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Favorite Fire Emblem Game (NA)


Favorite Fire Emblem Game (NA)  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Fire Emblem Game Released In North America

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Fire Emblem, A.K.A. Blazing Sword. Not only is it my favorite game in the series, it's also my third-favorite game of all time. It has the best story, the best cast of characters, the best music, the best gameplay, and those awesome GBA-sprite graphics.

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Sacred Stones all the way of all the NA games I spent the most time with Sacred Stones that and it was my first Fire Emblem game.... Ya know seeing this poll I have come to realize that I have played mostly the Japan only FIre Emblem games and only like 3 total released in NA which was FE7 and FE11 these are all I have played from NA the rest is Japan FE games wow I played mainly the Japanese ones.

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Radiant Dawn: I like the high amount of characters and splitting up into 3 armies at the end even though most are about average, I guess it mainly comes from myself being used to play Final Fantasy games all of the time (which I rarely touch nowadays).

It sucks I lost my copy a long time ago but i'll always remember this game as the best.

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Call me controversial, but I really enjoyed Radiant Dawn. Are there problems? HELL YES. However, I loved it because it was a love note to the Jugdral Saga in terms of gameplay. You had the Thunder, Wind, Fire Mages, Lance Knights, Axe Armors, etc. lots of classes that were in FE4 and 5! You had Leadership stars, skills, defend objective maps, multiple armies, etc. I loved how the enemy units had different palettes depending on their affiliation. These things helped create the epic feel that FE4 had. The music really helped up the ante..

I disliked how some characters were ruined by poor availability, such as my favorite, Tormod, getting absolutely wrecked. Lack of supports and a slightly flawed plot were not in this game's favor. This game had potential to be amazing, it just has problems that I wish were fixed. Other than that, I loved the gameplay.

Despite the fact that Fates is getting a lot of slack here, I am still putting my faith in it. I didn't like Awakening that much, but the gameplay for Fates looks hella fun. We'll see if Fates takes the crown when I play it. Though, Fates's art design won't ever compare to Radiant Dawn's...

Edited by Leif
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SD. Second goes to Awakening, I put kind of a big focus on how stats are scaled and I think on H5/Lunatic it's done pretty well.

Edited by Gradivus.
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Radiant Dawn! Has the best gameplay in the series imo, and a great story (though PoR has a really awesome story too), and I love the character designs even more than I liked the ones in PoR and that's saying something because those were really great too. :P And RD Ike is a hunk of sexiness. <3 He's pretty entertaining at times too, more so than in PoR. "Why don't you kill us all now? It would save us the trouble." "Shinon wouldn't tell me that he smelled smoke if I was on fire." "We have enough men to take care of these clowns." "Uh, can you please go back to the enemy?" lol Also Aimee nearly tricking him into telling her that she's the most beautiful girl in the camp. XD Though, I wish he'd gotten more development and his relationship with Elincia wasn't totally butchered. In fact, I wish several characters, namely the Dawn Brigade, had gotten more development and characterization. The support system sucks too. But the game is just so gosh darn fun to play through anyway, even if I never finish it anymore. :3

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Surprisingly for me, it's Awakening. I've played this game so many times in no-duo and STILL had challenge. I still gimped myself to the best, it became very hard, but it felt enjoying. My first time on chapter 21 prolly made me restart for more than 5 times, since it was really crazy and I never knew when the reinforcements came, as there was no indication from the boss and they could easily gang up on one unit and destroy it. I had to rush through the boss to get the kill. Another tough chapter that always gets me a reset is 23. You need perfect positioning of your units, an unit that's either dodgy or durable enough to survive the Zerker/Hero/Sorcerer gang at the bot part of the map, where you can't use rescue for the first two turns of the map, that screws you up heavily, and can lead to an unit's death. Chapter 25 also made me think a lot.

2nd is Radiant Dawn. I played it at least 15 times with most of the times different units used. I've even finished the game with Fiona, Astrid and Meg on the tower team. :D (on hard mode, obviously)

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2nd is Radiant Dawn. I played it at least 15 times with most of the times different units used. I've even finished the game with Fiona, Astrid and Meg on the tower team. :D (on hard mode, obviously)

Lolwut? I don't even understand how that's possible.

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