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Felicia and Flora need a bit a statistical work as they got their skills already.
Kaze's Def will be hard to cap.
Saizou's getting there!
Kagarou's getting there!
Cherie is only 4 HP away from capping it!
Ryoma is maxed!
Anri is close!
Rinka is getting her HP capped soon!
Elise is near maxed!
Kanna is near maxed!
Ephanie has gotten her skills. Getting trained on the IK path as she went through two rounds of Nohr already!
Sakura is getting reworked to get Rally Res along with buying these other skills off of the logbook one!
Misama and other one are done getting their skills!
Foleo couldn't figure out on what to do with him, so he's a rally bot now! After using him on Nohr two times!
Yukimura (Lezard Valeth) has got his skills!
Izana is near maxed.
Midoriko(Mozume) is about maxed!
Crimson is near done!
Effie will be used in another run soon to max out her stats!
Mozume is near done! She is deadly even without Luna. Now she's even more dangerous.
Setsuna is near done! She is now a bow user from the moon goddess! Fitting for her bubbly and naive nature!
Oboro is now a revenge sweeper!
Fuuga is near done!
Midoriko(Camilla!) Now a great gold coveter!
Triton just needs Proximity Shot and he's done!
Benoit is a great Tank. Use him!
Camilla is near done!
Deimos is nearly done! The man from the moon and stars. Dodges like one too.
Nishiki is about done!
Kine is about done!
Orochi is getting redone to get her Speed Seal along with 4 of these other skills and she's done!
Yuugiri just needs Luna which she is getting from the avatar and she's done! Getting redone for that!
Aqua/Azure is getting Astra and she's done! Getting redone for that!
Hana is near done!
Syalla is near done!
The amiibo characters got theirs and are near done!
Anna is near done! She's been redone twice to get her Pavise, Luna and Aegis.
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I don't have any regular logbook characters worth showing off, but here's a few of my captured and amiibo units I've saved:



My two amiibo units, Marth and Ike. I have Lucina as well but she hasn't been trained. Still waiting for a Robin amiibo restock so I don't have to pay scalper prices.


Boss of Ch. 9 Nohr, he put in some serious work in my Lunatic run, either fighting or simply providing support with his Defense Rally.


Senou, my favorite capturable boss. I even used him in PvP for a while, but as expected that didn't work out too well lol


My file just wouldn't be complete without a representative from Fire Emblem's resident underdog class. It was a pain to find a Lancer with the skills I wanted, but I eventually lucked out with this guy who had Lancefaire, Defensive Formation, Confined Defense, and Cut Through.

I want to raise a few more of the captured boss units, namely Nacht, but they will have to wait until I'm done with all the regular characters' level and skills, and grinding for renown online has kept me quite busy as well.

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How the hell did you have an Anna with Aegis, Luna and Pavise? Buddy seal?

(Also, i've noticed that a few of the female units have Aether. How is this a thing? I thought you could only get 1 great lord seal.)

Edited by Raccoon844
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How the hell did you have an Anna with Aegis, Luna and Pavise? Buddy seal?

(Also, i've noticed that a few of the female units have Aether. How is this a thing? I thought you could only get 1 great lord seal.)

You can buy skills for Anna via MC battles, including hacked ones. You can also use Marriage Seal to get Kamui's second class line, which I assumed is what OP has been doing.

There are some Aether scrolls available in the Vanguard DLC. Or simply hacking.

Edited by Ryo
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