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Lets talk about Jagens


Jagens, what do you think of them  

83 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Jagen from a gameplay standpoint?

    • Jagen(FE1)
    • Jagen(FE3)
    • Jagen(FE11)
    • Arran(FE3)
    • Arran(FE12)
    • Eyvel
    • Dagdar
    • Marcus(FE6)
    • Marcus(FE7)
    • Gunter
    • Oifey
    • Seth
    • Titania(FE9)
    • Sothe(FE10)
    • Frederick
  2. 2. Worst Jagen from a gameplay standpoint?

    • Jagen(FE1)
    • Jagen(FE3)
    • Jagen(FE11)
    • Arran(FE3)
    • Arran(FE12)
    • Oifey
    • Eyvel
    • Dagdar
    • Marcus(FE6)
    • Marcus(FE7)
    • Titania(FE9)
    • Seth
    • Sothe(FE10)
    • Frederick
    • Gunter
  3. 3. Favorite Jagen?

    • Jagen
    • Arran
    • Oifey
    • Eyvel
    • Dagdar
    • Marcus
    • Seth
    • Titania
    • Sothe
    • Frederick
    • Gunter
  4. 4. Least Favorite Jagen

    • Jagen
    • Arran
    • Oifey
    • Eyvel
    • Dagdar
    • Marcus
    • Seth
    • Titania
    • Sothe
    • Frederick
    • Gunter

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Doing a Seth Solo "challenge" is arguably easier than playing the game normally. He eats the game for breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snack.

Worst is Arran, since you can immediately toss him aside when you get Sirius. In Chapter 4.

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Huh. I have the same issue with Ranulf in part 3.

GMs have more than enough chapters to be raised. You can change your team easily from chapter to chapter even on HM.

And if not, bring paragon from the DB (what I recommend to do in general).

1-8 would be a better example, because you can bring only 4 units to the map.


Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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GMs have more than enough chapters to be raised. You can change your team easily from chapter to chapter even on HM.

And if not, bring paragon from the DB (what I recommend to do in general).

1-8 would be a better example, because you can bring only 4 units to the map.


Maybe, but honestly, I still think it's annoying as all get-out when I'm repeatedly forced to field someone who's not even all that good, and is in the absolute worst class in the game, to boot. Agreed on 1-8 being irritating for being heavily constraining on team choice, though.

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In Radiant Dawn, he was a reasonable unit in part 1), where most of your team is weak and you need a powerful unit to help dish out damage (like most Jagens). However, unlike most Jagens, he quickly becomes inferior (especially on the harder modes) in part 3, not being much help without Beastkiller knife or whatever it was called. More annoyingly however, he's a forced unit for endgame, where he is absolutely useless due to a low Str cap making it possible for him to do a max of like ~3 damage (twice) with his S-rank weapon Baselard. Most people would have preferred to take the much superior Volke (or really any other combat unit) in his place.

You summed up my thoughts nicely. I don't mind that he's an inferior unit. But the fact that he's a forced unit is unreasonable and is a waste of slot. His role and personality in RD make me dislike him even more.

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Worst is Arran, since you can immediately toss him aside when you get Sirius. In Chapter 4.

Oh yeah! Arran! That guy has like, no growths. Shame too, cuz i dig his mug.

You summed up my thoughts nicely. I don't mind that he's an inferior unit. But the fact that he's a forced unit is unreasonable and is a waste of slot. His role and personality in RD make me dislike him even more.

Arr. Sothe pulls his weight in part 1. He can act as a meatshield if necessary and has thief utility. But part 3 doesnt have chests, and he gets mauled. But he isnt really a waste of a slot in that part of the game. Part 4 is...lmao. Just lmao. Yeah just...go away, Sothe. Because hes such an Edward Cullen, i now break his support with Micaiah. Its like, bro, she deserves better.

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Oh yeah! Arran! That guy has like, no growths. Shame too, cuz i dig his mug.

In FE12 he can become a Bishop therefore making him a decently reliable staffbot because of insta C Stave rank, so I don't think he's the worst in fe12 :P:

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At least Arran is a pretty good character, personality wise?

Anyways, again, while TearRing Saga isn't an FE game, I think it counts as one. Raffin is a pretty good Oifey, as he starts out good in the beginning, and eventually becomes about on par with the rest of your units later on.

Meanwhile, his backstory has soooome things to go by. He was the knight of a destroyed Kingdom, and was adopted by some guy, who had a daughter, who's sort of like "Bad bases, solid growths." Early on you also meet a character who turns out to be Raffin's lover, who gives him back a dragon that he once got seperated with.

He ends up promoting to a Draco Knight, despite starting out as a promoted Cavalier.

In other words, he's an oifey who promotes.

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Pff, I don't like either Sothe or Micaiah (I like Micaiah even less), so I really don't care about them being together at all. lol

For me, Micaiah is bland but inoffensive, whereas Sothe is just irritating to the point where he makes it hard for me to get through Part 1 of the game.

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Oh yeah! Arran! That guy has like, no growths. Shame too, cuz i dig his mug.

Arran have some kind of terminal disease, right ?

That he even have growths, and can even fight is truly impressive, character wise.

But I feel bad to use someone who's coughing blood every single step, so truly benching him is an act of charity (or getting him killed on the battlefield, maybe. I don't know him enough to know how he wish to die.)

I voted Seth for Best, and Eyvel for worst (limited amount of chapter available, and when she comes back, every other Swordfighter (or Swords users in general, cause you have more than enough) have some advantadge over her. Maybe FE3!Jeigan and FE3!Arran could counts, but I don't know the story enough.

Favourite and least favourite was hard to chose, because I generally don't care much about them.

I'd say favourite would be Eyvel, or Oifeye. I won't developp too much about Eyvel (because spoilers), but Oifye have dat Stache, and the change between his Gen1! and Gen 2!'s role and appearance is the biggest surprise of the game.

Least Favourite : Once again, I don't hate a single one of them (I didn't played FE9/FE10/FE14 yet), but once again I don't particularily love any.

I voted Dagdar since he's the one I care the less about, but I don't mind that much.

If Finn was ther, he'd definitely be my favourite, though.

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For those of you pointing out that Arran is the worst because he can be replaced with Sirius, I'd like to point out that the same could be said of Jagen and Hardin, as Hardin has similar bases to Jagen and it only takes a couple levels before he completely outclasses him.

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For those of you pointing out that Arran is the worst because he can be replaced with Sirius, I'd like to point out that the same could be said of Jagen and Hardin, as Hardin has similar bases to Jagen and it only takes a couple levels before he completely outclasses him.

Yeah, but Sirius I believe is much, much better than Arran, in terms of bases and growths. Jagen isn't even very good to begin with, but he's not 100% outclassed. Sirius beats Arran in every stat except for luck.

Also, Book 1's early chapters are easier, but not to the point that he's completely unnecessary, so Jagen won't have as much of a bad time. He has DEF, RES, and SKL over Hardin initially, so he can at least have a slight amount of use after Hardin joins.

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Anyways, again, while TearRing Saga isn't an FE game, I think it counts as one. Raffin is a pretty good Oifey, as he starts out good in the beginning, and eventually becomes about on par with the rest of your units later on.

I kinda like Raquel even if she isn't really a Jagen.

She can't kill any human enemies and so she leaves them with 1HP. It's pretty much the easiest way to feed your bad units since immediate Brave Bow. How nice. At the very least, nice utility to feed others at the beginning.

Weirdly enough, she also has Elite, though her stats will likely fall behind since fairly bad growths.

Edited by Tryhard
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But Arran's bases AND growths are better than Jagen's. And Arran can be used effectively alongside Sirius for a good portion of the game. He's especially useful in the harder difficulties of FE12. FE1 Jagen just sucks, and is only useful earlygame and even then he's still pathetic. It's sad that one of your fucking level 1 starter cavs has the same base Str as him. Actually, the fact that he doesn't have any stat above 10 (besides HP) is just sad. Forget Hardin, if you level one of the starter cavs it won't take them long to outclass Jagen.

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Anyways, again, while TearRing Saga isn't an FE game, I think it counts as one. Raffin is a pretty good Oifey, as he starts out good in the beginning, and eventually becomes about on par with the rest of your units later on.

Raffin is far better then just about anyone else and stays that way. I mean, this this guy basically starts out as Sigurd... and then he promotes again and gets wings.

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FE1 Jagen just sucks, and is only useful earlygame and even then he's still pathetic. It's sad that one of your fucking level 1 starter cavs has the same base Str as him. Actually, the fact that he doesn't have any stat above 10 (besides HP) is just sad. Forget Hardin, if you level one of the starter cavs it won't take them long to outclass Jagen.

The fact that FE3 Jagen exists alone is enough to make FE1 Jagen not the worst. FE3 Jagen is literally FE1 Jagen with nerfs.

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He's a unit in FE3?

The remake did it right by making him an advisor/npc.

He's a unit in FE3 Book 1. Book 2 has him serve as advisor.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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