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Does Anyone Have Any Video Playthrough Recommendations?


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So, I've hit my limit of waiting around, and I want to watch a playthrough of this game. The problem is, there's a lot of different video playthrhoughs floating around and a lot of them are... not that great. I was watching one but it got to the point where they were taking 40+ turns tanking enemies one by one with Effie and spending 5 minutes deliberating on which tile to move Elise to to heal with, and it was driving me a little crazy. So, I figured I'd ask here: does anyone have any recommendations? I'd ideally like to see something on lunatic without commentary, but if there's one out there that's particularly enjoyable for one reason or another I'd be down for watching mostly anything.

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Yeah, videos of Omega aren't long and they're not like use 2 characters for full map cause of grind
So yeah, Omega is the choice, also you have all 3 paths there so choose which you like to watch lol

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