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I missed Laurent. Is he gone for good?


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The thing is, I consider Laurent to be the easiest kid to miss, because his recruitment requires Miriel be ALIVE when the paralogue starts, and Miriel has to be on the field when the Paralogue starts, and Miriel is the only one who can talk to Laurent in the village next to the start position in the first place.

If you forget to field Miriel, you already lost Laurent. If Miriel died before the paralogue could begin, you lost Laurent (and he is the only child like this, all the others can be recruited by Chrom).

Quite the opposite for Noire in fact, who doesn't even need to be talked to. Just get through turn 1 of her paralogue and now your only job is keeping her alive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow this is a little confusing but here is my understanding.

You missed Laurant and that is that. If you didn't have a second save before you went to get him and saved the game then he is gone and that is that.

Chrom can talk to Laurent, but he needs to talk to Miriel to be recruited at all.

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Chrom can talk to Laurent, but he needs to talk to Miriel to be recruited at all.

No.. You just need Chrom to visit the first left village and you will automatically recruit Laurent. I'm pretty sure about this because I just recruited him few days ago without using Miriel in that Paralogue.

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No.. You just need Chrom to visit the first left village and you will automatically recruit Laurent. I'm pretty sure about this because I just recruited him few days ago without using Miriel in that Paralogue.

I tried with Chrom and Laurent didn't tag along at all. Miriel was needed to talk to him (but I could be wrong of course :/) based on what I do remember of going through the chapter myself...which is vague at best.

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