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Here's some 8-bit remixes for you.


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Even though I said I was having trouble finding MIDI's for FE4/5, I have made some remixes and here they are: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGKZHhK3WDsqfs0FvegBn0B6nxRewDVhh

I'm going to be honest, they don't take much work outside of actually finding the MIDI's themselves, which can prove difficult to find quality ones. I didn't realize until I uploaded them how terrible the audio quality was, so sorry, but hope you enjoy the remixes themselves.

Also, please leave feedback, whether it be on YouTube or here. I want to know if I should make more of these.

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I enjoyed Leaf and the Orgahill Pirates ones a lot. I'd listen to more!

Thanks! Again, as I said, I would like to make more, but I can't find actual quality MIDI's. Seriously, 95% of all the MIDI's I find either turn out like crap or are just broken links.

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