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Lets talk about Jagens


Jagens, what do you think of them  

83 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Jagen from a gameplay standpoint?

    • Jagen(FE1)
    • Jagen(FE3)
    • Jagen(FE11)
    • Arran(FE3)
    • Arran(FE12)
    • Eyvel
    • Dagdar
    • Marcus(FE6)
    • Marcus(FE7)
    • Gunter
    • Oifey
    • Seth
    • Titania(FE9)
    • Sothe(FE10)
    • Frederick
  2. 2. Worst Jagen from a gameplay standpoint?

    • Jagen(FE1)
    • Jagen(FE3)
    • Jagen(FE11)
    • Arran(FE3)
    • Arran(FE12)
    • Oifey
    • Eyvel
    • Dagdar
    • Marcus(FE6)
    • Marcus(FE7)
    • Titania(FE9)
    • Seth
    • Sothe(FE10)
    • Frederick
    • Gunter
  3. 3. Favorite Jagen?

    • Jagen
    • Arran
    • Oifey
    • Eyvel
    • Dagdar
    • Marcus
    • Seth
    • Titania
    • Sothe
    • Frederick
    • Gunter
  4. 4. Least Favorite Jagen

    • Jagen
    • Arran
    • Oifey
    • Eyvel
    • Dagdar
    • Marcus
    • Seth
    • Titania
    • Sothe
    • Frederick
    • Gunter

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I think the worst is definitely FE1 Jagen. Just look at those horrid bases and even worse growths. 20 base HP and no higher than 10 in any other stat with 10% HP, Str, Sklm, and Spd growths and 0% in everything else is just terrible. Seth is definitely the best because Seth. My favorite is probably Frederick and my least favorite is... Arran, I guess?

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Best and Favorite is Seth, I played FE8 first and here it is, game sends me this free god unit, he's probably like my 3rd favorite character in the entire series

Although I'm also very fond of Marcus and Titania as characters.

Worst, well, honestly they all do their job, even if they may not make it long term on the higher difficulties they are still quite vital for earlygame carry; I really can't talk about Jagen/Arran's FE1/3 incarnations, though, but I know I did rely on them in H5/L early for 11/12 on respectively, even with their piss-poor growths.

I /voted/ Gunther but I'm not even sure if he's actually bad either

Least favorite is Sothe, idk never really got into his character and I played RD like maybe once so unlike someone like Frederick, who I'd hate to not have on L/L+, he's not particularly clutch for me out of me not playing his game much

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Best: Seth- Potentially the best unit in all of Fire Emblem, so he obviously sweeps the competition here no problemo.

Worst: Evyal- She's only around for four chapters and she's not nearly as helpful as the others early on (her niche is mostly bosskilling).

Favorite: Marcus- He's the quintessential Jeigan to me and it's so bro how he helps Eliwood and his son (and young him is fucking ridiculous).

Least Favorite: Frederick- I have a very hard time using him throughout the game and his personality doesn't interest me much either.

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Best: Seth, obviously.

Worst: Arran from fe12. Immediately gets outclassed by Sirius.

Favorite: Not an FE Jeigen, technically, but Raffin from TearRing Saga is a cool dude. Seth is my second favorite, followed by Arran.

Least Favorite: Frederick.

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Best: Seth. No contest.

Worst: may have to agree with Refa, but I find all of them mildly useful or super good. Actually FE3 Arran without shards

While in FE12 he still has potential to help when Sirius comes in.

Favorite is Eyvel but that's character and class reasons among other things.

Least favorite: Gunther doesn't seem all that interesting in any sense.

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Seth is the best, really no contest there.

Best: Seth. No contest.

I voted Seth, too, but I wouldn't say "no contest." Titania is definitely up there.

Also, I really wanted to abstain from the last one because I really don't have a least favorite.

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There's no way FE1 Jeigan can be the worst when FE3 Jeigan exists. Jeigan is the most mobile and the second most durable character of Marth's initial team. He can weaken the axemen that make up most of the early game enemies while taking relatively little damage in return or even kill them outright with his silver lance. FE3 introduced several mechanics that nerfed Jeigan. He can no longer wield swords while mounted, he no longer has enough AS to double with his silver lance, and dismounting makes him even weaker than Cain and Abel.

FE3 Jeigan being the worst is probably as obvious as Seth being the best

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Seth's dominance throughout the game can't be denied, but he isn't exactly crucial to play FE8. FE12 Arran's earlygame presence is so valuable that I have to vote him for best. I guess Frederick would also count, but he mostly sees action as a pair-up unit in lieu of combat proper. FE3 Jagen is probably the worst.

Titania/Sothe for favourite/least favourite respectively.

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Favourite is definitely Marcus because I love his character. His supports are just awesome and he can be so funny (intentionally or not, we'll never know). I don't care all that much about them gameplay-wise because a big draw for me is to raise my charaters and see them grow with each level-up.

Second place is Seth and I've never liked Sothe, so he gets last place.

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FE3 Arran is bad and all but I'd say FE12 Arran is worse since FE12's early chapters are a lot easier than FE3's fairly difficult ones

but either way Arran is worst because Sirius exists

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I think Seth is overall to powerful for being a Jagen unit with some good levels he can solo the game.

I'm a big believer of they should start out good but over time get bad. Marcus in FE 6 is really good example especially on Hard Mode as his decent bases are the only way to chip at enemies for the beginning game until Rutger arrives even then he is still useful. Its really western Isles on he starts lacking.

My favourite would probably be the original Jagen because them spikes :P

As for least favourite I really hate Fredrick's personality and also his growths but mostly his personality.

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My favorite is Titania and my least favorite is Seth.

Seth is definitely the best, and that's kind of why I don't like him. Sacred Stones isn't really hard already, using Seth makes the game easy mode and actually makes the game less fun.

I haven't played any games with bad Jagens, so I don't really know who the worst is.

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Best: Seth. Seriously, better growths then Franz? Did they make him OP on purpose?

Worst: FE1 Jeigan. His bases are barely better than Cain and Abel and his growths are terrible.

Favourite: Seth. I like his relationship with Eirika, he's cool and red hair is always good in my book. Marcus is also cool, in both FE6 and FE7 and Jeigan is a fucking BADASS in FE3, when he threatens Lang.

Least Favourite: Arran, he's just meh.

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Wow, so sad to see so much Frederick hate here. :(

Seth is the best gameplay-wise, but I'd say only by a tiny bit. Because again, Frederick. The only reason I say Seth is better is because you can solo the game he's in without having to do a lot of work for it. Frederick can technically solo Awakening too, but he needs a bunch of grinding for that. Still, he can do it and become a beast, and he's especially great as a Dread Fighter because that class gives him just what he needs: speed and res. And it doesn't hurt his other stats much. ^^ Oh yeah, and you absolutely NEED this guy on lunatic mode. Freddy is your savior there!

My favorite is Freddy, though. <3 I love him so much, he's so entertaining and amazing! His seriousness is downright hilarious a lot, and he's a gentleman. :3 And deep down behind that cold exterior, he's a big softie! He'll give you a freaking BEAR HUG if he's really proud of you or something. lol I think he has the most personality out of every Jagen so far, seriously. He's super serious, a big softie, and a drama llama in one package. XD

Least favorite is Sothe. He's just completely uninteresting to me and I find him useless most of the time. The exception being pretty much just RD part 1.

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Best: [Gameplay] Fin on FE5, if he is a Jeigan. If not, then I guess Seth. [Character] Titania (or, if Fin is one in FE5, then him again)

Worst: [Gameplay] Arran [Character] Arran. No salt whatsoever, like 90% of Akaneia's cast.

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alright I'm just gonna ask

why do we all hate Sothe

I haven't played Radiant Dawn but I played Path of Radiance and gave him huge amounts of favoritism because he's cute and also I like his character so I'm curious whether or not I'm going to hate him when I play Radiant Dawn

is he just extremely unlikable and/or boring in that game?

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is he just extremely unlikable and/or boring in that game?

Pretty much. His personality annoys the crap out of me. It doesn't help that people consider him viable gameplay-wise (which I guess he is? I never used him so I wouldn't know) and he's forced into a lot of chapters, including forced into a promotion as well. Now, you'd think a promotion would be good for him, but the Skill that he automatically gets upon promotion is horrible.

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alright I'm just gonna ask

why do we all hate Sothe

I haven't played Radiant Dawn but I played Path of Radiance and gave him huge amounts of favoritism because he's cute and also I like his character so I'm curious whether or not I'm going to hate him when I play Radiant Dawn

is he just extremely unlikable and/or boring in that game?

Out of 7 billion people on the planet, I am the only one who likes Sothe in Radiant Dawn.

...It'll ultimately be up to you.

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