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The Kirb is here!


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That title probably sounded a lot cooler in my head.

Hello! My name is Kirb, and I finally decided to create an account for Serenes Forest (not the actual forest; I'll leave the herons be...). I've used SF many times before for various reasons, but never took the chance to check out the forums. Anyway, my favourite Fire Emblem games are Radiant Dawn, Path of Radiance, and Blazing Sword, in that order. I may or may not be a bit too in love with those three games. Asides from losing all my units in combat and playing other video games, I enjoy engaging in creative writing whenever I can, and one of the aspects of the Fire Emblem series that has always interested me in relation to that, even with older titles, are the individual characters themselves. They each have their own individual designs and written personality, adding a lot of charm to the game and the army that continues to grow. It's also why FE10, FE9, and FE7 are my favourites: They are the most fun I've had with an FE story, even if the series does approach a similar structure with most of the titles' progression. And even if I am not anything fantastic with it, the series' gameplay is still interesting and fairly fun at certain times. I try to recruit every unit and keep them alive, which is an interesting challenge that grabs my attention. Or leaves me crying because a certain map is too difficult. :LyonEvil:

Regardless, I hope that wasn't too long an introduction! And I hope I can remember to check back here every now and then.

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Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

Playing videogames and writting is fun. Losing units in combat not so much.

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In terms of units, I can't keep my Pegasus Knights or Healers alive. RIP Florina and Rhys...

Salutations, Konnichiwa, Aloha, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here, mate!

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Thank you all again for the welcome!

In terms of units, I can't keep my Pegasus Knights or Healers alive. RIP Florina and Rhys...

Salutations, Konnichiwa, Aloha, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here, mate!

Usually the units that die on me are due to my own carelessness of enemy placement, though I will admit I've improved over the years (enough to struggle play through FE10, at least). All those poor Lv. 1 units...

Welcome to the forest, hope you enjoy your stay.

We seem to agree on some things, I've been here without an account for a long time too. And my favorite FEs are in the same order as yours.

That is actually really awesome. I really do not see many people saying FE10 is their favourite, and before playing it, I was afraid I would hate it due to how often I hear it's criticised, though it mostly happened when compared to FE9 (which is still an excellent game in its own right). Turns out it was an incredible game, at least from my view. It's nice to see other people praise a game that is often criticised for various reasons on the Internet, whether it be FE10 or another lesser known entry in the series.

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Every single internationally released game, although the only ones I've beaten are Blazing Sword, The Sacred Stones, and Awakening. I've almost beaten Radiant Dawn as I'm at the final map, although my disc is playing up and thus has prevented me from completing the game. =@ As for Path of Radiance, I've seen a couple of Let's Plays (there is no way I'm paying $150+ for a single game). Shadow Dragon I've only just started, while playing it alongside Hector's Story in FE7.

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I haven't, but that's due to the insane prices many are asking for. Maybe one day I'll find a cheap enough copy... Although I still know a lot about the game from the Let's Plays I have watched.

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