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CHallenge: weakest possible endgame morgan


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Hey there,

Today i have something of a novelty topic. The opposite of what people usually look for in character builds.

That's right, I want you to give me the process of how YOU would make the WEAKEST POSSIBLE MORGAN.

how i'd go about it:

Luck+, speed - female MU!Donnel + villager class

how'd you go about it?

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Lessee. . .

I'd rather have Robin marry a second-generation dude. . .sooo. . .

- With Donnel!Laurent, and a +DEF/-MAG Robin, Morgan's caps are +0 STR, +0 MAG, +0 SKL, +3 SPD, +6 LCK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

- With Donnel!Inigo, and a +SKL/-STR Robin, Morgan's caps are +1 STR, +0 MAG, +4 SKL, +1 SPD, +4 LCK, +2 DEF, -1 RES

- With Donnel!Brady, and a +HP/-MAG Robin, Morgan's caps are +0 STR, +0 MAG, +1 SKL, -1 SPD, +9 LCK, +1 DEF, +3 RES

- It's kind of hard to mess with the rest (Gerome and Yarne have a lot of good stats, and Owain would use Laurent's Robin).

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I think Eclipse's Donnel!Brady is the worst.

Though I got a -6 speed modifier with +skl -spd Kellem!Nah!Morgan

HP 0 Str 3 Mag 2 Skl 0 Spd -6 Luk 1 Def 11 Res +5

Probably still better than Donnel!Brady!Morgan since this morgan has better damage and access to galeforce.

I just find it funny to have speed cap at 29 as a General.

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Technically every Morgan has access to galeforce. And every Morgan can double Anna (yes, even with a -6 Spd mod) if you put in the $$$ and beyond terrible build for it. It's when you make poor decisions like Morgan in villager that actually have a visible difference since Morgan's class selection lets him/her skyrocket above so many other children regardless of his stats.

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+Lck/-Spd Tiki!Morgan is my vote. If you leave messing around with classes and skills and whatnot on the table, it's easy to just give Morgan nothing and put him/her in a base class and call it a day, but this is around the worst you can do with respect to things that would require a new file to undo (poor mod synergy on Morgan, bad wife for Robin, 2nd gen pairing imbalance, and no second Morgan).

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Please don't spam the thread. If that is your answer, please justify it, preferably with numbers.

I didn't provide numbers because Kellam is universally a bad father, and also I think I forgot that explanations are needed.

All he provides to children is Luna, which doesn't even matter for Morgan because they have access to all classes in the game anyways, Knight and Cavalier included, and will probably prefer Ignis anyways. He drops the speed of all children without justifying it properly elsewhere, which is especially bad for Morgan who really just wants good modifiers.

Worse of all though, Kellam himself has novelty that is lost the second you begin to get serious with the game. He is absolutely useless as a General and Great Knight, classes in which his -2 speed modifier leave him being struck again and again without mercy, and both classes leave him open to Hammers and Armorslayers. He might be powerful and bulky as a General, but on Lunatic bulk makes very little difference. The enemies in the hardest chapters (most all of the Spotpass chapters, Grima to some extent, some of the challenge maps, Apotheosis) will be doing a lot of damage to you regardless of your bulk, so his role as a frontline unit just gets him killed. He has absolutely no weaponfaire skills, so in cases where he would be hard supporting, there is someone who outclasses him.

He can marry the Avatar directly, but why not destroy Morgan as much as possible and take someone down with them by having Kellam go with Cherche and then marrying the resulting Gerome to a Defense Asset/Speed Flaw Avatar? Going for Kellam!Nah!Morgan leaves Morgan slightly slower, but nobody uses Nah anyways, whereas ruining Gerome leaves things detramental.

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He might be powerful and bulky as a General, but on Lunatic bulk makes very little difference.

Going for Kellam!Nah!Morgan leaves Morgan slightly slower, but nobody uses Nah anyways, whereas ruining Gerome leaves things detramental.

Are you sure you're not talking about Apo? Bulk completely destroys vanilla Lunatic, look at Nowi.

Nah use is pretty common too, both on vanilla Lunatic and in Apo. Honestly, if gender wasn't a factor I'd rather bench Gerome than Nah- she can at least get good class/skill combos from more than one (high-demand) father.

Spd is very nice ingame, but since Robin will likely have a lot of levels (and a decent Spd growth even with it as a flaw) and Morgan's alternate parent only contributes 1/3rd of his growths, he'll probably still cap after two reclasses. In Apo, there's merely Fast and Not Fast- anyone without +3 Spd or more is just going to have to live with missing some Spd thresholds, and below that there's not as much of a difference.

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