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Fe8 Randomizer Draft


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I didn't take this as serious as I could've, haven't played this in a long time, nor have I ever drafted it.

Chapter 12: 13/129
Had to take this slow due to the game locking up somehow. Grinded Ross so he could actually contribute.

Chapter 13: 6/135
Boss was a very beefy Valkyrie. Cormag was a revenant with a 10 Mt weapon, but he started in the mountains so I couldn't get it. Also Ross didn't promote from his trainee class, beware if you get a trainee.

Chapter 14: 23/168
Just awful, boss was a tank that took forever to kill, let alone get to.

Chapter 15: 19+8/195
Valter was a Swordmaster that took forever to kill. Kind of had to take the penalty on Ephraim's two characters because they couldn't avoid getting hit when they appeared. Promoted Ewan so he'd be of use and promoted Eirika because she already maxed her stats that she actually gains.

Chapter 16: 9/204
Now I'm starting to take this more seriously. Forde charged the throne and was unhurt in doing so, but the boss took a while to kill due to Forde's lack of skill growth.

Chapter 17: 3/207
Very glad I didn't promote Forde, he'd lose 4 movement if I did. he ran up and killed the boss.

Chapter 18: 9/216
Boss was an unruly Wyvern Knight, so I had to kill it with an archer

Chapter 19: 4/220
Riev was a beefy Warrior with only an iron bow, so Forde had to take 2 turns to kill him.

Chapter 20: 19/229
Very annoying, the boss had crazy stats and I couldn't have Ewan rescue any units that could survive a turn with him, so I took the long way.

Final: 6+3/248
Fomortiis was SCARY. Three people died in the final fight RIP Saleh, Dozla & Ewan.

Here are my units by the final battle:


(Eirika equivelant) Was a pretty good unit, maxed strength early on and gained two movement upon promotion. Only problem was that he had no skill or speed growths so I gave him every secret book & speedwing, luckily enemies aren't too quick in this game.


(Ephraim equivelant) Was able to promote from a Rouge at the end of chapter 16. Surprisingly decent unit,actually did damage with Siegmund and great speed.


(Seth equivelant) He's not Seth tier, but was good throughout the entire game. Luckily he had great base defences for having almost no growth in them. Also started with 3 strength but got points in it almost every level, which I guess stopped him from being too good.


(Artur equivelant) A lame unit. Had good defences but nonexistant offence, only useful early game where he could hold off enemies, but even that ended quickly with 4 movement.


(Tana equivelant) Slightly better than Innes, but still pretty bad. Only really gained skill & defence, so her combat quickly became awful, though was helpful when killing flying units.


(Amelia equivelant) Had 4 movement unpromoted so I had to promote him as soon as possible. Only really ferried units a couple times, was awful at dodging thing despite that speed.


(Dozla equivelant) Easily could have been my best unit if he wasn't an archer. One rounded almost everything and had actual growths in more than two stats, but lack of enemy phase really brought him down.


(Saleh equivelant) Was alright, started out with 18 health but gained crazy amounts of it. Did alright damage but couldn't take a hit, and his strength was wasted on his class.

This was alot of fun actually, I'm thinking about making my own draft of this soon, though with a lot of modifications to the rules to try and make it so everyone has somewhat of a fair chance of not getting screwed over with awful units.

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Welp, rip Guiding Ring, Seth will have to wait a little longer to promote. Neimi (Joshua's replacement) was an 8 move Eph lord with ridiculous stats, and was recruited by 4 movement cavalier franz, and bandits have 8 move in my game and my units suck too much to save the villages without progressing through the chapter. I'm hoping Tirado is a flying class with no res so I can actually kill him.


Orson was a warrior with pretty awesome offence, and my Ephraim replacement was..... Archer Joshua, thanks game. He got a really good level though, so maybe i'll go Ephraim route since he's better than Artur, and all the Eirika mode route maps will be tough with all my archers.

More importantly, Orson brought a brave bow with him, which will be greatly appreciated. Natasha also joined, she's a 2 speed thwomp, but at least she has 6 movement.


The boss was a pegasus knight which meant Seth couldn't kill them, but Eirika oneshotted with a steel bow.


Nobody can rescue Artur and his 4 move ass took this long to get to the throne. Eirika is turning into a real unit!


Artur ran his fat ass to the throne, while Thwomp!Natasha charged the angelic robe chest with a chest key from 5x and Seth ran to the elysian whip in case I need it later. Thankfully TIrado was a deathgoyle so even he got his 15 defence two shotted by 6 strength steel bow Artur.

I went Eprhaim (Joshua) route because his stats are better. Speaking of stats...


literally only skill luck and HP. HP might become a hot commodity lategame, since a lot of my units don't have a HP growth. (or a very low one)


Hilariously 4 magic and a thunder tome is still enough to ORKO most enemies. His 8 move is really helpful, I hope he doesn't lose it when he promotes. Lost the chapter 5 guiding ring unfourtunately.


all her growths are really good except HP (which is 0). I would have promoted her but she only gains two points of con and loses a movement, so I think I might just keep her unpromoted and promote Joshua or something with the Orion bolt.


oh my god plz

he came with a purge tome which helped break the wall in chapter 8 though.


unfourtunately both lords are shitty 4 move archers, but Joshua's stats are a lot better (I think anyway, he proc'd 6 stats twice on his levels) so I went his route.


hey, she has 6 move and can actually rescue people. 10/10.


Gheb was a sage with 15 defence so he took a really long time to kill. Natasha hit level 12 and has really good stats, maybe a Great Knight/General promotion will yield good results. Gerik is an Eph lord with pretty good bases. Innes replaced Amelia, and is a dancer, so he joined the team.


Having a dancer is nice. The boss was a 5 defence assassin that was ORKO'd by Brave Bow Eirika, so that helped. Unfourtunately, Selena is this...


Tethys replaced Cormag and was stuck on the island as a merc and the Duessel and Tana replacements can't fly. so she was unrecruitable.

CHAPTER 11 - 6/105 TURNS

Gerik killed almost everything, he went from like level 6 to level 17, and he's really good, hopefully he promotes with something other than the Ephlord promo item, because I finally have a good unit. Natasha is pretty good too. Hayden does 6 damage and doesn't double skeletons, mvp.

EDIT: Gerik promotes into 4 movement, fml. Guess i'll use the knight crest on Natasha.

CHAPTER 12 - 4/109 TURNS

Promoted Natasha to general, since apparently Great Knight also has 4 move. Gerik doens't need to promote to destroy everything without any effort anyway, he has capped str/spd. Got Warrior Myrrh, who has 100%+ in every growth but strength. Hopefully 11 strength holds up till endgame.

CHAPTER 13 - 7/116 TURNS

At least Myrrh has 8 move and can actually kill things. Got L'Arachel... who is yet another archer, but Female Archers have 7 movement and her stats aren't too bad so she might be alright. Selena was scary but she was ORKO'd by Brave Bow Eirika.


CHAPTER 14 - 7/123 TURNS


so vigarde had capped luck and 15 speed so the most hit my team could muster on him was about 25, so I had to shamelessly rig two hits. Knoll replaced Rennac and was a hilariously bad Gorgon.

Would have liked the member card but I was too lazy to recruit him, I'll get a master seal for L'Arachel anyway and I think the lords still autopromote.

CHAPTER 15 - 5/128 TURNS

Gerik ran north and oneshotted Wyvern Knight!Caellach (with pretty scary stats except HP) with the dragonspear, and everyone else charged at valter who rolled eph lord so he was awful and had a poison sword anyway. L'Arachel nabbed the master seal and promoted to an 8 movement female sniper. Cormag replaced Saleh, and is a mildly underwhelming swordmaster.

Edited by General Horace
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CHAPTER 16 - 7/135 TURNS

Seth promoted too late to reach warp (and his 5 range wouldn't be very useful anyway). Joshua and Artur promoted from Archers to Great Lords that can use swords/lances and bows, which is kind of cool I guess. Artur even gained a point of movement! Joshua didnt, Great Lords have 4 move :( (which is why I haven't promoted Gerik).

Speaking of Gerik, I gave him the boots and he ran with Joshua to the throne. Orson was a warrior with capped skill and a brave axe, but thankfully he only had 12 strength.

CHAPTER 17 - 3/138 TURNS

Lyon was such a chump that Tomahawk Myrrh ORKO'd him.

Marisa was a ZOMBIE with the worst stats i've ever seen, thank god I don't have her.

CHAPTER 18 - 6/144 TURNS

Not to bad actually, had lots of longbow users which was nice. Way less enemies here on normal mode.

CHAPTER 19 - 3/147 TURNS

Riev had capped defence as a druid so only Siegmund!Gerik (thank god) could actually kill him.

CHAPTER 20 - 8/155 TURNS

Screw you game, no fliers or warpers.


Gerik ran to Lyon and killed him over two turns, he was 3HKO'd after a robe.


Gerik and Myrrh were the only units that could fight him without dying horribly, and he had like 30 hit on Myrrh since her speed and luck were insane.

I had a bunch of screens up with all my units but then I accidently closed the tab but instead here's a compilation of all my units with 0% str/mag.





and here's gerik, since he was my only good unit


had an energy ring on Myrrh

Hayden was probably the single worst unit i've ever used.

Edited by General Horace
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