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Glitch? Enemy Sniper promotes to Shinon lookalike


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So yeah... this happened in 3-11. My Mia was at lvl 20 with 98 exp, and she was unequipped. She got criticaled by a swordmaster, then got 1 exp. So far, so good. Then an enemy sniper chucks a rock at her, and suddenly the game goes into a class change... for the enemy unit! The game shows the enemy unit promoting into Shinon, as well as getting stat gains as normal. After all that, everything seemed to be fine. Mia even promoted normally anyway (she got attacked by a mage).

Has anyone had this happen before? Here's a screenshot showing Shinon at the pedestal.


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Oh yeah I had that happen once. It happens when a unit would promote off of his attack but instead it glitches and he promotes. As long as he doesnt run out of ammo he wont bother you. Also he gives some really nice exp if I remember correctly. I had this happen on a friends easy mode file. I actually plan to capture it on footage on my LP. For reference what mode are you playing on?

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as far as the shinon part goes, that would be because no generic class models exist for tier 3 classes at all. there's only personalised ones for each playable character of that class plus bosses. if you make a generic enemy/npc promote through whatever means, like what happened here, they'll use the model of one of the playable members of that class because hey, they've got to use some model or another, don't they?

there's probably a more sophisticated way to explain this, as well as an answer as to why it went with shinon specifically, but i'm not versed enough to be sure about those details

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no generic class models exist for tier 3 classes at all

I thought that all the gold enemies in Part 4 are considered to be third tier enemies, considering that they have higher caps/weapon ranks than their Part 3 counterparts? Also, since when do enemies promote anyway (hacking aside)?

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I thought that all the gold enemies in Part 4 are considered to be third tier enemies, considering that they have higher caps/weapon ranks than their Part 3 counterparts?

they might have the higher caps (which are still lower than their tier-3 counterparts for the most part, incidentally) and the ss ranks, but they're still second-tier classes for all intents and purposes. a part 4 halberdier is still treated as a halberdier, etc

Also, since when do enemies promote anyway (hacking aside)?

they don't outside of hacking, which is what i was getting at with "whatever means"

Edited by bookofholsety
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@JDT001: This was hard mode. As you said, the unit gave quite a bit of EXP :D

I continued where this left off, so to everyone who might come across this, just remember to get a clean kill, otherwise it will run off and heal off of the boss' concoction. I have no idea if it will run back to chuck more rocks, but it sure is a hassle to get up close to him afterwards since he'll be behind a general and he can deadeye your units. Not sure if he will move to attack either... (I didn't want to find out whether he would or not)

Interesting how the game picks Shinon though. Maybe it picks the first suitable sprite and Shinon happened to be first in the code or something. I am tempted to try this on the other snipers in 3-11 and see what happens :P

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