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Any guilty confessions?


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Pretty self-explanatory title.

As for me...

  • I have, on more than one occasion, wished that I could marry the royal siblings to each other since the game already screwed up with incestuous overtones. A +6/65% Mag Foleo wouldn't hurt...
  • Speaking of Foleo, I really wouldn't mind if he put his father in cross-dressing.
  • I plan on marrying Midoriko on my first playthrough.

And not really a guilty confession per se, but something that would probably horrify the character in question:

  • I really want to cut off Takumi's ponytail.
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I was bored and purposely tried to get Sakura KO'd in Chapter 4.

Normally if you do nothing, Ryoma will reach the last Faceless before she takes enough damage. However you can cleverly position your units to slow down his movement so he doesn't get there in time.

I think Hinoka is basically invincible though, but dunno about Hard or Lunatic.

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Nothing big, but...

- I "skipped" certain Nohr Chapters (21, 23, Final, Ignis) by using units from others' My Castles.

- I got skills from other My Castle units and used DLC for grinding.

- This game has taken all of my free time. Even my dreams take place in Invisible Kingdom. やり始めたら眠れない indeed.

- This isn't specific to this game, but I don't have anything against incest in fiction. Having Nintendo publish something like FE4 felt really refreshing for their otherwise prudent catalog (although there are far better examples for Nintendo games that don't feel like Nintendo).

EDIT - Just got a new one: giving Foleo Demoiselle.

I was bored and purposely tried to get Sakura KO'd in Chapter 4.

Normally if you do nothing, Ryoma will reach the last Faceless before she takes enough damage. However you can cleverly position your units to slow down his movement so he doesn't get there in time.

I think Hinoka is basically invincible though, but dunno about Hard or Lunatic.

That's evil. I refused to fight her even in Nohr Chapter 22.

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... sigh, here goes nothing.

- On my Hoshido Lunatic Run, thanks to My Castle, I got a fully optimized Midoriko and I shamessly used her to get money, and as a bait. It was still hard to beat though, so I wonder if it's still fair or not.

- I often bought skills from other My Castle units.

- This isn't specific to this game, but I don't have anything against incest in fiction. Having Nintendo publish something like FE4 felt really refreshing for their otherwise prudent catalog (although there are far better examples for Nintendo games that don't feel like Nintendo).

That too.

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I was bored and purposely tried to get Sakura KO'd in Chapter 4.

Normally if you do nothing, Ryoma will reach the last Faceless before she takes enough damage. However you can cleverly position your units to slow down his movement so he doesn't get there in time.

I think Hinoka is basically invincible though, but dunno about Hard or Lunatic.

She's easier to die on the harder modes since the Faceless are packed with Defense Seals. :D

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I'm gonna make a Kamui based on Lachesis and then marry Marx.

But honestly, I'm not really guilty, lololololololol.

My Kamui marries a loli whose mother is also a loli.

And then his loli waifu gives birth to a third loli.

Basically, your Kamui marries a Midoriko whose mother is Sakura or Elise?

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I didn't want to reset when Lutz, Aqua and Elise died near the end of the game and purposely killed off Leon so Marx could beat the boss quickly.

I've had my eyes set on Marx since the beginning and was totally ok making a female Kamui just to do that.

I benched Camilla. I gave just about all my goddess icons on Harold and abused his weapon rank.

I really like the skinship feature mainly because it lets me see characters passed a portrait.

I find Sakura and Camilla the worst royals, and don't like using them.

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I like the skinship feature a lot. I'm all for more ways to interact with the characters even if it's kinda weird.

I love that I'll be able to buy skills. In Awakening, by the time I got the skills I wanted on my characters, they were way too strong. There was no challenge to the game at all no matter what difficulty. Now I can get the skills I want without having to worry about over-levelling anyone.

I dislike Aqua and Felicia. So much so that I want to send them to their doom asap so I won't have to look at them in the character select screen. Of course, it's all for naught because they'll only retreat and still be forced on me through the story (Aqua) and because I'll be playing as male Kamui (Felicia).

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I hate Kamui with a burning hatred that I've never felt for any fictional character or any person in general before. This is a guilty confession because I feel that it makes me petty to hate a fictional character this much. EDIT: Well, it makes me feel petty to hate anything this much …

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Like I've said numerous times before, I have a thing for Takumi. Even if he's technically your brother.

And I loathe Kamui, Felicia, and Azura. Kamui because they don't feel like me (even if I admit I like their concept as a dragon prince/princess), Felicia because I hate moe maid stereotypes, and Azura because she's an enigma wrapped in a mystery that never gets explained for the sake of her being mysterious.

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-I let Shinonome go un-recruited in IK all for the sake of shipping purposes.

[spoiler=Spoilers for a certain chapter in Birthright]-I let Kaze die because he married Aqua and when Aqua dies at the end I did not want her to be alone

-I spent more time in skinship then any actual chapters

-I married Pieri

-I grinded weapons so much, I had a +7 forge for every weapon that was not infinitely buyable

-In one file, I had it so every character had every skill available(With the exception of DLC)

-Basically I did a shit load of grinding.

And finally, what I fell worst about:

I let Zero die in Eponine's chapter, to Eponine ;____;

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- I am going to pair Elise with Suzukaze, even though he is like a decade older than her.

- I cannot bring myself to like Azura. She is just way too flat for me. Sad to see such a great design wasted.

- Even though my favourite character is Takumi, and Oboro is one of my favourite female characters, I do not ship TakuObo. I am just not feeling it.


I plan on letting Suzukaze die in Hoshido, because I will play it as Mamui first and marry first gen so someone has to be forever alone. At least this way there is a 'tragic' reason for it.

- I may or may not enjoy the suffering/tears of certain younger brothers a little too much.

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I have like Mozume not only of her lategame potential, but I also like her personality as well (a kind and caring girl who wishes to become stronger and be more self-confident so a tragedy that happened in her village will never happen to her again).

I'm gonna make a Kamui based on Lachesis and then marry Marx.

But honestly, I'm not really guilty, lololololololol.

Basically, your Kamui marries a Midoriko whose mother is Sakura or Elise?

Yep pretty much, or if Midoriko's mother happens to be Mozume (who is also roughly around Sakura's or Elise's age, if not a tad older).

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- I think Mozume is a qt pie and I want to use her.

- one of the reasons I'm not choosing Hoshido is because there's no pumpkin head to mother Gurei.

- i ship Kinu and Velour.

- I don't like Hinoka or Sakura :/

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My "self restriction" while playing Nohr Lunatic:

> No reclassing, no children, no using My Castle to buy skills and weapons or to recruit other people's units

> Fuck this shit, I'll reclass to learn more skills. Still won't use children and My Castle.

> If I cannot beat chapter 21 in the next 4 days, I'll start stuffing skills to my characters via MC.

> If I cannot beat this thing, I'll outright drop the difficulty to Hard Mode XD

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...even before playing the game, I'm a bit turned off to characters people won't shut up about 'cause that's just a reflex reaction for me and my heart is just so full of petty spite

If you don't want to answer that's fine, but I'm curious... who are the characters? :0

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