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[FE4] Freelance Draft


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Chapter 2 (40/83)

I hate this map soooooooo much. Sigurd was forced to cockblock several turns due to badly placed enemy units while everyone else had to lag behind. Lex reached Level 20 halfway through the map so he got Return'd for promotion. Ethlyn landed the final hit on Voltz so she got the Paragon Ring and enough exp through the map so she ended at Level 20. Ardan got the Pursuit Ring. Lex got the Shield Ring which basically made him unkillable by physical units, but he's passing it to Sigurd next map.

Also, Sigurd's Silver Sword has 92 kills at this point.

Da Stats:


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Ch 1: 31/49 turns

ch 2: 40 turns: I was celebrating my birthday so I'll update this more in the future but I pretty much just recruited Beowulf and fury, plus a lot of return staff use to the castle plus Fin promoted : )

40/89 turns pretty much and don't worry I'm still playing , this is one of my favorite games in the series.

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Chapter 3 (25/108)

Finally, a chapter with a good turn count! Could have gained a few extra ones but it was hard getting Sigurd around Eldigan (who was basically baited by Ethlyn and Lex out of the way). This was mostly a rush map, Ethlyn got lots of exp thanks to keeping the Paragon Ring. Lewyn and Noish trained mostly with the Pirates up north, and I managed to give Tailto a few levels thanks to Briggid acting as shield and Claude healing. Lewyn got the Leg Ring, but Sigurd will be getting it soon. I also gave Ethlyn the Brave Sword to set up Leif proper.



Farewell, Ethlyn. Your son will be proud. We'll miss you.


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Chapter 1: 24/37

Cuan is super useful in this chapter because he can actually keep up with Sigurd [who has 48 kills on the Steel Sword now and had ridiculous level ups] and do stuff in the forest. I misplayed and couldn't recruit Jamka which means that Midir won't be as useful as I was hoping he'd be. Then again my Sigurd is so amazing right now, he can probably handle Chapter 2 quite easily with Cuan's help. Once Azel and Lachesis promote things shouldn't be too hard and a 24 turn clear of Ch.1 is acceptable. Azel is looking pretty good right now too.

Chapter 2: 38/75

Calling my play on this chapter sloppy would be an understatement. Missed the Hero Lance, the Knight Ring and lost turns because Shagall's AI was being weird and refused to attack Sigurd on enemy phase -.-

On the bright side Azel is growing very well still and Lachesis should be able to promote after the Ch.3 arena. Dew dumped 30K onto her so she could afford stuff like the Elite Ring and Return. Sylvia also joins the team so from now on things should go faster.

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Chapter 4: 38/182 Nothing interesting here. Started trying to pair up Jamke and Briggid, so yeah. On a side note, though, I am getting so many 38's. It's weird.

Chapter 5: 46/228 I hate this chapter so much. I had to use Arden who was back at the castle to RN burn so much just to get the percise crit combos and stuff to defeat Langbart and Reptor due to low health on the rest of my units. The sleep staff people at Phinora also cost me some turns. In the end, I had to toy with Reptor until Sigurd finally had enough health to survive a hit from Mjolnir with one HP, get a crit, then have Ayra come in and finish the job as Holyn has too busy being on the brink of death at Phinora. Tons of RN burning later and I finally got the right setup. Hopefully RN burning isn't illegal or anything. So yeah. Hopefully Gen 2 goes way better.

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Chapter 3: 16/91

Best chapter yet but still not really ideal. I sacrificed Cuan on the way to Madino castle because it saved a turn and I have nobody who could make use of his lances so it was like w/e. Lachesis promoted and solo'd the cross knights while Sigurd used Return Ring to rush from Agusty to Silvail Castle. I've collected like 45 kills on the Light Sword by now, Azel!Delmud is gonna destroy gen 2 with it. Also starting the usual "have Sigurd collect as many kills on the Hero Sword as possible" routine.

Lachesis warped Sigurd back to Madino castle from where Sylvia danced him and Midir [who got the +3 str boost from a village] to deal with the Orgahill Pirates asap. Sigurd picked up the Leg Ring, not sure yet how I'll use it in the next chapter. I'll likely have it on Sylvia ... Midir and Azel will definitely promote after Ch.4 Arena so I'll be ready to rush through Ch.4 and Ch.5 pretty fast. I need to save as many turns as possible against Jave before he can rescuedance his way through lategame.

Chapter 4: 28/119

All my combat units are promoted after clearing the arena. Azel and Lachesis are complete monsters now, I got 50+ kills on the Light Sword and 35 kills on the Hero Sword so things are looking pretty good. Midir also could finally get the Silver Bow and with the help of a Speed Ring he's all good now.

The only thing that worries me right now is that my planned pairings [sylviaxDew and LachesisxAzel] still didn't happen but the 30+ turns that Ch.5 is prolly gonna take SHOULD be enough, otherwise I'll have to sacrifice turns. We'll see how it goes, sub 150 for gen 1 seems OK either way.

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Chapter 5: 24/143

Leg Ring!Sylvia boosted my 4 combat units way ahead on turn 1. Magic Ring!Azel ORKO'd Langbart with a crit + regular hit with his 50+ kill Light Sword, the rest of the chapter was just crossing the desert + setting up items/weapons for gen 2. Both of my planned pairings finally became a thing, Midir got killed over the cliff next to Velthomer castle to prevent enemy mooks from blocking Sigurd's way to the seize point. Enemy AI loves to target him so they all went out of the way and Sigurd could just walk up and seize. Forgot to take pics for Midir but there's nothing unexpected about him, he had capped str and was overall prtty helpful despite being nerfed without the Killer Bow.


Solo'd pretty much the whole first half of gen 1 with a little help of Cuan and to a lesser extent Midir. Azel and Lachesis actually did a good bit more in the second half of gen 1, Sigurd was mostly busy collecting kills on that Hero Sword ... he didn't even kill any bosses in Ch.5


Promoted Azel is so good but I somehow failed to keep that Magic Ring in play by having neither Sigurd nor Azel be able to afford it -.-

Oh well, that Steel Sword has more than 50 kills on it and will carry Delmud for a good while until his Magic starts to grow. Getting Azel promoted was actually not very hard at all and once he promoted to Mage Knight he murdered stuff all day.


With Dew's help she could afford the Elite Ring and the Return stuff pretty much right off the bat. All the other exp she needed came from the arena [Prayer Sword too stronk] so she was able to promote after Ch.3 arena and go ham on Eltshan's Cross Knights with the Light Sword. Was pretty much my best unit from that moment on, she'd handle everything except for bosskills. She married Azel.


Dew is such a good pick in these draft runs. He made life so much easier for me even though he did not contribute shit in combat. But between him dumping craploads of money into all the expensive stuff for Lachesis and Sylvia and him passing down Bargain to Leen he's absolutely crucial.


Predictably, she completely broke gen 1. She's the main reason I'm starting to think that FE4 drafts don't actually work. Make her draftable and whoever picks her wins. Make her free and whoever picks Ethlin wins. In the past I've tried to counterbalance it by making Deidre a draftable unit, maybe I'll revive that idea some time in the future. At this point the only thing that can rival Sylvia is if somebody has Ethlin + Laylea imo.

Chapter 6: 28/171

Celice got a lot of shitty level ups with fewer str procs and RNG was generally not on my side so this took longer than I would've wanted it. Mana was actually helpful before Elite Ring!Celice became immortal. He reached lvl 20 and will wreck stuff next chapter. Delmud took out Johalva's squad and got the Skill Ring.

Chapter 7: 32/203 turns

Celice ran across the world with the Leg Ring then sold it to Leen who had inherited Bargain and a bunch of expensive items to sell. Delmud and Oifaye went south, Nanna returned everybody home and then spammed Return and cleared the arena, should promote soon. Celice is officially immortal until Arion shows up he even ORKO'd Blume easily. Celice/Aless/Delmud/Oifaye with a little help from Nanna/Leen and later Corple is gonna rock this game. I forgot about Linda and killed her but it shouldn't be a problem hopefully.

Chapter 8: 18/221 turns

Too lazy for a writeup

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Chapter 9: 23/244

Played this really terribly. Nobody in my party could take on Arion so I had to run circles around him which wasted like 5 turns. Oh well, I just wanna finish this run so it's not that big a deal to me anymore. Apparently I'm the only one actually playing this anyway <_<

Chapter 10: 29/273

Sloppy play/not really caring too much/mistakes I made earlier coming back to haunt me ... really screw over my turncounts. Aless nearly ORKO'd Alvis with Mistoltin, Power Ring, Barrier Ring and a Continue Proc. Not sure if I'll actually finish this run because I have another FE4 draft coming up and the turncounts are pretty consistently between 20 and 30 for me now so I'd likely end up with 300 turns straight,

Here are my units just in case I'm not continuing:


I still think he's just as good as Sigurd. The investments [Elite Ring, Power Ring, Leg Ring, Hero Sword] all pay off and there's nobody who really wants to have them in Ch.6. He was pretty much immortal, there was no point in the game where he came even close to dying. Arion was the only enemy he couldn't handle but Arion's broken with his stupid Gungnir and Continue and Prayer Ring and Movement and 5 authority stars. Otherwise he destroyed everything with ease.


He did the usual Oifaye thing where he starts out godlike and eventually falls back. Except he never actually fell back and was a staple unit from the beginning to the end. Light Sword had 100+ kills on it so he would've unleased some mighty fine crithax in the final chapter.


First time Azel!Delmud worked out for me. Both the Light Sword and the Steel Sword had far more than 100kills on it, he was pretty much guaranteed to land a crit with Nanna next to him. I think he has the highest amount of kills in gen 2 by a respectable amount but he also got kind carried early game by these two swords. Totally worth it though.


Ethlin on steroids. She's such a great unit - Return Staff, Great combat, Charisma, Sibling crits with Delmud, Healing. She really did a lot of work in this run.


He's actually not that amazing before promotion but of course there's no arguing all the great things he does. Especially post promotion he was really awesome. In Ch.10 where he not only exposed Alvis but also was immune to these super annoying sleep staves. He also destroyed Ishtar for good measure.


Best. Unit. Ever

The amount of ass-saving she did for me cannot be measured. I don't even wanna think about my turncounts had she not been around.

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