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Serenes Pokemon NU Tournament (Grand Finals)


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To confirm stuff while we wait for the 16th player.

This is Double Elimination, Singles (13 Votes for Singles, to 1 Doubles vote), NU Tier, You may use multiple teams throughout the course of this tournament, the typical ruleset of NU tier applies.

Also when this tournament starts proper, you will be given a fairly lengthy amount of time to do your next match(s), if we get done super early then we shall advance, if we have to wait for certain matches more than others, thats fine too.

What I want most of all is for us to all have fun, yet I know we all have busy lives, so I don't want to cram deadlines down your throat, however if a pair is taking an absurd amount of time, you can bet I will hound you like a Mega Houndoom.

Fun and comfort is my motto in this tourney.

Also a prize for the winner, I'm trying to think of one.

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Ok folks, when would you all be willing to start this?

Do we need a few days or should I just open it up and give the bracket when I randomize it?

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Either this weekend or two weeks from this weekend, personally.

Would you mind if, I gave the freedom to your match to go to the weekend etc, but allowed others to start early if they so pleased?

(This is hypothetical, but could work)

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Wouldn't mind, although my opponent might.

Noted noted, although I think from the current randomization, they wouldn't (checks bracket again). Yeah from what I know that would be fine with them.

ALSO I encourage! Encourage! Replay sharing, this is so I can archive the matches after stuff is done and also so we can all see how things went down!

Should I share the current randomized bracket as well?

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And with that, its live folks. Do your matches at your convenience.

As said previously I am not going to be super strict, but I do expect a week to be enough time.

ZM and Icemario can also do their match on the weekend this way, which was amusing they both requested that considering. Well I had just randomized.

Have fun everyone and...


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