one of the more decent units thanks to her defense and speed growth.

ALSO, the previous poll was a tie. It will be opened again when i get a game over.

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Voted Arthur, Camilla, and Belka for benching! I don't know about you, but my Arthur is typically behind in stats in comparison to my other units, so I usually just bench him. As for Camilla, I think it wouldn't be necessary to bring her along for the chapter. She's pretty strong for the current chapters, and it would be good for the other units to gain some experience and catch up. Belka was just a random third option I chose, but I still think she's a solid fighter.

Silas for marriage! I just think it's cute :)

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[spoiler=Ch. 11]
CH. 11 (21 TURNS)

BENCHED: Arthur, Odin, Belka

Elfie, Silas, Towel, Jakob and Mozume take the left route (Setsuna's room then Kaze's room).
Camilla, Elise, Zero, Nyx and Luna take the right route (Rinka's room and Asama's room).

Elfie baits two Archers in Setsuna's room. The rest of the left group wait outside until the next turn. A bit hesitant to approach Rinka's room since i don't even trust around 2% crit rates. Thankfully, Bronze weaponry gives crit avoid so Luna takes on two Oni (Nyx is beside her doing pairup). Everybody goes in the right room (those in the right group, anyways).

I was an IDIOT and attacked a counter Bowman. with Elfie but thankfully, Joker was nearby to heal her. The rest of the left group went into Setsuna's room and Mozume kills the second Bowman. Let's hope the third doesn't kill anybody. Funny enough, the Steel Bow Bowman goes for Towel since she didn't have 2-range.

Luna and Nyx kill off the damaged Oni. I don't lure in the third yet since Zero is bow-locked and Camilla is too OP.

Mozume and Joker kill off the last Bowman. Zero, along with a Elise/Luna pairup (To utilize movement) go kill the last generic Oni.

Silas and Mozume go to kill Setsuna (Mozume finishes her off). Nyx with Camilla attack stance and then Luna finish off Rinka.

Kaze's room had the enemies inside all have Cut through so Elfie deals with the Ninjas since she doesn't take much damage even with debuffs. I've always Asama in Nohr. Him and his Misfortune and Sin staff. Elise has Asama waste a user of the staff.

Elfie was strong enough to OHKO Ninja's with a Javelin. She killed one during enemy phase, another during player phase and the third ninja was killed by Mozume and Joker. Zero/Elise pairup lures in a spellcaster (Zero needs that extra res due to Misfortune and Sin).

Sadly, Zero gets half HP'd. Zero kills another spellcaster and Luna kills the third (after Camilla chipped at him). Elfie gets in range of Kaze to prepare to attack him (He doubles everybody and Elfie takes the least damage...)

Sadly, Elfie missed. She hits Kaze during a second attack on Player phase though. The right group kills Asama (Camilla, then Nyx and Luna finishes him off).
Elfie kills Kaze during Enemy Phase (dat speed tho...)

Zero gets the Weakness staff. Elfie lures in the Left and Center Guard stance Myrms, Camilla lures in the right using Thunder tome (with Nyx as Guard stance support).

Mozume kills the first of two myrms for left Guard stance support. Camilla goes to the left side so she and Elfie/Silas can protect Mozume (she's in the bottom left corner of the room). The Myrms are overcrowding the left side so they leave for a turn so they get back into position. The turn after, Elfie lures in the Short Sword Myrm in Guard stance (the other pair went on the stairwell to heal). One turn after, they all go to Elfie anyways. Elfie and Camilla kill one Myrm Guard stance while Mozume, Joker and Towel kill the last of them.

The group can finally Join together but not before Zero gets Spirit Dust (I only had 1 lockpick unit... Also, Joker gets some Heals in while Zero does his thing). Mozume can kill Two Peg Knights surrounding Hinoka (Aqua can't dance her at this point but Silas can certainly use the Rescue command on her!). Mozume gets Prescient Victory, which is something she'll like. Mozume gets a shot at the last Peg Knight supporting Hinoka. Luna goes ahead and kills the Healer so she can get a level. Considering a lot of units went to attack Hinoka's Lackeys, i couldn't kill her this turn. She tried to kill Mozume but her damage output wasn't enough, which Allows Mozume to kill her next turn.

Also, Flannel is confirmed to be Towel's marriage partner (credit to Random.org for settling the 4-way tie).


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  • 2 months later...

I apologize for the large delay for this playthrough but my real life got me busy for quite a while and Christmas happened.

Anyways, let's get this started.

[spoiler=Ch. 12]
CH. 12 (14 TURNS)

BENCHED: Camilla, Arthur, Elise (cuz plot-hax)

Elise's Marriage partner: Odin
Elfie's Marriage partner: Lazwald (Randomizer's results: http://imgur.com/w6tq9YW )

I decided to charge right through the middle. Towel lures in both Samurai and a Ninja that was nearby (Actually only Lure in the Ninja, which attacked Lazwald anyways). Everybody else is in one group together. Only bothered destroying the left pot, since i fear that my units will get HP-halved if they destroy the wrong pot.

Elfie chips the Ninja, Lazwald kills him with Elfie as support. Jakob heals Lazwald for EXP while Lazwald lures in the two Samurai (but Elfie ends up lure one of them instead). Lazwald killed the Ninja he lured in.

Odin finishes off the Ninja that Elfie chipped during enemy phase. Towel destroys the left pot from the set of three right near Saizou and Kagerou. Jakob heals Lazwald again. Towel is in range of all of Saizou and Kagerou's group while Elfie is only in range of one of them. Sadly, i had Kaze destroy a pot that froze him and Belka (she is also in range of one ninja). Mozume is next to Elfie for attack stance support (She was chosen since the enemy can only two range that spot). Enemy phase, Ninja did no damage to Belka but Snake Venom still made things annoying. Kagerou decides to attack Towel, along with a generic Ninja.

Mozume/Elfie attack stance kills off Kagerou, Silas/Luna attack stance takes care of the first ninja that was lured. Pieri rescues Mozume, since Kagerou's Four Fang skill brought her close to death. Elfie is healed by Jakob, considering that Saizou will attack her with the Explosive Shruiken (thankfully, she isn't doubled by him). Towel chugs a Concoction. Enemy Phase, Elfie goes to 1 HP due to a combination of Saizou and Generic Ninja attack stance and Saizou's Explosive flame triggering.

Odin finishes off Saizou (Elfie did a lot of damage to him) and gets a okayish level up (HP, SKL and DEF). Jakob gives Elfie a much needed heal and her, along with Lazwald kills off the Ninja that helped Saizou (Lazwald gets the kill). Towel lures in a nearby samurai. An enemy priest also tries and fails to Silence Jakob.

Towel activates the dragon's vein that breaks all the remaining pots. Silas lures in two Herb Merchants that have been HP-halved. Mozume gets back to full HP thanks to a Vulnerary and Jakob (getting a meh level as a result of healing). Luna goes to the right of Silas considering i assume that Silas will get killed from a random Lance Fighter to the right (Luna has around 19 defense, i presume she was nearby a pot that gave her that buff). Odin becomes silenced. Luna kills the Lance fighter with ease and eats a hit from an Herb Merchant. Silas kills the other Herb Merchant that attacked him (and gets a nice level up, got everything but magic). Four ninjas near the top of the map decide to seek my team.

Mozume kills another Lance Fighter that is going toward my team. Towel chips another Lance fighter (also gets a SPD, DEF level) and Silas kills him off (after getting healed by Jakob). Zero kills the Herb Merchant that Luna lured in (getting a crappy SKL, LCK level in the process). Nyx gets Silenced, Silas chips a Herb Merchant with a Javelin and Kaze chips another.

Towel kills off the Herb Merchant on the left side, Elfie/Pieri guard stance Javelins the Herb Merchain on the right to death (and stays in range of the 3 of 4 ninjas that are now right nearby). Everybody else stays out of their range. Jakob fails to get Silenced. Towel lured in 2 ninja's, Mozume lures and kills the third, the fourth goes to towel without doing anything.

Silas/Towel attack stance kills one Ninja, Lazwald/Towel attack stance kills another (he gets a nice level up that has strength and i dunno what else). Jakob/Lazwald chips the last Ninja and Odin then finishes the Ninja off. With all the agressive enemies out of the way, Towel lures in the Samurai to the left of Ryoma while Elfie lures the one to the right of him (Pieri also backs her up). The samurai didn't get lured in, sadly, since the ones luring them in have too much defense. Reinforcements at the bottom show up (and i could honestly care less about them).

TURN 10:
I try the above strategy again, except Lazwald and Belka are now attempting to lure them in. Jakob heals Silas and breaks his heal staff.

TURN 11:
Samurai still aren't lured in so Elfie kills a random priest while Jakob/Lazward guard stance crits the left Samurai (Silas then finishes him off since he still had 2HP. Also got another good level up since it had HP, SPD, DEF & RES). The right samurai dies to a Kaze/Belka guard stance and Pieri. Pieri gets frozen.

TURN 12:
Elfie gets a Bronze Naginata (she is gonna attempt to Kill Ryoma and she faces being critted without that Naginata). Zero opens the left chest for an Armorslayer. Silas/Mozume pair up kill the Freeze staff priest.

TURN 13:
I realize that Elfie does too little damage to kill Ryoma fast enough so i just prepare Kaze to go get the chest to the right.

TURN 14:
Kaze gets the right chest for 5000 gold. I attempt to attack Ryoma with Elfie/Lazwald, Silas/Zero and Luna/Jakob but he still survives with 11 HP and Mozume is 1 damage too short to kill Ryoma off. With that, Towel escapes and ends the map! Joker/Elfie have their C support after this map ends


Character     Class             Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Weapon Ranks
Towel         Nohr Princess     14.42  26  14  14  12  16   9  12   9   D Swords, C Dragonstones
Joker         Butler            14.65  26  14  10  17  13  14  13  11   C Kunai, D Staves
Elise         Rod Knight        13.54  20   2  18   8  16  21   5  14   C Staves
Silas         Cavalier          13.44  29  17   0  13  13  11  12   7   D Swords, D Lances
Arthur        Fighter            8.48  25  13   0   9   8   1   9   4   D Axes
Elfie         Knight            14.79  29  18   0  13  10  14  16   6   C Lances
Zero          Outlaw            12.18  23  11   5  11  17   8   8  13   D Bows
Nyx           Dark Mage         11.71  22   1  12   6  13   3   5   8   C Tomes
Mozume        Bowman            12.13  21  14   1  16  16   9  11   7   D Bows
Odin          Dark Mage          9.70  22   6   9  13   8  11   9   8   D Tomes
Camilla       Revenant Knight    1.52  30  19  11  15  19  12  18  15   C Axes, D Tomes
Luna          Mercenary         12.61  25  14   3  13  17   9  13   8   D Swords
Belka         Wyvern Knight     10.08  24  14   0  15   9  11  14   7   D Axes
Kaze          Ninja             12.55  25  10   0  13  19   6   8  16   C Kunai
Lazwald       Mercenary         13.24  29  16   0  16  13  15  10   7   C Swords
Pieri         Cavalier          10.37  25  13   0   9  13   9  10  10   D Swords, C Lances

So for the next chapter, i chose these six units to come for the chapter. 4 more can come and that will be decided on a vote that is available now:
Towel, Elfie, Joker, Silas, Mozume, Zero

I am permanently benching Arthur since he is very underleveled and doesn't have a marriage partner set up by a vote.
Camilla is temporarily benched because she is overpowered at this point in the game.

12 units will be established as an endgame team, considering many paralogues only allow 12 units in the battle. Any extra units that come is decided by
future votes for that particular chapter (and also aren't too underleveled).

These 6 units will already be in the endgame team, since they are involved with pairings already established by past votes:

In the case that any member in the endgame team dies, any other unit that isn't underleveled can step in (will probably be decided on a vote when the time comes). I made such a plan for this playthrough so i don't end up using units that aren't underleveled during lategame. If you have any suggestions/changes for this plan, feel free to say something and i'll consider it.

3 more males and 3 more females for the endgame team will be selected by a vote that has been put up now.

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Gonna be playing the next chapter soon so i'll be ending the poll. Here are the results:

4 Units coming to Ch. 13: Elise, Pieri, Kaze, Belka (3-way tie settled by randomizer: http://imgur.com/gkpGpg2 )

3 males for final team: Leo, Zero, Silas (2-way tie settled by randomizer: http://imgur.com/PWS1XG3 )

3 females for final team: Camilla, Pieri, Luna (Pieri, Luna & Charlotte had 3-way tied. Charlotte lost to the randomizer: http://imgur.com/cwHMuYV )

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next chapter is up. Sadly, there was a casualty...

[spoiler=Ch. 13]

CH. 13 (19 TURNS)

Silas goes left to one-shot an armor to the right (yay Armorslayer), Pieri takes out the other Armor with Attack Stance assistance from Silas. Elise heals Pieri.
Joker lures in one spellcaster to the left (Zero helped with chip) while Kaze lured in the other two (also killing them, along with getting an HP SPD RES level).

Zero fails to kill the Spellcaster that Jakob chipped (Elfie kills him off to get a level with all but MAG, LCK and RES). The people who dealt with the armors rejoin the left group (The sub boss nearby is annoying to deal with from the top side). Kaze lures in the left most sub-bosses group.

Charlotte and Benoit appear. The sub-boss has the Reverse God spell so i have Mozume get the kill (with Belka as Guard Stance support). Zero/Mozume attack stance kills off the other spellcaster. Jakob mends Mozume. Benoit/Charlotte pairup lures in the Wyvern Rider/Knight pair-ups. Elise heals Kaze.

Benoit lured in one Wyvern Rider/Knight but the other is attempting to go for my weak units. Silas armorslays the knight lured in while Kaze/Elise pairup debuffs the Wyvern Rider (Getting snaked venom'd in the process, allowing Pieri to finish him off (Getting a decent level in the process). Towel/Elfie go down to be on standby until they lure in the group of Cavaliers in the middle. (Jakob is beside them). The Knight goes for Kaze (he couldn't damage him but at least a debuff occured).

Outlaw with intentions to destroy the villages appear. Silas armorslays the Knight. Kaze debuffs and snake venom's the Wyvern Rider and Pieri finishes him off. Elfie/Towel pair up prepare to lure in the Cavalier and the GKW sub-boss with a Javelin (Sadly, i screw up badly by putting Mozume in range of them also once Belka dropped her off. I meant to drop her off in a safer spot. Let's see how this goes...)

Mozume meets her end, sadly...
The sub-bosses group has been lured in and i have Elise freeze one Cavalier, since the group dealing with them are a bit low in number. Elise/Towel pairup and Jakob kills off the GKW sub-boss. Belka and Zero kill one Cavalier, leaving only 1 Cav able to attack the group. The rest of the party make their way down to the group fighting the Cavs. The Cav attacks Zero

Jakob Mends Zero. Belka and Zero (he gets a decent level) kill one Cav while Elfie/Towel and Silas with a Javelin killed the armor (he had a Beast Killer...).

Belka visits the central village (getting 5000g's). The rest move towards Belka.

Zero (with Attack stance help from Belka) kills the Outlaw wanting to destroy villages.

TURN 10:
I have Elfie pair up with Benoit to lure in the sniper sub-boss. I start to get that pair up to lure them in and have the others nearby. Belka visits all but the village near the sniper sub-boss before he's actually lured in (we get Arms Scroll and Blessed Lance).

TURN 12:
Benoit/Elfie actually lure in the sub-boss this turn. He could have died if the sub-boss got 2 crits in a row but thankfully, that wasn't the case.

TURN 13:
Elise freezes the sub-boss. Silas/Pieri pairup armorslays one armor knight. Jakob and Benoit chip away at the sub-boss. The rest stay out of range of the last armor. Belka visits the last village to get a Master Seal. The Armor goes for Jakob during EP.

TURN 14:
Silas gives Pieri the armorslayer and then she finishes off the armor (getting a SPD RES level). Jakob takes another shot at the sniper before Belka kills him. I heal my group before they engage the boss's group.

TURN 16:
Benoit/Elfie lure's in the boss's group. Everybody else stays nearby.

TURN 17:
Elfie becomes the lead unit and gets Benoit's steel lance and she attacks a Wyvern Rider. With this, a Zero/Elfie attack stance finishes off the boss (Zero gets a level up with the 4 bottom most stats). Jakob kills the Wyvern that was chipped earlier and Pieri finishes off the other with Elfie as attack stance support (which Towel actually does since one of their attacks missed).

TURN 18:
Also, reinforcements appeared two turns ago. Zero kills a Wyvern, Kaze/Zero attack stance chips and Pieri kills the other.

TURN 19:
Two cavalier close in. Pieri/Towel attack stance kill one (getting a SKL LCK DEF level) while Kaze chips and Zero kills the other.
That's it for this chapter.

Post-chapter supports (all C's):
Towel/Kaze, Elfie/Zero, Zero/Belka

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Two chapters today (one was much shorter than the other). The current poll will end after Ch. 16 is posted here.

[spoiler=Ch. 14]
CH. 14 (33 TURNS)
Units benched: Belka, Benoit, Charlotte, Nyx, Camilla, Arthur

Towel and Silas make a beeline for Flannel (he's gonna have to tank some attacks thanks to Aqua's permanent absence). Kaze and Leon make way to the stage (Kaze is going for one chest, Leon will be his bodyguard for the time being). Luna/Pieri attack stance attempt to Lure in the Guard stance Peg Warriors (they were succesfully lured and i fail to realize attack stance is useless here. the rest stay nearby them). I also just learned that Flannel can also recruit himself if Towel is close enough.

A Towel/Flannel attack stance have no problems taking down the archers nearby them (towel gets a STR SKL SPD level). Luna finishes off one Peg Warrior (and gets an HP STR SPD DEF level). Elfie/Pieri attack stance fails to kill the other peg (Pieri missed). I utilize the following formation to keep the more frail units safe from the peg warrior:

Kaze and Leo still make a beeline for the stage. That peg warrior takes a shot at Lazwald and dies.

The last peg warrior snooping around avoids getting one-shotted by Zero (88% hit too... sigh...). Elise froze the Peg Warrior so Zero gets another try next turn. Elfie/Pieri attack stance kills one Samurai, Lazwald gets healed by Jakob before attacking a second Samurai (with attack assistance from Elfie). Towel and Flannel go to rejoin the main group. Kaze/Leo go into guard stance and Kaze lures in one Oni (getting an HP SKL SPD RES level). The last Samurai suicides on Lazwald/Elfie (they both get levels. Laz gets STR LCK, Elfie gets the same thing).

Zero now manages to kill that Peg warrior (getting a SKL SPD RES level). Strangely, the Other Oni don't come to help the one Kaze lured in so Kaze is gonna have a bit of fun with the one he lured in (Jakob makes his way to where they are so Kaze can get healed when necessary). Elise heals Lazwald (getting a MAG SKL SPD LCK RES level).

Jakob is still making his way to Kaze/Leo. Elise heals Luna. Lazwald separates Odin and Elise. Odin gets Silenced. Leo deals with the other two Oni since both were positioned in a way that both had to be lured in.

Kaze lures in an archer (he has a full Dual Guard meter). The rest just relax. Elise fails to get Silenced. Kazs misses 2 80%'s... :/

Jakob heals Kaze. Kaze backs off so the Archer can only attack him and Not Jakob). Elise still fails to get silenced. Kaze hits both times this turn.

Kaze kills off the first archer. Jakob heals him. Silas lures the other archer in with a Javelin. Elise fails to get silenced once again and the Priestess that attempted to do so burned all her Silence uses.

Silas gets healed and then lures in one archer at the right side of the map (Pieri gives attack stance support).

TURN 10:
Kaze opens the chest to get an Angelic Robe. A Peg/GKW guard stance come from the left (Towel/Flannel guard stance lure them in. The GKW does a whopping 2 damage to towel!).

TURN 11:
Flannel one-shots the GKW with Guard Beaststone. Zero one-shots the Peg Knight that hid behind the GKW. Two peg Warriors are coming in from the right. Kaze goes to lure in the top-most one while i have somebody from the main group lure in the other (My plan in separating them ended up working). The one that went for Lazwald got one-shotted because Elfie supported with attack stance.

TURN 12:
Kaze kills off the peg he lured in (getting a level with all but HP & MAG). Jakob mends Kaze for a level with all but MAG, SKL and DEF). Elise heals Lazwald. I use the next few turns to burn an enemy's freeze staff uses.

TURN 16:
Elfie/Lazwald lure in one Oni. The next few turns consist of Elfie whittling away at all the Oni's, all the Priestess's and an Archer so Odin gets a few levels (Elise also gets an HP MAG RES level for healing Elfie one time).
Odin's levels:
10 -> MAG, SKL, DEF
11 -> HP, LCK, DEF, RES
12 -> LCK (whyyyyyyyyy...)

TURN 24:
Zero opens the chest for 10,000 G's.

TURN 27:
Elfie attempt to lure one archer near the boss with a Javelin that she borrowed from Silas (she's still in guard stance with Lazwald btw). The archers don't seem to budge.

TURN 30:
Elfie goes directly in the archer's range, resulting in both of them attacking her.

TURN 31:
Odin and Elfie switch spots so Odin can finish off the Archers.

TURN 32:
Elfie uses a Javelin against the boss (getting a lefel with all but MAG SKL RES). She has her dual guard meter filled up so she's safe from the next attack. Elise heals her anyways though. The boss uses his magical weapon instead of his physical one during enemy phase.

TURN 33:
Elise attacks the boss with a Steel Lance and Odin goes for the kill. I was gonna have Odin kill the boss but a miss would have killed him (not trusting that 90-ish percent). Elfie ends up killing the boss on Enemy phase. Also, i just realized that the stage can also be accessed for the right side so Kaze and Jakob could have contributed if i realized this earlier. Towel has her Yato upgraded at the end of this chapter

POST CHAPTER SUPPORTS: Elfie/Lazwald, Pieri/Silas, Elise/Odin, Luna/Silas (all C's).

[spoiler=Ch. 15]
CH. 15 (12 TURNS)
I upgrade the Armory, Vendor, Forge and Gem Pile to Lv. 2. Towel gets 2 Vulnerarys and 1 Concoction for this chapter, considering the nature of this chapter.

Considering Aqua's absence, this chapter is the Towel/Gunther duo! Towel activates the Dragon's Vein so her and Gunter are cloned to the bottom side. Towel/Gunter guard stance lures one Solder on the bottom, Gunter lures in two Villagers on the top side.

Towel/Gunther on the bottom kill a fighter (she gets a HP STR MAG RES level). On enemy phase, the Villagers attack the duo on the top half while the Ninja attacks the duo on the bottom half (hurray for Dual Guard).

Gunter uses steel Axe to one-shot the Ninja (they're annoying). Towel kills the Villager that survived.

Towel attacks one soldier at the bottom half. On the top, Towel chugs a concoction since she's at 10HP. Gunter with Javelin lures a ninja from the top-half (he kills that ninja and gets a STR level. Towel gets a level with all but STR SPD LCK). A villager from the top half also goes for Gunter.

Gunter kills the Villager. Towel on top half chugs a Vulnerary. Towel on the bottom kills a Lancer with a Javelin.

Towel on top half kills a Ninja, Gunter on bottom Half equips a Javelin to Lure a Ninja (and uses a Vulnerary).

Towel kills off the ninja that was chipped (getting a STR MAG LCK DEF level). On top half, Gunter lures in a Ninja while Towel chugs a Vulnerary

Towel kills one fighter and is in range of the other 2 at the bottom half. Towel kills a villager on the top half (with Assistance from Gunter via attack stance).

Towel kills the second fighter on the bottom. Towel lurs in a fighter at the top. She gets a HP STR MAG level.

TURN 10:
Towel kills the last fighter (who has a hand axe) at the bottom. One fighter at the top goes towards Towel

TURN 11:
Towel kills the last fighter at the top. Towel chugs a vulnerary at the bottom half.

TURN 12:
Towel attacks the boss with the dragonstone. The boss attacks again and dies on enemy phase. Towel gets a level with all but LCK and RES and is also ready for promotion. There were two ninjas left on the bottom side (one had a Goddess Icon. not worth it to me) and 3 enemies left on the top side.

POST CHAPTER SUPPORTS: Gunter/Towel, Gunter/Jakob (all C's).

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