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Communication... Is hard.

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If this isn't just a joke, I think it's extremely cringeworthy lol.

Lol maybe. It started as a joke... Maybe will develop into something... Maybe not.

At the moment kinda fun to spitball.

but that makes it sound like this is an announcement

one saying that the community service people were sentenced to isn't happening

I just got out, man... My parole officer has been busting my balls ;-;

Not serious. ;)

Good point though. Definitely should be reframed. Nice-off is lame and cringe-worthy... Community Service Off makes Arch and me sound like criminals...they know too much... that guy I shanked had it coming anyways :p

i read this whole thread and i still dont get it

Me too man... Me too... who the hell is the Shepherd guy anyways? Why does he keep posting stuff here?! When will he make me a sandwich? Where is my service?! This service is terrible! Who's the manager?! I demand to see-*is shot*

Free service to the community. I'll take it.

Heh. K. We shall see.

hey if I had any free time I'd be fucking on it

count me in for round three or four maybe :P

Noted. ;) Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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C- how about you guys take over this whole art 'exhibition' thing that might be developing over in that other thread? I mean, if that takes work off the hands of the mods and stuff

EDIT: fuck it, the gauge is more comfortable anyway

Edited by Myke
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I wouldn't want to take over someone else's thing. The mods and Tangerine seem to have a good/cool idea that they want to try out. So, I wouldn't want to get in the way of that. :)

It's not a bad suggestion... But yeah, something that is needing help/service would be my inclination at least...

Something smaller scale too. ;)

Start small, and see how things go.

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Eh... I am gonna have to re-evaluate the hell out of this idea, that started as a joke, morphed into something else that I ran with for a while, got shot full of holes and then beaten up, and is now kinda leaking and bleeding out on the pavement.

At what point is it worth saving? At what point do I just have to wash my hands, and walk away? :\

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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Eh... I am gonna have to re-evaluate the hell out of this idea, that started as a joke, morphed into something else that I ran with for a while, got shot full of holes and then beaten up, and is now kinda leaking and bleeding out on the pavement.

At what point is it worth saving? At what point do I just have to wash my hands, and walk away? :\

Whenever you want.
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what are you still doing here let the thread die if you're so ashamed about it


Eh, hard for me to let things go.:\


lol, yeah I dunno? I am in no way ashamed of this thread or the ideas within it.

Maybe a lil ticked off at some of the reception, but then... my fault for sharing something like this in FFtF. :P

Communication man... its hard. :o

What even was this

started as a joke, morphed into something else that I ran with for a while, got shot full of holes and then beaten up, and is now kinda leaking and bleeding out on the pavement.

:) Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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Words is hard indeed.

I mean, I like the idea. I think we live in a culture which is to supportive of being rude, I'd like to see two people attempt to out-nice each other, or just be nice in general. Probably not great to put in Far From the Forest, but still.

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