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DLC possibly coming soon?


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The 3rd is when the ballot ends, meaning that will be the soonest they can tally the votes (unless there was a clear winner a while ago and these last few days mean nothing, but that seems unlikely). Once they tally the votes, they can do one of several things: They could do a Mewtwo-esque reveal where we basically just learn that he is coming eventually, they can wait a bit and get a proper character working and release a full trailer like for other characters, or just announce that the whole smash ballot was a joke and they were trolling us. Either way, we probably wont know for a little while after the 3rd

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The 3rd is when the ballot ends, meaning that will be the soonest they can tally the votes (unless there was a clear winner a while ago and these last few days mean nothing, but that seems unlikely).

I don't want to put words in your mouth, but are you under the impression that we are only going to get one character via Smash ballot? Because I am under the impression that we would get more than one character via Smash ballot.

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I don't want to put words in your mouth, but are you under the impression that we are only going to get one character via Smash ballot? Because I am under the impression that we would get more than one character via Smash ballot.

I would assume so as well. Hopefully around three or more. I just hope the characters turn out to be good, they should be since they're fans ideas.

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