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FE7 Blind/PMU Playthrough


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Hey all. So far I've played FE13, 4, and 6, so I figure it's time for 7.

It will be Blind to the extent that I'll only be looking up Gaiden requirements and working only with what others have seen fit to tell me.

Sadly, I've been informed that I won't have access to Hector Mode on my first run, so this will be cut short at the end of Eliwood's story. Sadface.

It's also doubling as a Pick-My-Units run; sorry to spoil the fun of you masochists no-doubt benevolent SF users though, as the poll has already been taken on Reddit.


  1. Lyn/Eliwood/Hector

  2. Priscilla

  3. Lowen

  4. Florina

  5. Renault

  6. Serra

  7. Hawkeye

  8. Erk

  9. Dart

  10. Bartre

  11. Raven

  12. Rath

  13. Nino

  14. Rebecca

  15. Matt

Only free units are Lords, forced deploys, and units required to recruit a PMU.

This will also be the first thread I've done where I post chapter-by-chapter commentary and screenshots as I go, so forgive me for any obnoxious formatting errors.

Now with all that out of the way, let's CHARGE FORWARD! inwhichMUbecomesWarsongCommander

Edit: I'm trying to write the Prologue chapter, but none of my images seem to be working. "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." No matter what image hosting site I try. What do people usually do? Solved.

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- Prologue Chapter -


Name's a perfect fit, Anima's acceptable, now let's do this.


There are better places to take a-- you know what, I'm okay with this place please & thank you.


oh-- okay. I'll just. Stand here awkwardly and. Like. Hold Lyn's weave or smth.

Also this BGM is giving me flashbacks to countless hours in the FE13 grinding DLC.


unf yes get it gurl

But yeah throne seized, moving on.


What? Parental responsibility is a thing? Everyone's not an angsty orphaned teenager destined to avenge their slaughtered family and go off on a journey to save the world and be the very best?


Oh. Well, trope almost subverted. I suppose it wasn't so overdone back then anyways.


tbh I probably wouldn't follow some 15 y/o girl either. idk what you were expecting, Lyn.


well how the f could I say no to that tragic backstory? Perhaps she's more savvy than I thought.


aaaand we're out.

I've got an art project due Monday, so Chapter 1 will probably come tomorrow or the day after depending on how fast I work.

~Until then.

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