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What was the easiest FE title for you?


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Fire Emblem 7 AKA Blazing Sword AKA just "Fire Emblem" was pretty easy.

Especially since you only have the easiest difficulty as an option from the start at least in the US version which was the one I played. Dunno about the other versions.

Edited by Rxmonste
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fe9 because it was one one of the last ones I played in addition to being really easy. I played FE8 a lot earlier when I was worse at FE but i'd still consider it harder since FE8 actually has some hard chapters.

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13 going by least difficult mode and 8 going by most difficult mode game offers

13 has a pretty big difficulty difference between its easiest vs hardest modes. I don't mind normal being "move robin here to win" because I like that it's very new player friendly, I remember when I first started I still died a lot on 8 and that's one of the easiest in the series. So 13's Normal is easy and it's meant to be easy, but L+, even though I have beaten it a few times and I will firmly hold it is nowhere as bullshit as people make it out to be, it is not a mode to be disrespected and I only had a fairly easy time past earlygame because I know fairly well what I'm doing with FE.

8 Hard on the other hand is not a very big jump in difficulty at all, and I don't really feel any pressure from it. I like to go to it for de-stressing, actually, since even on HM I never really need to think very hard.

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Sacred Seth Stones, followed closely by Path of Titania Radiance.

Awakening was a bit more difficult than those two for me, though that says less about Awakening's difficulty and more about the "difficulty" of Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance

Edited by Bullwine85
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Sacred Stones is probably the easiest game to beat on Hard Mode (the only choice I ever take when playing games, barring first playthroughs in FE7 and FE10). In all honesty, FE8 HM is probably even easier than Eliwood Normal Mode in FE7, and certainly easier than FE10 NM.

You should also make this topic a poll.

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Sacred Stones for sure. I don't remember having restarted a chapter once on hard mode.

I remember restarting a couple times in Sacred Stones, not because any of my units died, but because a recruitable unit suicided themselves into Seth.

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Path of Radiance for sure. It gives you so much BEXP and money even compared to SS.

Sacred Stones gives you Seth yea, but it actually has some dickish chapters. PoR has fun chapters, but I wouldn't call almost any of them challenging.

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Path of Radiance for sure. It gives you so much BEXP and money even compared to SS.

Lol, I always forget about this since I pretty much never use BEXP up until the endgame when I do try to max as many units as possible for transfers.

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9's pretty easy, even on Hard. All your units are immortal and you have basically infinite money. It's just the two bullshit fights which aren't hard so much as just bad game design. I never walked straight over 8 HM the way pretty much everyone seems to, though. Never played 13.

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FE13 Normal is literally pair up -> watch things suicide.

FE8 has some annoying chapters, FE9 has annoying chapters, FE13 requires literally no thought and growths are so high that perfect levels are far more common than they should be.

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Like I thought, it seems to be Sacred Stones vs. Awakening. I've only played Awakening on hard or above so I don't know what normal IS like but sacred stones seems way easier from that standpoint.

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Easiest for your first playthough I'd say is Sacred Stones since that one has free grinding and Seth.

Easiest on everyother playthough would be Awakening since you can become invincible for the entire game on normal.

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The Tellius games are the easiest ones in my opinion.

FE9 just has very weak enemies in general and FE10 gives you such an abundance of powerful ressources, there really isn't too much of a challenge. I think FE10 HM has like 2 maps or so that I consider mildly annoying.

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I don't know if we're going by easiest or hardest difficulty, but either way, it's Sacred Stones hands down, though Shadow Dragon comes close in the former scenario. (SS Easy mode is like "lol nearly all promoted enemies have their base stats", and Normal isn't much of an improvement)

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