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Ganglari - Nohr's Yato?

Duke of Dozel

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Say if Ganglari doesn't get exploded in the early chapters as a plot device.

What if it could have been Nohr's variation to the Yato. Perhaps a dark blade that acts like the Night and Nohr variation of Yato. Heck, it could even be a ranged or magic based weapon. Would you have liked this or do you prefer the way we have it?

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Say if Ganglari doesn't get exploded in the early chapters as a plot device.

What if it could have been Nohr's variation to the Yato. Perhaps a dark blade that acts like the Night and Nohr variation of Yato. Heck, it could even be a ranged or magic based weapon. Would you have liked this or do you prefer the way we have it?

The way we have it because Imo Ganglari is f***ing ugly.

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Yatogami means "Night God Sword" so, it's also related to Nohr (despite, it's mentioned that yatogami is related to Hoshido more then Nohr~) thought, the idea ist good~! (It's more IK's though^^')

Still, the Yatogami looks nothing like a traditional Japanese sword so it could be said to be more western in design, albeit with a Japanese name.

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The way we have it because Imo Ganglari is f***ing ugly.

Agreed. But maybe that's the point. It could symbolize how Nohr is compared to the simply crafted and elegant Yato. Of course this is just my thoughts. I actually like how it looks, ugly and all.

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I'm actually fairly sure that the Ganglari originates/was made in the Invisible kingdom. (Garon mentions it coming from another world, and spoiler boss has it on the 3rd route)

EDIT: I completely misread, will leave this post here to display my shame

I don't understand why there'd need to be another Yato equivalent, myself.

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