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Fe8 Randomizer Draft


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Shoot I did it wrong, I thought that Sniper Knight picked two already, so General Horace would have to be the third group 19-26 for this list to work, if that'd be okay with you.

Then if I were to go through draft order then I'd get 1-9 with Franz, Sniper Knight gets 10-18 plus Marisa, General Horace gets 19-26 plus L'arachel and Natasha, then finally Monoplox gets 27-35 with Knoll and Tana. Or I could just move Neimi or whoever to Sniper Knight's group.

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It's just a list of all the changes made that you can view (so you can check the growths of your characters, to see if the characters you're using have a 0% strength growth or something).

For instance....


My lord is Archer!Artur with a 0% Strength/defence/res growth

Edited by General Horace
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It's just a list of all the changes made that you can view (so you can check the growths of your characters, to see if the characters you're using have a 0% strength growth or something).

For instance....


My lord is Archer!Artur with a 0% Strength/defence/res growth

Now that's nifty! I think i'm going to go blind on mine though. has nothing to do with me not knowing how! I'll edit the OP to reflect who has who. Can someone double check? I went with the move Neimi to group 3 solution. Run hasn't even started and she's already goofed up.

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Wait, so we're each doing our own randomized game rather than all of us using the same game? If that's the case then I'll just do the first randomized game I get unless it's too hard for me.

If that's the case, then holy crap:


Edited by Ozarhok
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L'archel, Natasha, Cormag, Eirika, Ismaire, Hayden, Joshua, Gerik, Seth, Fado, Lyon, Artur
Artur couldn't win without a lot of lucky dodges, so I needed a Lute Penalty. She stole the bosskill too, what a jerk.
that wasn't happening, stoopid archers. In other news, mages have 8 movement, I hope I get one.
Lute penalty again. I hope I get a unit that isn't an archer soon.
Oh here's Artur btw

oh, and Seth replaced Moulder! 35a18e303d1a8ab3af3d7c155d54ca88.png
and zombie Eirika is Garcia: 290264f54709024016c164fbcc2c5b52.png

Seth was pretty good here since he's decently durable with his huge HP. He has a massive skill growth too, he proc'd two +2's this chapter.

My whole team is so slowwwwww
at least I have two beacon bows for the monster chapters.
he has a Shamisir and doubled my whole team so I had to gang up on him and kill him on one player phase (thankfully he was really squishy and had 5 move)


his only weapon is also a purge tome, I might save that for later.
We could make Myrrh free since her growths are likely to be ridiculous and if she's in another class early on she'd be pretty gamebreaking.
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Wow I feel sorry for you, almost makes me want to restart because I'm sure that Spideirika is going to devour everything.

Also, I take it if you don't have any drafted units at the start of your randomizer you keep making games until you get at least one?

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Prolouge: 2/2
Restarted because I wanted this to be more fair, so no more giant spider saving the world. Saleh really concerns me, but considering he' the game's Jeigan, I guess this is fitting. And he started out with a Killer and Silver lance!

Chapter 1: 4/6
Saleh wasn't strong enough for his Killer Lance to kill the boss, so I settled for a 4 turn.

Chapter 2: 4/10
Knoll (Ross) was a zomibe and I couldn't reach or protect him with anyone so he died, causing me to lose Ephraim (Garcia).

Also, are Ephraim, Eirika and Orson free, or are their equivelant characters (like Forde here replacing Eirika) free? Because getting Ephraim in Chapter 2 is going to be a huge pain if I can actually use him.


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Chapter 3: 7/17
This is awful annoying without any actual damaging two-ranged attackers. My recent FE7 draft with free Marcus has spoiled me.

Chapter 4: 9/26
I'm in desprate need of any decent combat units, and I'm pretty sure Forde has a 0% growth rate in skill & speed. Also, Innes got a +2 to luck.

Chapter 5: 6/32
Recruited spider Lute so I could get a better claw for Innes. A shame I also didn't get Lute, her stat's are pretty great.

Chapter 5x: 13/45
Can we make this chapter free? It's awful if you don't have Kyle or Forde drafted. Also, Ephraim is Eirika & a theif, might've be useful if she didn't have 0% strength growth.


Innes has been surprisingly useful, all he does is be a wall but he does it well.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpOjz09zY_o&feature=youtu.be Here's the link to my prolouge through chapter 5. Someone could probably do this run better than me, but oh well. For the tldr:

Prologue: 10 turns (innes penalty)

Chater 1: 21 turns (All 3 non drafted units entered combat. Pretty unavoidable in my case. Kyle can't solo. 12 turn penalty)

Chapter 2: 13 turns (Penalty from someone. Forget who)

Chapter 3: 30 turns ( Myyrh penalty taken since she's unclear. And i think i just subconciously turtled. whoops)

Chapter 4: 21 turns (deployed innes aand myyrh without thinking. ).

Chapter 5: 16 turns (innes penanlty. Woudln't have happened without him honestly)

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Chapter 6: 5/50
Innes tanked all the top cavaliers and Forde & Saleh charged the boss. Couldn't save the villagers because the spiders move at a ridiculous 8 move.

Chapter 7: 8/58
Kept getting blocked by units because Saleh is too weak and slow to kill enemies while rescuing Forde.

Chapter 8: 12+4/72
Had to use Myrrh to kill off the reinforcements. Innes and Forde went top and fought their way through the knights, Saleh took Eirika to the west chests.

Chapter 9: 16/88
A complete and utter mess, my only damaging unit isn't too durable. Ewan is pretty awful, but he flies at least. Gave Forde the speedwing, he's going to carry me throught the rest of this.

Chapter 10: 18/106
This was unfortunate, the game locked up on the procedding enemy phase when I opened the gate, so I had to tank the ballista then have Ewan drop Forde off before I could finish it, and the boss was a very speedy swordmaster.

Chapter 11: 10/116
Now things are starting to flow better. Forde, Saleh and Vanessa charged ahead while Innes moved to the bottom left.



Hey, I got all of my non Creature Campaign characters

Looking through the pastebin, I think Hayden and Fado are the only Creature Campaign characters that are included in the randomizer, though I am only looking at my current game's pastebin. I might be different for others.

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I think I might be stuck, I'm on chapter 12 and when I get to a certain enemy phase the game just suddenly restarts or soft locks. I think it might have something to do with reinforcements that show up or the boss being modified.

EDIT: Nevermind, I jsut save stated every turn and readjusted my startegy. Everyone here should be save stating at the beginning of each turn, if only to address the game locking up

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At the end of chapter 16 I am given the opportunity to promote my Lord equivelants into their corresponding Great Lord classes, am I allowed to do so?

You can, but i'm pretty sure it loops them around into their vanilla promoted classes. Not sure what effect it might have on promotion gains and you ephraim's weaon rank though.

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