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First Lunatic Playthrough


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So I'm thinking of starting my first real Lunatic playthrough in a couple days, and I'd like some opinions on the pairings I've decided to make. I've never done this before, so I want to make sure I don't get anything critically wrong, haha.

I'm going with a FeMU, because Rightful King Morgan. And superwoman Lucina, basically. I'm thinking of choosing Magic to be her boosted stat and Luck to be her reduced stat, but I'm still not quite sure.

Just so it's clear, the first skill in front of the child will be the fathers skill, and the second skill will be the mothers.

My current pairings are as is below:

Chrom x FeMU: Rightful King/Galeforce Morgan and ??/Galeforce Lucina. (Or any skill for Lucina, really, since she gets everything that FeMU does. I think Aether always gets passed down but I'm not sure if any other skill can be passed down along with that.)

Ricken x Lissa: ??/Galeforce Owain (I'm thinking to pass down Tomefaire and then have Owain grab those Cavalier/Paladin/Great Knight skills on his own. Because Ricken gives good magic, I'd like to have a Sage!Owain or Dark Knight!Owain instead of my normal Swordsmaster!Owain.)

Donnel x Sully: Aptitude/?? Kjelle (I'm thinking Aptitude will be better than Counter, in Kjelle's case. I'd love for her to be General!Kjelle that tanks basically everything. She can get Axebreaker and Bowbreaker on her own and I don't plan for her to take much damage so in that case, Counter wouldn't really be the best skill? That's what I'm thinking. She can get every skill that Sully can get, so not sure what to pass down there.)

Gregor x Miriel: Pass/?? Laurent (Laurent will most likely get a War Cleric or Troubadour class line skill from Miriel, since he obviously can't be one of those. I do believe Gregor is best for Sage!Laurent though. The Pass from Gregor is so he can get around a bit better. If I remember correctly, Laurent never did have the greatest movement, unless he's a Dark Knight.)

Frederick x Maribelle: Pavise/Galeforce Brady (Okay, I admit, I've never liked Brady. Or Maribelle for that matter. Also, I think Pavise might be called Great Shield, but I'm not sure. That being besides the point, I don't really want a tank Brady in particular, but I am hoping Pavise might help him survive... more than one turn. You can probably tell I have problems with Brady living. I'll probably make a Dread Fighter!Brady since I have Lost Bloodlines 2 and DF can use Swords, Tomes, and Axes.)

Vaike x Panne: Sol/Swordbreaker Yarne (It's a bit of tossup between Swordbreaker or Lancebreaker passed down by Panne. I suppose it depends on which she has first, I guess. I originally planned for Henry to marry Panne but... Sumia is really picky about who she marries, apparently. I'll more than likely keep Yarne as a Taguel because you only get so many of those.)

Stahl x Cordelia: Dual Guard+/Galeforce Severa (I wasn't sure about Stahl or Vaike, but Stahl has decent stats to give to Severa. I generally marry these two anyways. They seem sweet enough. I'll probably run a physical attacker Severa, but I haven't decided on what class.)

Kellam x Nowi: Pavis/Lifetaker Nah (I want to have a Manakete!Nah, but more on the tank side, which means she doesn't get Galeforce, sadly. Also I hardly ever marry Kellam. Ironically I somehow always overlook his existence when I hook up the couples and after I beat Grima, there's a "Oh I forgot to marry Kellam again. Sorry dude!" moment.)

Henry x Sumia: Lifetaker/Galeforce Cynthia (I cannot believe Sumia can't, or won't, marry Stahl. I've never realized that before until now. Wow. Stahl is an amazing guy Sumia! You're missing out! Anyways, Cynthia's final class will probably be Dark Knight!Cynthia. The magic and the movement is good, and I'm going to have enough heart attacks with pegasi and archers as it is. No need to leave her as a Dark Flier, I think.)

Lon'qu x Olivia: Lethality/Galeforce Inigo (I love Lon'qu and Olivia together, I really do. I think it fits decently in the canonical sense, honestly. Lon'qu is a good father stat and skill wise for Inigo, anyways. Mostly it's "They're cute, 'nuff said." though.)

Virion x Cherche: Lifetaker/?? Gerome (Oh Gerome. I don't know what I'm going to do with you, Gerome. Honestly, I love him to death, but I basically left him last on the list, and I've already decided I want a Gaius!Noire, and Libra's not the greatest father for Gerome, so... Sorry Gerome. He'll probably be a Wyvern Lord!Gerome or Griffon Rider!Gerome. I'm not that creative with reclassing him.)

Gaius x Tharja: Axebreaker/Lifetaker Noire (With Gaius as her father, Noire can get Galeforce, which is good. I'm not really sure what to do with Noire either, I may make her a Sniper or a Bow Knight, but I'm not quite sure.)

That took forever. Let me know what you guys think.

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You'll never get that many pairings off the ground in Lunatic unless you grind the DLC like crazy, which kind of defeats the point.

Also, you might want to discuss this on "The Lunatic Club" thread.

+DEF or +SPD are probably the best Luantic asset choices. -SKL or -LCK are good flaw choices.

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Mmm, I figured that might be true, but at least after I've done the majority of things, I could make some awesome children, for kicks.

Hmmm, if I can figure out how to move this thread, I'll shift it to the Lunatic Club. Thanks.

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