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spook time


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What say we pass around some frightening personal experience? Fortunately I can't say I've ever encountered something absolutely mortifying so I'll let someone else kick this off.

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Hmm I guess when I got attacked by a German Shepard when I was 8. It was pretty scary, it was our old dog it got a hold of my arm and bit it. I was trying to run up the stairs in our house but than he started trying to pulling me down. I luckily got up the stairs in time and my brother came and scared him off. I've always been kind of uneasy around those dogs ever since, especially black ones. Wow that really was a long time ago, less than half my age now. Time is going to fast for me.

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a squirrel jump out at me yesterday. it was being chased by another squirrel so whatever but its really impressive how fast i reacted. dat action potential speed tho

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In first grade, I went to the beach with the family. My stepsister and I were playing tag in the water and we went out farther than we were supposed to: I didn't know how to swim, like, at all. I nearly drowned - like, really close. I was freaking out when I got out. Went to go play on a playground (swing set and slide or something) somewhere near the water on the beach. I was then stung by a wasp, for the first and currently only time in my life, right next to my left eye on my face.

Awful, awful day.

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There was one time several years ago when I thought my little sister was about to be hit by a car so I screamed at her to get out of the way. That had my heart racing for a while. There was also a time where I was swimming in a river and my friends yelled that there was a water moccasin in with me and I panicked.

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That was one time when I was at the elementary around 10, we went to a pool for a trip but that pool was gigantic. I always liked to go to the deepest part of a pool and there that time when one of my ''friend'' (I don't talk to him anymore but he was not a bad guy, just a dummy) that followed me. I knew how to swim but not him and of course, once we both realized it when he went to the water and he was a little bit away from a wall. Of course, being the dummy that he was, the only thing he could think off is to cling to me. He almost drowned me, I made out alive because I quickly punched him and dragged him to safety along with me. I was so mad at him, I didn't play with him for the rest of the day.

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The most frightening thing I've seen this year so far is that everybody is fixated on spooky things and Halloween. Christmas is around the corner guys. It's time to get Festive.

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