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Fire Emblem If Magazine/Book Scans


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I know this fandom is pretty demanding for scans in magazines and books released about Fire Emblem Fates/IF, so I was wondering what do you guys think if I opened up a donation where you guys can donate money and I will order any magazines, books that are released?

Sadly I cannot translate them, but I can scan them in full resolution and post them up for someone else to translate.

Would you guys be interested? Let me know!

Here is my original post I put up on tumblr: http://random-delights.tumblr.com/post/132487732524/fire-emblem-25th-anniversary-book

EDIT: I have also made a FE IF scan-related blog http://feifscans.tumblr.com/ so you can go check out and be updated on what I have scanned!

Edited by maskedmarth
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