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TheGuru's non-FE LP megathread: Featuring Mount&Blade Warband, Pokemon Origin Platinum, AND BUBSY 3D!


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So guys, first things first, I wanted to say thank you for your ongoing support on my FE8 LP! Other than that, I've been doing some more things beside my Sacred Stones randomized run, and I figured I'd post this thread for anybody interested in those. The community here is pretty awesome and the continued community contribution I got on my FE8 run is what really got me into doing these other video playthroughs. Here we go!

Since I want to avoid clustering up the LP topic, I'm going to add my next FE LP into this thread too, but since I already have a thread for random FE8, I'll let that one conclude first.

first off, for your reference:


Mount&Blade: Warband Swadian Campaign: Mondays and Thursdays

Pokemon Origin Platinum: Wednesdays and Saturdays

Bubsy 3d: Hoping for Mon-Wed-Fri! Probably going to be inconsistent.

Mount&Blade Warband Playlist

Pokemon Origin Platinum Tribelocke Playlist

Bubsy 3D w/ Toughbirch Playlist

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Today's video(s):



Edited by Theguru1020
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Oh god, you're playing Bubsy 3d? You poor bastard.

There was a running joke over at /r/letsplay that whenever somebody asked "What game do I play?" They replied with Bubsy 3D, since those threads popped up pretty much daily at one point. I TOOK THEIR WORDS TO HEART... probably the worst decision ever.

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