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[FE4] Freelance Draft


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Prologue: 13/13

Sigurd solo'd stuff on the way to Jungby, Azel collected exp up in the North and got two crucial +mag and +spd procs, Cuan helped where he could and Midir picked up exp and the Speed Ring. I skipped the Silver Sword because who cares but not having Ethlin really slows this chapter down a lot. Churches are inconvenient to use, at least I get to heal via arena in the upcoming chapters until Lachesis/Deidre join.

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Prologue: 23 :(

Doing the Prologue with just Alec and Sigurd with no healing is not easy, or at least not when you're getting hit by 28s left and right. Sigurd died to low percent hit rates so many times! Thankfully, Alvis came in and killed all the scrublords coming from Evans, and since he was there I got the Silver Sword. This is going terribly. I meant it when I said I sucked at low turn counts.

Edited by Lantairu
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Johalva? Sure why not. Also update time on my horrible performance:

Chapter 1: 38. Ugh.... Ayra was no problem, Jamka was annoying and cost me a few turns, but otherwise smooth enough.

Edited by Lantairu
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Prologue: (13/13)

Lost a turn getting Sigurd healed (either getting Ethlyn in time or wasting a turn in a church) and another one because he got cockblocked in the last stretch. Sigurd rushed while the other trained with the leftover units. Ethlyn got the Speed Ring.

Los Stats (right after the final seize):


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