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No LTC playthroughs yet?


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Rinka has 21/21 and did something I'm glad


RIP Rinka in the next attempt though. I finished with an extra rescue charge so I can use that to get that 1 tile distance I need for the 1 turn of 24. Her pair up bonuses for Baki and Kaze where greatly appreciated though, but the exp needs to go to Hinoka and Kamui.

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That makes sense. Also blanked on him not being able to 2-range enemy phase so that alone would naturally lower his numbers from what I was expecting.

Guessing you went Paladin?

Yeah I went Paladin. Great Knight had lower move and Silas didn't need the extra offense or Luna. Pretty much everyone aside from Hinoka and Kamui got relegated to clean up duty once Ryoma and Crimson arrived. Silas was king of the clean up though.

My other promotions/class changes since we are on the topic were Kamui -> Ninja ->Elite Ninja, Felicia ->Strategist->Bow Knight, Kaze/Saizou - Elite Ninja, Oboro -> Holy Lancer, Takumi -> Holy Bowman, Baki/Hinoka/Shigure - Falcon Knight. And that was pretty much it in terms of class changes. On the rerun I'll promote Saizou and Oboro at level 10 since they can help a lot in some routes/clean up and they don't actually need good stats to help in the late game since they have debuffs. Though insta-promoted Kagerou may be better than Saizou in LTC.

Edited by Shephen
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Did you use any rank bonus weapons for Kamui or did you time his ninja promote for after the good stuff was available in-game? Ninja definitely makes sense though regardless, due to his unique weapon buffs applying just for being in his inventory and general ninja utility on top of those boosts. Ryoma likely dictates his movement so a higher movement class likely wouldn't do him many favors and nothing else can 1-2 range with as much versatility.

edit: I guess the first question brings up another point: what did you do with arms scrolls, just dump them all on kamui for shuriken?

Edited by lysander
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Did you use any rank bonus weapons for Kamui or did you time his ninja promote for after the good stuff was available in-game? Ninja definitely makes sense though regardless, due to his unique weapon buffs applying just for being in his inventory and general ninja utility on top of those boosts. Ryoma likely dictates his movement so a higher movement class likely wouldn't do him many favors and nothing else can 1-2 range with as much versatility.

edit: I guess the first question brings up another point: what did you do with arms scrolls, just dump them all on kamui for shuriken?

I didn't use any of the rank/visitor or the link items. I did a +Str/-Luck Kamui and reclassed to Ninja right after chapter 7. He reached D Shurikens like 1 turn into chapter 9 and reached C by the end of chapter 10. The real reason I went Ninja was for 1-2 range, and +Str is able to muscle through the low might of Kuni fairly easily. Also helps in clearing chapter 10 quickly. +mag also works, but I'd rather sell the Spells you get for more tonics and forges, and Kuni forges can be used by Kaze and Saizou as well. Ryoma was basically carried by either Crimson(when he needed more str and bulk), Baki(when he just needed to fly somewhere) and Felicia(when he just needed to speed things up). You can get a lot of mobility mounts in Hoshido, but most of them aren't good for combat. Thankfully Ryoma covers about 75% of all the combat once he joins. Ryoma also doesn't want to lose his avoid/crit bonuses since it makes his enemy phase worse and he needs the crit to bust through Generals/Great Knights as well as some bosses.

I used 2 Arm scrolls. 1 on Kamui for S-Kuni and B Swords, and another for Izana so he could reach B staves and use Misfortune of Sin against Garon and the final boss.

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  • 2 months later...

I know Gwimpage finished his Nohr Lunatic run awhile back. The google doc for it is somewhere. I was working on rerouting Hoshido Lunatic for awhile and kept a playlog for it that I was going to post when I finished the run. Got to Hoshido 22 then life and school just happened and haven't gotten around to getting back to it. Neither of us have Capture cards atm so it just be more of read than a watch.

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Neither of us have Capture cards atm so it just be more of read than a watch.

Yeah, one of the only things I dislike about the 3DS is that streaming or recording from it is a huge pain. I wish they'd release some official way to do so, I'd stream 3DS games almost constantly if it wasn't so difficult.

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Bit of a necro, but I did finish that LTC re-run of Hoshido Lunatic. Took 116 turns to complete. Turn count and Heroes for the chapters. And then here are the Unit records.

I do have a turn by turn log and unit stats recorded for every chapter, but I probably won't post them since they are pretty filled with little errors(I have Yuugiri listed as a 5 move unit for a majority of the run, and didn't even record a full turn). So I will probably just keep those as notes if I go back with the English Version.

There are still like 14 turns to be saved from doing female Corrin for Jakob, having Silas S-support Hinoka, training Saizo/Kagero/Sakura/ or Orochi and then just some better play in some chapters. Also not getting the A-support with Kaze would save some turns, but letting him die doesn't sit right with me.

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Are the unpromoted tome users even useful for LTC on any of the paths? It seems like durability is a big problem for them all, and Orochi isn't even all that fast. Tome access seems mandatory for some LTC routing, but Jakob's mag is poor, while Felicia has laughable durability, so your only bet is MU (going mage screws you over if you want to defeat Nohr/Revelation final bosses efficiently, and also renders MU unable to deal with Ryoma quickly in C25).

Anyway, this looks really ambitious and a testament to the fact that Fates is more LTC-friendly than Awakening on the highest difficulty (in terms of challenging the player and whatnot).

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Orochi is needed to save a turn in chapter 8 so she is useful there. She would only need like 12 speed for her to do what I wanted since Horse God, Tonics, Guard Stance and I can spare two speed wings for her(Only Baki needed a speed wing to double the chapter 11 pegs). Yomi is 100% useless though. Paladin Jakob saves like 4 turns in the early game not counting the prologue chapters, and the only real push for 1-2 range is like 10, 19, 22, and 23. 10 is 100% Kaze and Saizo power carry though. In Hoshido you can probably go +Mag something for Corrin, since most of the late game stuff is handled by Ryoma. I think +Str Ninja is the optimal thing for Corrin in Birthright though.

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Orochi is needed to save a turn in chapter 8 so she is useful there. She would only need like 12 speed for her to do what I wanted since Horse God, Tonics, Guard Stance and I can spare two speed wings for her(Only Baki needed a speed wing to double the chapter 11 pegs). Yomi is 100% useless though. Paladin Jakob saves like 4 turns in the early game not counting the prologue chapters, and the only real push for 1-2 range is like 10, 19, 22, and 23. 10 is 100% Kaze and Saizo power carry though. In Hoshido you can probably go +Mag something for Corrin, since most of the late game stuff is handled by Ryoma. I think +Str Ninja is the optimal thing for Corrin in Birthright though.

Yeah, Corrin can easily drop his sword access for good in Hoshido because LTC runs can halve final bosses' HP with their highest mag-score + B staves user (if it's not Izana, he can assist with Rally Magic).

For absolute lowest turn counts, don't you absolutely need a 3-range A rank kunai user who has Lethality and can deal at least 1 damage to a Faceless (Nosferatu?) boss in that one Boots chapter? I guess a bow user would work as well, but getting them both A-rank bows and Lethality is a bit, ahem, out of the way.

Elite Ninja in Hoshido is all-around great though, dealing excellently with magical threats and really bulky foes like Generals with effective weaponry.

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Sotra has to be Izana. Izana recruited at the very latest(MaS is only needed for 27 and E)has like 29 Mag and 32 Skl and only needs 1 Arms Scroll. Everyone else wouldn't have those stats or would eat up to many Arms Scrolls to get there.

Yeah for chapter 20 you need to do some convoy shenanigans to grab the Master Shuriken from the nearby chest then either proc Lethality or have an Attack Stance that does enough damage to kill(would have to go through all the breakers). Need to get someone to A shurikens though which is an Arms Scroll usage there. Also have Lethality is another thing, but that is the easy part.

It is more of for the movement boost in pair up(lets you 1 turn 12 without a rescue use) then being able to use the forged Killer Shurikens for the late game stuff. The high skill for Dragon Fang is cool as well.

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