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OH Yeah let me get the list out again

I'm Andy

Your Tucker

Sam's Caboose

Evan's Grif

Whoever that girl is from England is Grif

And Davis is Simmons

Kukhah is Church,


Speak the devil you heard from Evan or Mike

Also relevent Yeah relelvent

One sec on the link

Gravemind, how do you spell Kukhah

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Why are there two Grifs?

No heres the list

Mike: Church

Me: Tucker

Sam: Caboose

random Chick Mike met: Tex

Evan: Grif

Davis: Simmons

Tim: Sarge

Donut is unassigned

You: Andy

Peter D: Wyoming

Ben T: O'malley/Doc

EDIT: Kukhahn, I think, and no, I haven't heard from them.

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Yeah I meant to say Tex, notices and laughs.

Also I didn't know that we gave Tim Sarge, that means two things

1. We have to have Davis kiss Tim's ass (not litterally [pervs]) cause Tim's Sarge, and Davis is Simmons

2. We still never found a Donut.

1. Yeah IDK I'll be digging through the archives give me a bit

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