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Nintnedo Fiscal Meeting and Financial Results Highlights/Tidbits; at least One More Direct this Year

The DanMan

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So, the results of Nintendo's fiscal meeting were recently made public, meaning there are numbers and various interesting tidbits to break down.

Hardware sales (Q1+Q2): 1.19m Wii U/2.28m 3DS/70k Wii

Software sales (Q1+Q2): 12.37m Wii U/19.2m 3DS/1.97m Wii

Overall profit: 11,466 million yen/$95.2 million / £62.2 million / €86.2 million

Now that raw numbers are out of the way, there are several tidbits per usual; the first of which I put in the thread title to shamelessly clickbait you.

Tatsumi Kimishima, according to Takashi Mochizuke of the Wall Street Journal, stated that "Direct is alive, with at least one more this year".

Also, Project Guard (formerly "Project Giant Robot") still has a 2015 release window. That's... surprising.

And of much greater interest to the denizens of this forest (especially members from the E.U), Fire Emblem Fates still is listed as a single release in Europe. Keeping in mind the odd Amazon UK listing I posted about earlier (if you add it to cart on mobile, there's a notification that states that the game is a single version and that you choose your path in-game), it's starting to seem a bit less like an odd screw-up. I can't see them just giving everybody both sides right off the bat, but if that message is true the alternative is locking stuff on-cart behind a paywall which the game already does to an extent.

Anyway, that's all for now; not much else to report. Hope for a Direct very soon!

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Top Selling software:

Wii U:

- Mario Kart 8 (5.87M)

- Nintendo Land (5.00M)

- New Super Mario Bros. U (4.88M)

- Super Mario 3D World (4.47M)

- Super Smash Bros. For Wii U (4.03M)

- Splatoon (2.42M)

- New Super Luigi U (2.27M)

- Super Mario Maker (1.88M)

- The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD (1.62M)

- Wii Party U (1.58M)


- Pokemon X/Y (14.15M)

- Mario Kart 7 (12.19M)

- Pokemon OR/AS (10.69M)

- Super Mario 3D Land (10.21M)

- New Super Mario Bros. 2 (9.47M)

- Animal Crossing: New Leaf (9.44M)

- Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo 3DS (7.37M)

- Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (4.61M)

- Tomodachi Life (4.48M)

- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3.82M)

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