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Star Wars The Force Awakens- Final Trailer


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I have high hopes, perhaps a little too high. There's little to tell what the quality of the film will actually be, but I really want it to succeed. There is a lot riding on the success of this movie. Everything so far looks cool.

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Honestly I'm really glad the trailers haven't had too much in them, they've got plenty to be super exciting but leave so many questions in the air they don't have major spoilers either. A fresh change from lots of trailers that can just ruin a movie.

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That's the thing, it's better for the movie that the trailers don't say much of anything, and because we barely know anything, its twists and turns will be surprising unlike some other big blockbuster movies (*ahem* Ultron *cough*), but on the flipside, we have no idea what we're getting into. J. J. Abrams is a great director, but he has yet to produce any sort of masterpiece, his career is still in its early-mid stages. Everything said seems to point towards a good movie, yet Hollywood has let potential slip away before. I dunno, I am very excited for this, but I don't want to dedicate myself to the hype when there is still risk of failure.

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I'm not very excited, but since my fathers birthday falls in begin January and I'm kinda curious if it is going to be a flob or not,

I will buy two tickets for the movie anyway and have a nice day with my dad.

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What Knight said. Luke isn't likely to have a major(or rather, a large) role in this film, so it doesn't surprise me he's not on the poster.

Come Episode 8, we'll likely see a lot more of him.

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I'm super hyped for this.All I can do is hope it lives up to the hype. I'm kind of worried that Disney might ruin the franchise, if it hasn't already. Does anyone else think Finn would look cooler with a purple light-saber?

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I'd say "cautiously optimistic" sums up my reaction. Disney has had a good track record with the MCU that might carry over to Star Wars, and everything I've seen so far about this movie has looked great. But, at the same time, we haven't exactly seen much at all, and everyone was really hyped for Phantom Menace back in the day, too.

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We'll see how it goes, It looks hype, but after the prequels. J.J has some serious work to do, to make me trust the name "Star Wars" in film form again.

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I'd say "cautiously optimistic" sums up my reaction. Disney has had a good track record with the MCU that might carry over to Star Wars, and everything I've seen so far about this movie has looked great. But, at the same time, we haven't exactly seen much at all, and everyone was really hyped for Phantom Menace back in the day, too.

The prequels were pretty good with their concepts (but failed on their execution), so it was pretty easy to get hyped for them back then I guess.

I'll try to watch it on December 18 or 19, and if it is good enough, I'll probably watch it again. Disney can take the money I've been throwing in the screen for months already.

So judging by that poster, does that mean that Mark Hamill won't be reprising his role as Luke Skywalker? It's just that I don't see him featured on it.

... But his name is the second in the list, right next to Harrison Ford...

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The prequels were pretty good with their concepts (but failed on their execution), so it was pretty easy to get hyped for them back then I guess.

Episode 1 was harmless enough overall IMO, was a bit too kiddie, but it made up for it with the epic Lightsaber duel. But then we have stuff like Jar-Jar...

Episode II, Obi Wan's stuff was fine, but omg the Anakin & Padme stuff... *gags* Not to mention Anakin is a whiny bitch, not the "great warrior" that Obi Wan describes him as in Episode IV, sure episode III got this portrayal down better, but... damn. Also the fights at the end are... Pretty boring, and make no sense considering you are using Jedi for a fight against a disposable army with a disposable army alongside them already.

Episode III, overall fairly decent, although I feel we needed some more Anakin transition to PURE DARKNESS, from the whole Windu scene, but the build up is actually pretty good.

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