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Soul's going at it again, FE10 LTC run! シ


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I suffer for the sins of LTCers all across the world. Come aboard, all! Watch me rant and struggle endlessly, as we embark on a never-ending journey!!!

[spoiler=Soul's random section of random tidbits across Tellius]



Edited by Soul o:
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That's why I leave those little "strategy notes", so you can see what's necessary to achieve those low-turns in said chapters. It's actually not that hard to get at least a 5-turn, if you know where to place them. I might make a video for you to show you.

Anyway, thanks for the support. I know you were still there back then.

And yes, better late than never. I was going to resume this some day.

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I never knew that could happen, lol. And like I mentioned, that's probably only if you want the Hand Axe. Still, doesn't that leave us depedent on Edward getting HP/Str/Spd?

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The reason I took so long to get this thing going is because

1) I actually made a test run for this. Went pretty well, until I took my first halt at 2-P. Low-turning that without transfers is just waaaaay too luck-reliant, so I had to take the high road (aka, 7-8 turns).

2) On the actual run that I started, I took a halt at 1-3 because I couldn't 4-turn it. It was either this or that and I wanted to do AND recruit Aran at the same time. I think it's possible, I just didn't feel like betting my sanity on it any longer.

I'll post more results, later this evening.

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  • 1 month later...

amaigá, updates!?

And after a while of struggling to find something I could record my videos with, turns out Hypercam 3 works rather well. That, and the endless amounts of resets and stubborn ragefest.

No video, sorry. :awesome: Super standard chapter, and yet, so ridiculously luck-based. Even for a "mere" 6-turn.
Let me tell you, I suffered for this chapter. I suffered so much, that I literally keep a save for it in which it's already cleared (and with a Micaiah & Edward level (HP/Str/Spd).


You really want these fuckers to keep 8 AS. They tend to proc 9 AS at times (sometimes at the same time, in which case, just restart). Like, it can work with only one of them with 8 AS, but Edward tends to be a bit short of killing them, otherwise he's going to want to Wrath them (which is cut in half, considering he won't double) and it's just a problem overall so yeah.

The rest is managing Edward's HP with Herbs and have luck on your side. He still needs to Wrath the boss twice (first on Enemy Phase, when he goes after Edward) and the other is necessary if you still have even one other Brigand alive (meaning Micaiah & Leonardo will be too busy to finish him off.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    2.01 16  2   8   8   8   11  3   5    A Sothe
Edward     5.39 20  8   0  12   13   9  5   0
Leonardo   4.22 17  8   0  12   10   6  5   4  

6 turns.

Fuck this chapter, I'm out.

This chapter isn't anywhere as bad as I once thought it was. okay, as far as I'm concerned, Edward proc'cing HP/Str/Spd was necessary. According to dondon, you only really need a Fighter (I think it was a Fighter) to proc down on Str.

[spoiler=video c:]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwwRot1zRT8

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    2.94 16  2   8   8   8   11  3   5    A Sothe
Edward     6.22 21  8   0  13   14  10  6   0
Leonardo   4.53 17  8   0  12   10   6  5   4  
Nolan      9.29 29 12   0  11   10   7  9   3

4 turns.

Can you believe Edward gaining +Def in the previous chapter actually affects his performance here? He has a way harder time getting to Wrath range. That's bullshit.


[spoiler=video c:]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peuJ-83Dfxc

I have to admit, I totally stole borrowed this strategy from LD. You know, that one fellow lurking around the forums and putting my turncount to shame badass turncounts here and there? The hardest part with this strategy was having one of the Soldiers to the upper West-wing corridor proc 10 AS, as opposed to their usual 11. With this in mind, Nolan manages to survive Turn 2 of Enemy Phase and make the strategy work. I forgot to mention, you need the Hand Axe here. That's why I had to re-do 1-1.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    2.94 16  2   8   8   8   11  3   5    A Sothe
Edward     6.65 21  9   0  12   14   9  5   0
Leonardo   4.62 17  8   0  12   10   6  5   4  
Nolan      9.63 29 12   0  11   10   7  9   3
Sothe      1.02 35 18   4  20   20  15 14   9    A Micaiah
Laura      1.22 16  3   8   3   5    8  2  10

Overall a very fast, simple chapter. Took a little longer than expected, if only because I wanted to get Edward an extra kill.

4 turns.


Fuck. This. Shit.
Fuck this chapter. Fuck everything about it. Everything.

[spoiler=video c:]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-d651puugI
Obviously took the high road, and went with the 5-turn. It was waaay more reliable. Like, actually reliable.

Had to restart a million times and try a million different strategies to get a 4-turn in this chapter. Turns out, no matter what you do, a 4-turn is luck-reliant as hell, as much as it teases you it's possible. If it wasn't the Knight cockblocking the exit proccing 15 Def, it was the Hand Axe Fighter right next to it. That, or that one annoying Soldier that tends to proc 10 Def (aka, enough to get out of Sothe's 1RKO range...by 1 HP). It doesn't help that even if the Knight procs 14 Def, Sothe still has to dodge a few attacks here and there. Otherwise, the turn order switches, the Knight attacks first and another 10 Def Soldier comes in to cockblock the exit (and Sothe's too busy having to kill the Archer...the one that fucker's blocking, I mean). It takes a crapton of different variables and luck to pull this shit. Fuck it.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    3.32 17  2   9   8   9   12  3   6    A Sothe
Edward     6.96 21  9   0  12   14   9  5   0
Leonardo   4.62 17  8   0  12   10   6  5   4  
Nolan     10.03 29 12   0  12   11   8 10   3
Sothe      1.36 35 18   4  20   20  15 14   9    A Micaiah
Laura      1.22 16  3   8   3   5    8  2  10

5 turns.

I'm never trying to 4-turn this thing in my life again.

FINALLY, an item-management screen. It's pretty much godsent at this point. Having to rig enemy stats was getting rather tedious, as if it wasn't.

So, as usual, I sell of a few of the things I don't think, like Sothe's Guard, Meg's Fortune, Ilyana's Shade, etc. Only this time around, I didn't sell the character's weapons, as it turns out, they're actually pretty useful (even if it's Leo's Bow).

I make a total of three forges. A Max Mt/Crit. Iron Sword for Edward, which I re-named "Cullen". A Max Mt Iron Axe for Nolan (boy, are these cheap) I re-named "CHUCK Norris" and at last, I figured Micaiah would really appreciate one as well. Made her a Max Mt Light tome forge, re-named it"8]".

Re-assigned a few things, like Skills. Gave Cancel for Sothe and I bought him a Beastslayer.

[spoiler=video c:]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeqaLtXbHDY

Once again, this took an awful lot of resets. Not because the chapter itself was a bitch (it was actually on the easier side), but instead, the things involving Luck that I would definitely need afters (Beastfoe, maaybe the Master Seal). I also wanted to get Edward some decent level-ups, but he kept getting the shittiest level-ups imaginable (and no Def). In the end, I didn't manage to get the Master Seal, as it would involve risking Edward's life (as well as an extra turn, assuming he didn't have 16 AS and full HP). Credits to Aran for being a champ and nabbing Beastfoe for me.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    4.05 17  2  10   8   10  13  3   7    A Sothe
Edward     8.04 23 11   1  14   16  10  5   0    C Leo
Leonardo   5.00 17  8   0  13   11   7  6   4    C Edward 
Nolan     10.91 29 12   0  12   11   8 10   3
Sothe      2.32 35 19   4  21   21  16 14   9    A Micaiah
Laura      1.66 16  3   8   3   5    8  2  10

4 turns.

Wanted to see if it was possible for me to 3-turn this. But as it turns out, it requires Ilyana and Micaiah to have 14 & 10 AS, respectively. LD managed to pull that one off, but it must've been a ton of resetting for BEXP to proc those.

How I managed to make this chapter impossible and spend, literally, over 4 1/2 consecutive hours restting, is way beyond my level of comprehension. How stubborn am I? Apparently, not enough to beat this chapter........under my conditions (aka, Edward & Nolan both get RESPECTABLE level-ups and well as maximizing their Exp).

Ultimately, though, I managed to find just the right strategy that managed me to achieve said circumstances without any of those risks. I managed to maximize Exp for Edward, Nolan and probably a little bit for Micaiah (I can manage to stretch it to two levels) and even WEXP for Volug. The "hard" part of this chapter happened to be one Archer that just KEPT HITTING Edward (at, like, 42%) for 100 times in a row for no reason. The two highest-Hit enemies Edward was exposed at was that guy and the boss (who had 38%). Considering my plan was to have Edward Wrath mode half the desert atop ledges, turns out, it wasn't actually necessary. With proper management, many had their shot at being useful, wether it be Trading, Shoving or even chipping.

I will re-do this chapter, as I wasn't entirely satisfied with the results. However, I can't say I am not pleased at having had wiped the place clean (an extra +200 BEXP). This new strategy I'm perfecting is actually surprisingly reiable.

Also, my Micaiah keeps proc'cing Spd all the time. I'm not even resetting for her levels, lol.

Edited by Soul o:
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Congrats on getting started again! I think the forum limits the number of videos you can include in a single post.

Also looking forward to your 1-5 clear that wipes the map clean. I will probably be stealing adapting your strategy for my own playthrough once that gets rolling.

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Fixed that ^

True 1-5 coming later this day.

HERE IT IS, fresh out of the oven. Re-did this thang. It's surprising how reliable this is.

[spoiler='stats]Actual stats, as of now

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    6.14 18  2  12   9   11  15  4   9    A Sothe
Edward    10.69 25 12   1  15   17  11  7   0    C Leo
Leonardo   5.29 17  8   0  13   11   7  6   4    C Edward 
Nolan     11.75 30 13   0  13   12   9 11   3    C Laura
Sothe      2.72 35 19   4  21   21  16 14   9    A Micaiah
Laura      2.32 16  4   8   3   6    9  2  10    C Nolan
Volug     15.06 49 16   3  18   19  13 13   7

Funny thing, I'm actually not bothering to reset for Micaiah's stats. Just when I don't need it, she keeps proc'cing Spd. Welp, may as well go with it.

Copy me this, ruadath. :awesome:

Edited by Soul o:
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Watched this while waiting for my flight at the airport. Must say I am pretty impressed; I think it's cool how you made this clear so reliable while still getting good EXP for all the people.

Interesting decision to pick up the Wind Edge for Edward. I was contemplating getting one for Zihark since I figured he would find it useful, but didn't think you would be able to get much use out of it on Edward. Overall, looking really good! Interested to see what else you come up on this run!

And yeah definitely looks stealable lol

EDIT: also regarding 1-4, I know you're not going to revisit that now, but just wanted to let you know the 3 turn clear doesn't require those stats on Ilyana if you're willing to reroll for an Elthunder crit on the first enemy phase (which given that the Laguz have like 0 luck, has a pretty decent probability).

Edited by ruadath
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Watched this while waiting for my flight at the airport. Must say I am pretty impressed; I think it's cool how you made this clear so reliable while still getting good EXP for all the people.

Interesting decision to pick up the Wind Edge for Edward. I was contemplating getting one for Zihark since I figured he would find it useful, but didn't think you would be able to get much use out of it on Edward. Overall, looking really good! Interested to see what else you come up on this run!

And yeah definitely looks stealable lol

EDIT: also regarding 1-4, I know you're not going to revisit that now, but just wanted to let you know the 3 turn clear doesn't require those stats on Ilyana if you're willing to reroll for an Elthunder crit on the first enemy phase (which given that the Laguz have like 0 luck, has a pretty decent probability).

Thanks, Rudy~

Uh, yeah. About the Wind Edge. I feel Edward could've definitely gotten even more use with it, if it weren't for that one fucker the Steel Bow Archer. Made going into Wrath mode hell (not like he needed it for Mages and the boss). But I guess that would've also ultimately sabotaged the rest's Exp, like Micaiah's.

Oh, yeah...I *might* have a look at that. Thanks for the heads up, mang.

Poor Meg, her role is to shove others or trade items for others. If she engages combat she'll probably die.

Yeah, well, believe or not, Aran's actually not a whole ton different. Needless to say, they fill their purposes nicely, at least. Like, without Aran, I wouldn't have natched the Beastfoe. And you need all the Shovers you can get.

I'm going to actually try using them, sometime. I'm more inclined towards Meg, as she has a beastly Spd growth (and decent Str/Def bases).

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Sorry, this is something important I thought of about earlier but forgot to mention on your run; I hope I'm not too late! It's important to start building up a support between Laura and someone who gives her +Atk on her support (best choice is Leo) ASAP so that she has an A support ready for you know what. Personally, I had the support available immediately after chapter 1-4, but that was thanks to some preparation with enough shoving and rescuing between the pair.

It's probably not too late, but I would start their support immediately for the next chapter and deploy them (and have them rescue shove each other) as much as possible to save on some BEXP. Especially since you're going to have to spend some on Titania and some other GM people because no transfers, and not sure if you'll need a certain amount saved up for part 4. Maybe more importantly, Laura's competing with Micaiah for BEXP, and it's nice to not need an extra level on her.

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She won't be needing it.

EDIT: Wait, how is Laura competing with Micaiah for Exp? I always do this thing where Micaiah Sacrifices and Laura heals her, if possible. Micaiah's getting kills, and some Sacrificice when she's not (for extra Exp). I never really needed BEXP for Micaiah, if I'm going for the 1-4 4-turn. I clarify, I'm definitely not going for that crazy 3-turn that requires 20 AS Micaiah.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wanted to notify you guys (regardless of wether or not you care '3'). I'm leaving on vacations on the 1rst, so I highly doubt I'll be able to update this anytime soon. In fact, I'm leaving for about 2 months...I'll actually have access to the game itself, but recording is most of the question.

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  • 1 month later...

It stands for Low Turn Count, basically it means you try to complete the game in as few turns as possible

The turncounts of all chapters add up at the end, so the playlogs contain the chapter turncount and the total turncount after each map, e.g. 1-P: 6/6 turns, 1-1: 4/10 turns.

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